'It's hard to tell.' Bruce strained his eyes. 'I

don't think SO.

'No.' Ruffy's voice was soft and very deep. 'They wouldn't waste the

women. I'd guess they've got them up at the hotel, taking it in turn to

give them the business. Four women only - they won't last till morning.

Those bastards down there could shag an elephant to death.' He spat

thoughtfully into the gravel at his feet. 'What you going to do, boss?'

Bruce did not answer for a minute; he swung the glasses slowly back

across the town. The field gun was still standing where he had last seen

it, its barrel pointing accusingly up towards him. The transports were

parked before the Union Mini6re offices; he could see the brilliant

yellow and red paint and the Shell sign on the tanker. I

hope it's full, Bruce thought, we'll need plenty of gasoline to get us

back to Elisabethville.

'Ruffy, you'd better tell your boys to keep their bullets away from that

tanker, otherwise it'll be a long walk home.'

'I'll tell them,' grunted Ruffy. 'But you know these mad Arabs - once

they start shooting they don't stop till they're out of bullets, and

they not too fussy where those bullets go. 'We'll split into two groups

when we get

to the bottom of the hill. You and I will take our lot through the edge

of the swamp and cross to the far side of the town. Tell

Lieutenant Hendry to come here.' Bruce waited until Wally came forward

to join them, and when the three of them crouched together he went on.

'Hendry, I want you to spread your men out at the top of the main street

- there in the darkness on this side of the station. Ruffy and

I are going to cross the edge of the swamp to the causeway and lay out

on the far side. For God's sake keep your boys quiet until Ruffy and I

hit them - all we need is for your lot to start pooping off before we

are ready and we won't need those lorries, we'll need coffins for the

rest of out journey. Do you understand me?'

'Okay, okay, I know what

I'm doing,' muttered Wally.

I hope So,' said Bruce, and then went on. 'We'll hit them at four

o'clock tomorrow morning, just before first light. Ruffy and I will go

into the town and bomb the hotel - that's where most of them will be

sleeping. The grenades should force the survivors into the street and as

soon as that happens you can open up - but not before. Wait until you

get them in the open. Is that clear?'

'Jesus,' growled Hendry.

'Do you think I'm a bloody fool, do you think I can't understand


'The crossfire from the two groups should wipe most of them out.' Bruce

ignored Wally's outburst. 'But we mustn't give the remainder a chance to

organize. Hit them hard and as soon as they take cover again you must

follow them in close with them and finish them off. If we can't get it

over in five to ten minutes then we are going to be in trouble.

They outnumber us three to one, so we have to exploit the element of

surprise to the full.'

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