‘Do you think there was a connection between the two terrorist groups, those who kidnapped Lavander and those who freed him?Kimura asked.

‘No,’ said O’Hara. ‘I think it was a genuine fluke. But it apparently scared one of these oil companies. They sent a man to test Lavander, and Lavander failed. He had become a security risk to someone.’

‘We recovered a ledger of his,’ Eliza said. ‘It contains highly confidential figures from all of the AMRAN oil companies, as well as others he worked for. The figures could be very damaging if they got out.’

‘Why?’ Kimura asked.

‘Because they prove that the companies have lied to the public about the amount of oil they have in reserve.’

‘And why would they do that?’

‘To control the price of oil,’ O’Hara said. ‘The profit margins are staggering — four, five hundred percent a year. The public thinks it’s because there’s a shortage of oil, when actually there’s a surplus.’

‘I see. Go on’

‘There was also a notation about something called Midas,’ O’Hara said. ‘And Danilov mentioned Midas to me. He said, “Midas is lost.”

‘And Midas is another question for which there is no obvious answer at this point,’ said Kimura. ‘So, now we have six questions unanswered. First, why was the man killed in Hawaii? Second, where was this dish of Bridges’ taken and what is it for? Third, what is Midas? Fourth, why was this man Lavander assassinated? Fifth, why was the oil rig sabotaged?

And finally, why was the Italian car blown up? Is that correct?’

‘Right,’ said O’Hara.

‘Is there anything else?’

‘Yes,’ said O’Hara, ‘what was Tony Falmouth doing here?’

‘Perhaps the most revealing question of all,’ said Kimura. ‘But we will hold it for a few more minutes. Do you still believe Chameleon is alive, Kazuo?’

‘I’m looking at him,’ O’Hara said.

‘And the Chameleon you seek was a Japanese agent in World War II, correct?’

O’Hara nodded. Kimura looked at Okari and asked, ‘Does this look like a man who served in World War II?’

O’Hara laughed. ‘No,’ he said.

‘We can assume, then, that they are two different Chameleons?’

O’Hara nodded.

‘So, we now have many boxes to peer through. But before we go any further, let us deal with this anger that is between you two.’

‘I didn’t come here to kill anyone,’ O’Hara said to Okari. ‘I came to find the truth.’

‘And what is the truth?’ Kimura demanded.

‘That Chameleon is a monster who destroys without feeling, who kills for profit.’

‘My son, you have been chasing a name, not a person. You have both been tricked.’

‘Tricked? By whom?’

‘The eikoku-jin outside, the dead one. He tricked you, Kazuo, into believing that Okari was your enemy. And you, Okari, were tricked into believing O’ Hara had come to kill you. You both chose to believe what was obvious, and yet you both know that the truth often hides behind lies.’

‘Then what—’

‘Tell me again, O’Hara, what was your purpose in pursuing Chameleon?’

‘To destroy him with the truth.’

‘And you, Okari?’

‘They have sent killers after me before Why should this one be different?’

‘Because Kazuo is not one of them. You both have the same objective. You both seek to destroy the same evil and yet you have permitted that evil to turn you into enemies.’

‘And Falmouth?’ O’Hara said.

‘An instrument. He follows you to Chameleon and kills both of you.’

‘How do you know that?’

‘Because I listen with my brain, not my heart. Why else? You yourself have admitted to me that the eikoku-jin told you Chameleon was the head of these mercenary terrorists. It was he who sent you on the journey because he was not good enough to find Chameleon himself. For what other reason would he follow you?’

‘I find it hard to believe, Tokenrui-san, that Falmouth was such a man.’

‘I admire your loyalty but not your perception. Why do you still trust him? He killed for money. Can such a man be honourable? Can he truly be a friend? And do you honestly believe that one who shares the Way with you is evil?’

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