girlfriend, Linda, and I decided to live together…' I thought, Maybe it's just a coincidence - two women named Linda, so…' St Claire selected one of the photos of Linda Balfour, a close-up of her head and shoulders, and handed it to Vail. 'She look familiar?'
Vail studied the photograph for several seconds. 'That's a horrible picture. I can't really—'
'I checked the records in Carbondale, where she and her husband got married. Maiden name's Linda Gellerman, from Akron, Ohio.'
Vail looked up at St Claire and his memory suddenly was jolted back ten years.
She had turned and run out the door and vanished into the dark, rainswept night. He never saw her again until a moment before when he looked at the picture of the dowdy housewife, sprawled in her living room, covered with blood.
'Linda Gellerman,' said Vail. 'Aaron Stampler's girlfriend.'
'I'm thinkin' maybe we got us a copycat on our hands here,' St Claire said.
'Except for one thing,' Stenner added.
Vail finished the thought for him. 'The Altar Boys.'
Stenner nodded.
'Who the hell're the Altar Boys?' St Claire asked. 'They were never mentioned in the trial.'
'That's right, they weren't,' said Vail.
'But whoever killed Linda Gellerman knew about them. Had to,' said