or a friend—?'

'An enemy,' she answered, quickly.

Her reply might still have kept the captain in the dark—but her eyes enlightened him. 'Michael Vanstone!' thought the wary Wragge. 'She looks dangerous; I'll feel my way a little further.'

'With regard, now, to the person who is the object of these inquiries,' he resumed. 'Are you thoroughly clear in your own mind about what you want to know?'

'Perfectly clear,' replied Magdalen. 'I want to know where he lives, to begin with.'

'Yes. And after that?'

'I want to know about his habits; about who the people are whom he associates with; about what he does with his money—' She considered a little. 'And one thing more,' she said; 'I want to know whether there is any woman about his house—a relation, or a housekeeper—who has an influence over him.'

'Harmless enough, so far,' said the captain. 'What next?'

'Nothing. The rest is my secret.'

The clouds on Captain Wragge's countenance began to clear away again. He reverted, with his customary precision, to his customary choice of alternatives. 'These inquiries of hers,' he thought, 'mean one of two things— Mischief, or Money! If it's Mischief, I'll slip through her fingers. If it's Money, I'll make myself useful, with a view to the future.'

Magdalen's vigilant eyes watched the progress of his reflections suspiciously. 'Captain Wragge,' she said, 'if you want time to consider, say so plainly.'

'I don't want a moment,' replied the captain. 'Place your departure from York, your dramatic career, and your private inquiries under my care. Here I am, unreservedly at your disposal. Say the word—do you take me?'

Her heart beat fast; her lips turned dry—but she said the word.

'I do.'

There was a pause. Magdalen sat silent, struggling with the vague dread of the future which had been roused in her mind by her own reply. Captain Wragge, on his side, was apparently absorbed in the consideration of a new set of alternatives. His hands descended into his empty pockets, and prophetically tested their capacity as receptacles for gold and silver. The brightness of the precious metals was in his face, the smoothness of the precious metals was in his voice, as he provided himself with a new supply of words, and resumed the conversation.

'The next question,' he said, 'is the question of time. Do these confidential investigations of ours require immediate attention—or can they wait?'

'For the present, they can wait,' replied Magdalen. 'I wish to secure my freedom from all interference on the part of my friends before the inquiries are made.'

'Very good. The first step toward accomplishing that object is to beat our retreat—excuse a professional metaphor from a military man—to beat our retreat from York to-morrow. I see my way plainly so far; but I am all abroad, as we used to say in the militia, about my marching orders afterward. The next direction we take ought to be chosen with an eye to advancing your dramatic views. I am all ready, when I know what your views are. How came you to think of the theater at all? I see the sacred fire burning in you; tell me, who lit it?'

Magdalen could only answer him in one way. She could only look back at the days that were gone forever, and tell him the story of her first step toward the stage at Evergreen Lodge. Captain Wragge listened with his usual politeness; but he evidently derived no satisfactory impression from what he heard. Audiences of friends were audiences whom he privately declined to trust; and the opinion of the stage-manager was the opinion of a man who spoke with his fee in his pocket and his eye on a future engagement.

'Interesting, deeply interesting,' he said, when Magdalen had done. 'But not conclusive to a practical man. A specimen of your abilities is necessary to enlighten me. I have been on the stage myself; the comedy of the Rivals is familiar to me from beginning to end. A sample is all I want, if you have not forgotten the words—a sample of 'Lucy,' and a sample of 'Julia.''

'I have not forgotten the words,' said Magdalen, sorrowfully; 'and I have the little books with me in which my dialogue was written out. I have never parted with them; they remind me of a time—' Her lip trembled, and a pang of the heart-ache silenced her.

'Nervous,' remarked the captain, indulgently. 'Not at all a bad sign. The greatest actresses on the stage are nervous. Follow their example, and get over it. Where are the parts? Oh, here they are! Very nicely written, and remarkably clean. I'll give you the cues—it will all be over (as the dentists say) in no time. Take the back drawing- room for the stage, and take me for the audience. Tingle goes the bell; up runs the curtain; order in the gallery, silence in the pit—enter Lucy!'

She tried hard to control herself; she forced back the sorrow—the innocent, natural, human sorrow for the absent and the dead—pleading hard with her for the tears that she refused. Resolutely, with cold, clinched hands, she tried to begin. As the first familiar words passed her lips, Frank came back to her from the sea, and the face of her dead father looked at her with the smile of happy old times. The voices of her mother and her sister talked gently in the fragrant country stillness, and the garden-walks at Combe-Raven opened once more on her view. With a faint, wailing cry, she dropped into a chair; her head fell forward on the table, and she burst passionately into tears.

Captain Wragge was on his feet in a moment. She shuddered as he came near her, and waved him back vehemently with her hand. 'Leave me!' she said; 'leave me a minute by myself!' The compliant Wragge retired to the front room; looked out of the window; and whistled under his breath. 'The family spirit again!' he said. 'Complicated by hysterics.'

After waiting a minute or two he returned to make inquiries.

'Is there anything I can offer you?' he asked. 'Cold water? burned feathers? smelling salts? medical assistance? Shall I summon Mrs. Wragge? Shall we put it off till to-morrow?'

She started up, wild and flushed, with a desperate s elf-command in her face, with an angry resolution in her manner.

'No!' she said. 'I must harden myself—and I will! Sit down again and see me act.'

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