avoiding Priscus-suggested that the public celebration of Trajan's birthday had been a success. No rumors of ill omens seemed to have reached the men on duty at the east gatehouse. If the liaison officer had bothered to mount a guard, it must have been very discreet.

Relieved that he would not have to face questions about a cover-up, he hurried down the street toward Merula's. It occurred to him as he strode through the scatter of bruised petals, fallen leaves, and animal droppings, which marked the course of Trajan's birthday parade, that he would not normally visit a broken arm twice in one day. On the other hand, neither would he normally lodge a female convalescent above a disreputable bar guarded by two ex-legionaries intent on a quick profit.

He was almost there when a female voice shouted, 'Doctor!'

He looked up. A pregnant belly, followed by its owner, also clad in vibrant yellow and blue check, was lurching across the street toward him.


The woman, who was wearing only one shoe, halted and glanced down at his case again. 'Doctor?'

Ruso closed his eyes briefly and dreamed of a world where women stayed quietly at home and sewed things and understood the value of Modesty and Obedience-not to mention Not Turning Up Dead Under Suspicious Circumstances. When he opened them again, he was still in Britannia. He said, 'Do you need help?'


'Midwife?' he suggested. Perhaps he had an immediate use for Tilla after all.

A vigorous shake of the head suggested exasperation as well as denial.

She stabbed a forefinger into his chest, then waved her arm back in the direction he had just come. 'Hospital.'

'From the hospital, yes.'

'Hospital!' She turned her head aside and spat in disgust.

'Ah,' said Ruso, feigning understanding and wondering whether her guardians knew she had escaped.

'Soldier!' The arm waved back toward the fort and then indicated her own large form. 'Soldier!' she repeated.

Ruso shook his head in a manner which he hoped looked suitably regretful, and lied. 'I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about.'

'Tell her he'll marry her,' prompted a voice from across the street. Ruso looked up to see a veteran seated behind a workbench. 'She'll only have to wait twenty-five years.'

'Eyes!' declared the woman, ignoring him.

It was not the word, but the gesture, that sparked Ruso's sudden attention. 'Eyes?' he queried, repeating the gesture so that both hands gradually shaded his vision. He wished he could remember the man's name. 'The signaler? You're the signaler's girlfriend?'

She nodded. 'Signaler! Hospital! Pah!'

Another blob of saliva spattered onto the stones. He turned to the man, who he now realized was mending the woman's other shoe. 'Can you speak British?'

'Not me,' replied the man, not looking up from his work. 'Time they all learned a civilized language. We've been around here since Nero was in nappies.'

Ruso glanced in both directions, but the only people around seemed to be off-duty soldiers and a slave who was discovering that the street was too narrow for the oxcart he was attempting to lead down it.

'How near are you to finishing that shoe?'

The man lifted the shoe to his face, bit through a thread, and held it out. 'Done.'

Ruso turned to the woman. 'Come with me.'

He knew where to find a translator.

'Tilla!' Ruso called up to the barred window with the little pot of yellow flowers on the sill.

Stichus, lounging by the entrance with his arms folded, eyed the large form in vivid check before wrinkling his nose and turning to Ruso.

'Merula won't want that one, Doc. We got one that shape already.'

'I need to see Tilla,' said Ruso, just as her face appeared behind the bars. 'Tilla? Come down here.'

Moments later she threaded her way between the tables, ignoring the attention of several occupants who seemed keen to engage her in conversation and one who offered to kiss her arm to make it better.

Not wishing to entertain Stichus any longer, he led both women away from the bar. By the time they reached the fountain, a rapid and energetic exchange in British had made his first question redundant. Stop!' he ordered. 'Now that we know you understand each other, I want to know who she is and what she wants.'

'She is woman of the Cornovii,' replied Tilla, seating herself on a bench without asking his permission. Ruso placed himself at a suitable distance and the woman settled on the other side of Tilla and peered around at him.

'A woman of the who?'

Tilla reached out her good arm and swept it in an arc to indicate their surroundings. 'All around here is Cornovii land. Until the army take it away'

'I take it that's not what she's come to complain about?'

'Her man is Catuvellauni. They are a tribe who try to take over-'

'I know who they are,' said Ruso, who had ridden through the pleasantly civilized lands of the Catuvellauni tribe on the way north from Londinium, but was no nearer to understanding what this woman wanted.

'Her man is here in the legion,' continued Tilla, in a tone that suggested this was nothing to be proud of, and adding, 'He is soldier whose eyes are fading. She says, Are you the doctor who say he can go to have his eyes mended?'

'I said we could try. It's a risky procedure. He understood that.'

'She wants to know,' said Tilla, 'why you change your mind.'

'I haven't changed my mind.'

Tilla conveyed this to the woman, who had plenty to say in response. 'She says,' was the translation, 'that her man tells her the new Doctor sends him to Londinium to mend his eyes and he shows her the letter-'

Ruso had given the signaler a copy of the referral letter, not because he needed one but because it gave Albanus something else to do.

'And she has packed all the bags and taken her son to her sister's house and borrowed money to go with him and more money for lodgings and today he goes to collect his…' Tilla frowned. 'Something to say he can go on the road?'

'Travel warrant.'

'He goes to collect the travel warrant, but the officer will not sign because he is not going. So now he is in trouble with his centurion for not saying his eyes are fading and she has two children and a blind man to care for and everything is worse than-' She broke off, interrupted by the woman. For a moment the two of them were trying to talk over each other. Finally Tilla swiveled around to turn her back on the woman. Her mouth was clamped shut. She folded her good arm over the sling.

'Perhaps,' suggested Ruso, ' you would be good enough to translate?'

'She is a very rude person.'

'That is for me to judge.'

'She says things about you. I say you are a good doctor.'

The signaler's girlfriend splayed her knees to accommodate her belly and leaned farther out from her seat. Ruso found himself being glared at by two women. He got to his feet. 'Tell her,' he said, 'that I am going back to the fort and I will have her man report to me immediately.'

Tilla stood and relayed this message with an impressive air of hauteur, then reported, 'She says he did not send her and she wants to know what you will say to him.'

'Tell her,' replied Ruso, 'that what I say to my patients is confidential. And that insulting a Roman officer is a very serious matter. She should learn to curb her tongue.'

The signaler looked pale when he showed up at the hospital. His tone veered between respectful and aggrieved as he explained the mysterious reversal of fortune that had fallen upon him. His centurion was now issuing a request for a medical discharge, but not before he and the comrades who had covered up for him had completed a month of ditch digging fueled by nothing but barley bread and water as punishment. Possibly in an

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