'This is going to be a pleasure!' He laughed aloud.

Fifty yards below the drift where the road crossed the stream

Shermaine found a shallow pool. There were reeds with fluffy heads

around it and a small beach of white river sand, black boulders,

polished round and glossy smooth, the water almost blood warm and so

clear that she could see a shoal of fingerlings nibbling at the green

algae that coated the boulders beneath the surface.

She stood barefooted in the sand and looked around carefully, but the

reeds screened her, and she had asked Jacque not to let any of his men

come down to the river while she was there.

She undressed, dropped her clothes across one of the black boulders and

with a cake of soap in her hand waded out into the pool and lowered

herself until she sat with the water up to her neck and the sand

pleasantly rough under her naked behind.

She washed her hair first and then lay stretched out with the water

moving gently over her, soft as the caress of silk.

Growing bold the tiny fish darted in and nibbled at her skin, tickling,

so that she gasped and splashed at them.

At last she ducked her head under the surface and, with the water

streaming out of her hair into her eyes, she groped her way back to the


As she stooped, still half blinded, for her towel Wally Hendry's hand

closed over her mouth and his other arm circled her waist from behind.

'One squeak out of you and I'll wring your bloody neck.' He spoke

hoarsely into her ear. She could smell his breath, warm and sour in her

face. 'Just pretend I'm old Bruce then both of us will enjoy

it.' And he chuckled.

Sliding quickly over her hip his hand moved downwards and the shock of

it galvanized her into frantic struggles.

Holding her easily Hendry kept on chuckling.

She opened her mouth suddenly and one of his fingers went in

between her teeth. She bit with all her strength and felt the skin break

and tasted blood in her mouth.

'You bitch!' Hendry jerked his hand away and she opened her mouth to

scream, but the hand swung back, clenched, into the side of her face,

knocking her head across. The scream never reached her lips for

he hit her again and she felt herself falling.

Stunned by the blows, lying in the sand, she could not believe it was

happening, until she felt his weight upon her and his knee forced

cruelly between hers.

Then she started to struggle again, trying to twist away from his mouth

and the smell of his breath.

'No, no, no.' She repeated it over an dover, her eyes shut tightly so

she did not have to see that face above her, and her head rolling from

side to side in the sand. He was so strong, so immensely powerful.

'No,' she said, and then, 'Ooah!' at the pain, the tearing stinging pain

within, and the thrusting heaviness above.

And through the pounding, grunting, thrusting nightmare she could smell

him and feel the sweat drip from him and splash into her upturned

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