there. Association of Tuva Buddhists (Aldyn-Bogda) and Buddhist community of Tuva under the chairmanship of W.Sh.Kara-sal play leading role among them. Mr.Sandak was elected the Head of Tuva Buddhists.

4. In this way there are three independent areas of the traditional spreading of Tibetan Buddhism in Russia. Moreover, many independent communities exist in our country. Large group of them is the result of the missionary activities of the Danish preacher Ole Nydahl, promoting the teaching of the Karma-Kagya school. We have the addresses and telephones of 22 centers and groups founded by Ole Nydahl:

1. 123098, Moscow, Akademician Bochvara St. 10-а-70, tel. (095) 193-70-55, Dyomina T.

2. 310089, Kharkov, Frunze Av. 55-21, tel. (0572) 94-06-23, Starodub L.

3. 252001, Kiev, Cheliuskintsev St. 9-55, tel. (044) 228-74-09.

4. Zaporozhskaya Oblast, Melitopol, 4-Prodolnaya St. 36/7-45, tel. 5-55-23, Golikov F.

5. 330067, Zaporozhye, Prichalnaya St. 11-2, tel. (061222) 31-71-92, Bocharov W.

6. 294018, Uzhgorod, L.Tolstoi St. 33-67, tel. (03122) 3-27-32, Marusik E.

7. 454048, Chelybinsk, Yablochkina St. 23-5, tel. (3512) 34-81-35, Yerochin B.

8. 400113, Volgograd, Bulvar Engelsa 15-41, tel. (8442) 67-41-71, Parubok V.

9. 432030, Ulyanovsk, Ippodromnaya St. 6-1, Makarov O.

   tel. (84222) 31-90-05, Lena, Natasha.

10. 443013, Samara, Aksakovskaya St. 169-33, tel. (8462) 36-00-20, Perevedentsev D.

11. 664023, Irkutsk, Deputatskaya St. 41-Б-6, Tarashenko S.

   tel. (3952) 27-19-66, Orbodoev S.

12. 630008, Novosibirsk, Guryevskaya St. 76-41, tel. (3832) 66-23-48, Yaroslavtsev B.

13. 357538, Pyatigorsk, Vosstaniya St. 100-61, tel. (86533) 7-65-59, Osaulenko V.

14. Krasnoyarsk: tel. (3912) 22-40-47, Lyakin V.

15. Ekaterinburg: tel. (3432) 47-49-28, Budanova S.

16. Tula, Krasnoarmeysky Av. 38-95, tel. (0872) 27-26-45, Zhurtuhin K.

17. 236011, Kaliningrad, L.Ivanihina St. 2-40, Kostina E.

18. Donetskaya Oblast, Snezhnoe, Kirova St. 77-41, Shevchuk S.

19. 335004, Sevastopol, Hrulyova St. 12-49, tel. 36-75-20, Shevyakina E.

20. Buhara, Ulyanov St. 66-40, tel. (365) 2-43-53, Shakirov A.

21. 410026, Saratov, Slonova St. 49-60, Safronov V.

22. 445009, Tolyatti, Koshelya St. 62-2, tel. 26-25-70, Fedyakin A.V.

The Dzogchen communities founded under the aegis of Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche represent one more Buddhist trend. We know about 4 Dzogchen communities.

The other communities relating themselves mainly to Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism are independent. There are among these the religious union 'Buddhist House' and 'Datsan Gunzechoyney' in St.Petersburg, 'Padmasambhava Center' and 'Buddhist House' in Moscow, 'Vajra' in Donetsk etc. Other Buddhist Tradition, such as Korean Buddhist Tradition, founded by Reverend Wong Myong Sunim, Theravada Tradition are also represented.

III. Visits.

1. Visit of Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche.

On May 27 this year Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche arrived in Riga, Latvia. He was met by representatives of two Buddhist communities, who succeeded on overcoming dividing them obstacles, merging together after a retreat.

From May 29 until June 9 Rinpoche gave the Doctrine in Jurmala. During morning sessions Rinpoche's disciple Fabio Andrico taught Yantra Yoga, and during evenings there was Doctrine again, after which there were rehearsed Om-Ah-Hum and Vajra dances. Rinpoche transmitted knowledge on different ways: he practiced direct transmission and also gave instructions on main division of Dzogchen - Semde, Londe and Upadesha, on practices of Green and White Taras, Vajrapani, Guru Dragpo and Garuda, Long Life, Rushana, Manla, Guruyoga with Garab Dorje, Shitro, Pho-wa. Retreat was attended by over 200 people from Latvia, Estonia, St.Petersburg, Buryatia and Far abroad countries.

On July 9 there was carried out Ganapuja, during which Rinpoche has explained principles of life of Dzogchen Communities, basic of wich is the principle of cooperation: 'No cooperation - no realization. We all are on the same boat'.

On July 11 Rinpoche has arrived in St.Petersburg. He taught Doctrine in Buddhist Temple (on two - first and last - day) and in a gymnasium on Svetlanovsky Prospect. Here he gave Chod practice. Retreat also comprised practice of Yantra Yoga and Om-Ah-Hum dance.

Those, who feet necessity to continue Dzogchen practice gathered together for upholding transmission, given by Namkhai Norbu. Thus was organized Dzogchen Community of St.Petersburg - a small part of Global Dzogchen Community.

On June 24 Namkhai Norbu has departed from St.Petersburg to Moscow, accompanied by a group of disciples. On June 26 he began the Transmission. Studies were carrying out in gymnasium of a comfortable suburban rest house. In Moscow the number of retreat's participants increased considerably. There were people from Kalmykia, Buryatia, Lithuania, Caucuses, the Ukraine. Retreat was attended even by Sufi's and Krishnamurti's followers.

After Moscow - from July 9 - Namkhai Norbu came to Buryatia. On 10th day of lunar month - Padmasambhava's Day - the practice, dedicated to Guru Rinpoche, was performed. Larger part of retreat's program took place on the coast of Baikal, on the territory of military sanatorium. During nights there was performed several times Chod rite. Retreat was attended by local shamans, who had a talk with Rinpoche. Retreat ended on July 16. During the last day Rinpoche demonstrated several methods of divination. The last night Chod rite was performed again.

On July 18 Namkhai Norbu has visited Ivolginsky Datsan, and on July 19 Norbu Rinpoche took a plane for Moscow and then abroad.

D.Ermakov, A.Rudneva

2. Ole Nydahl's two visits in CIS.

Lama Ole Nydahl intends to visit countries of CIS twice a year. In this year his first visit began on Jan. 5 from St.Petersburg. Then, until Jan. 25, he visited Moscow, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk and Vladivostok.

In June-July this year there did take place second visit of Mr. Nydahl, which started from his arrival into St.Petersburg on June 19. After this there happened meetings with disciples in Moscow, N.-Novgorod, Ulyanovsk, Samara, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk. In taiga near Irkutsk during first days of July there was carried out 'Pho-wa' practice ('consciousness transference'), in which participated over 400 people. These practices will be carried out alternately in CIS' European and Asian parts.

After Irkutsk Mr. Nydahl visited Kharkov, Zaporozhye, Kiev and again St.Petersburg, where his visit ended.

Following the suggestion of Ole Nydahl, there will be adopted uniform method of naming Dharma Centers of Karma Kagyu school. Thus is St.Petersburg 'The Karma Legshey Ling Center' is renamed into 'Karma Choy Ling Petersburg'. I.e. center's names will include names of their cities.

Mr. Nydahl's next visit is tentatively planned for beginning of Spring 1993.


3. On July 13 this year Ven. Liamchen Gyalpo Rinpoche, notable Lama of Drikung Kagyu school, with accompanying him persons has visited Latvian Buddhist Center.

Arising of Drikung school is connected with activities of Great Tibetan Yogin Kyobpa Dzhigden Gonpo (1143 -1217), who continued the Tradition of Buddha Vajrdhara, Tilopa, Marpa, Milarepa, Gompopa, Padmadrupa.

Ven. Liamchen Gyalpo Rinpoche gave the Doctrine and the initiation in practice of Avalokiteshvara and explained it. After that the Lama arrived to St.Petersburg. Here he gave the Refuge and instruction on Compassion and Bodhicitta.

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