'It doesn't matter,' she answered quietly, out of the darkness. 'I am strong enough to suffer, and live. Other girls in my place would have been happier—they would have suffered, and died. It doesn't matter; it will be all the same a hundred years hence. Is he coming again tomorrow morning at seven o'clock?'
'He is coming, if you feel no objection to it.'
'I have no objection to make; I have done with objecting. But I should like to have the time altered. I don't look my best in the early morning—-I have bad nights, and I rise haggard and worn. Write him a note this evening, and tell him to come at twelve o'clock.'
'Twelve is rather late, under the circumstances, for you to be seen out walking.'
'I have no intention of walking. Let him be shown into the parlor—'
Her voice died away in silence before she ended the sentence.
'Yes?' said Captain Wragge.
'And leave me alone in the parlor to receive him.'
'I understand,' said the captain. 'An admirable idea. I'll be out of the way in the dining-room while he is here, and you can come and tell me about it when he has gone.'
There was another moment of silence.
'Is there no way but telling you?' she asked, suddenly. 'I can control myself while he is with me, but I can't answer for what I may say or do afterward. Is there no other way?'
'Plenty of ways,' said the captain. 'Here is the first that occurs to me. Leave the blind down over the window of your room upstairs before he comes. I will go out on the beach, and wait there within sight of the house. When I see him come out again, I will look at the window. If he has said nothing, leave the blind down. If he has made you an offer, draw the blind up. The signal is simplicity itself; we can't misunderstand each other. Look your best to- morrow! Make sure of him, my dear girl—make sure of him, if you possibly can.'
He had spoken loud enough to feel certain that she had heard him, but no answering word came from her. The dead silence was only disturbed by the rustling of her dress, which told him she had risen from her chair. Her shadowy presence crossed the room again; the door shut softly; she was gone. He rang the bell hurriedly for the lights. The servant found him standing close at the window, looking less self-possessed than usual. He told her he felt a little poorly, and sent her to the cupboard for the brandy.
At a few minutes before twelve the next day Captain Wragge withdrew to his post of observation, concealing himself behind a fishing-boat drawn up on the beach. Punctually as the hour struck, he saw Noel Vanstone approach North Shingles and open the garden gate. When the house door had closed on the visitor, Captain Wragge settled himself comfortably against the side of the boat and lit his cigar.
He smoked for half an hour—for ten minutes over the half-hour, by his watch. He finished the cigar down to the last morsel of it that he could hold in his lips. Just as he had thrown away the end, the door opened again and Noel Vanstone came out.
The captain looked up instantly at Magdalen's window. In the absorbing excitement of the moment, he counted the seconds. She might get from the parlor to her own room in less than a minute. He counted to thirty, and nothing happened. He counted to fifty, and nothing happened. He gave up counting, and left the boat impatiently, to return to the house.
As he took his first step forward he saw the signal.
The blind was drawn up.
Cautiously ascending the eminence of the beach, Captain Wragge looked toward Sea-view Cottage before he showed himself on the Parade. Noel Vanstone had reached home again; he was just entering his own door.
'If all your money was offered me to stand in your shoes,' said the captain, looking after him—'rich as you are, I wouldn't take it!'
ON returning to the house, Captain Wragge received a significant message from the servant. 'Mr. Noel Vanstone would call again at two o'clock that afternoon, when he hoped to have the pleasure of finding Mr. Bygrave at home.'
The captain's first inquiry after hearing this message referred to Magdalen. 'Where was Miss Bygrave?' 'In her own room.' 'Where was Mrs. Bygrave?' 'In the back parlor.' Captain Wragge turned his steps at once in the latter direction, and found his wife, for the second time, in tears. She had been sent out of Magdalen's room for the whole day, and she was at her wits' end to know what she had done to deserve it. Shortening her lamentations without ceremony, her husband sent her upstairs on t he spot, with instructions to knock at the door, and to inquire whether Magdalen could give five minutes' attention to a question of importance which must be settled before two o'clock.
The answer returned was in the negative. Magdalen requested that the subject on which she was asked to decide might be mentioned to her in writing. She engaged to reply in the same way, on the understanding that Mrs. Wragge, and not the servant, should be employed to deliver the note and to take back the answer.
Captain Wragge forthwith opened his paper-case and wrote these lines: 'Accept my warmest congratulations on the result of your interview with Mr. N. V. He is coming again at two o'clock—no doubt to make his proposals in due form. The question to decide is, whether I shall press him or not on the subject of settlements. The considerations for your own mind are two in number. First, whether the said pressure (without at all underrating your influence over him) may not squeeze for a long time before it squeezes money out of Mr. N. V. Secondly, whether we are altogether justified—considering our present position toward a certain sharp practitioner in petticoats—in running the risk of delay. Consider these points, and let me have your decision as soon as convenient.'
The answer returned to this note was written in crooked, blotted characters, strangely unlike Magdalen's usually firm and clear handwriting. It only contained these words: 'Give yourself no trouble about settlements. Leave the use to which he is to put his money for the future in my hands.'
'Did you see her?' asked the captain, when his wife had delivered the answer.