The rape had finally stopped … for a time. Then someone brought a huge artificial penis to Jean, the Coven leader laughing as she strapped it on. 'It's better to give than to receive,' she said. 'Well, baby, receive this.'

Jane Ann had passed out from the pain.

And now the words Jane Ann feared were spoken, 'Let the black mass begin,' Jean said. 'Bring the virgin child to the circle.'

Jane Ann was jerked from the stone altar and shoved naked into the hands of Coven members. Still their fingers would not stop the seeking of openings to her body. Finally, they tied her hands behind her back, the rope cutting into her flesh. They forced her to kneel before the altar as the black mass began. The Coven members sang their praises to the Dark One. Jane Ann, with a smile on her lips, sang God's hymns in a soft sweet voice. Even when a Coven member urinated on her, she continued to sing praises to her God. Her small soprano voice seemed to carry above the chanting of the hundreds of voices. Her singing infuriated Jean, the woman running to the naked, kneeling Christian, slapping her across the mouth, back-handing her, attempting to still the voice singing praises to a God Jean had rejected years before. But even with blood from smashed lips leaking down her chin, dripping onto bare, bruised breasts, Jane Ann sang to her God.

Jean became wild with fury, striking at Jane Ann with balled fists. Jane Ann slumped to the ground, bright lights popping like painful flashbulbs in her brain. 'Shut your goddamned filthy fucking mouth, Christian whore!' Jean screamed. 'One of you men come up here and stick a cock in her mouth!'

One did, ramming his maleness into Jane Ann's mouth.

Jane Ann bit him … hard, clamping down like a bulldog, hanging on with her teeth with all the tenacity of a Mississippi River snapping turtle. The man screamed and howled in pain. Jane Ann spat out part of the man's pride and joy.

Jean kicked her in the stomach. Jane Ann fought for breath, gagging and retching on the ground.

A small girl was led crying and whimpering to the black altar. Jane Ann recognized the child as the daughter of a friend. Carol. She was eleven. Jane Ann struggled to her knees. Speaking around the blood in her mouth, she told the child, 'I can do … I can only pray for you, Carol.'

The man who now possessed only half a penis was still screaming in pain as he was led away.

'Oh, no, Carol,' Jean said, patting the girl's head. 'She can do so much more than that. She can save you all he pain and hurt. Yes, she can. Just ask her.' The child turned anguished eyes to the bound, naked woman kneeling in the dirt. 'Do it, Miss Jane Ann. Please?'

'You rotten bitch!' Jane Ann cursed Jean.

The woman laughed and spat at her. 'Ball's in your court, now, Miss Prissy Pussy. All you have to do is renounce your faith in your God and the kid goes free. And that message comes straight from the Dark One's lips. How about it? Want to see Big Jake and his friends split this little cunt wide open with those peckers of theirs?'

'1 will not deny my God,' Jane Ann said. 'And He will not deny me.'

'Listen to the little cunt scream for a few hours, bitch, you might change your mind.'

'No,' Jane Ann said quietly. 'I will not.'

'Tell me this, Miss Christian Cunt: you people are taught that your God is a just and merciful God. Why then, would He allow this to happen? The rape and torture of a child? Come on, pussy, tell me.'

'You know I can't answer that, except to say that after the pain there is a home where there is no pain. Where His people can live in …'

Jean kicked her in the stomach, silencing her. 'Oh, don't hand me that mumbo jumbo. I'm sick of hearing all that shit!' She raised her hands into the air. 'Let the mass begin.'

And the crowd surged forward, all straining to see the girl raped and tortured and offered up to their Dark Master in sacrifice.

Jane Ann had thought the pitiful weeping and screaming of the child would never cease, and she knew she had never before in her life prayed so fervently. Certainly she had never prayed for the death of a child. Until now.

Selected men of the Coven had assaulted the child in every conceivable manner, until her blood dripped from the altar. And Jane Ann had been forced to stand by the altar and watch. She had prayed with her eyes open, for when she shut them a fist would bruise her battered flesh until she opened them.

Just before the hideous sacrifice was to begin, when a chosen member would literally slice strips of flesh from the girl, the child shuddered, gasped once, and died, the blank empty eyes staring at nothing.

'No!' Jean screamed her outrage at this denial.

Jane Ann looked to the Heavens. 'Thank you,' she said.

Jean spun around, glaring at the smaller woman. 'You … you had something to do with her death, didn't you?'

'I certainly hope so,' Jane Ann said.

Jean's smile was grim, filled with all the evil within her. She looked at Jake, standing by her side. 'Break all her fingers, Jake. One at a time. Do it slowly. Make her beg.'

'You must prepare to leave,' Falcon stood over Roma's bed. 'We cannot risk harm coming to you. I have spoken with the Master, and those are his wishes. He told me you are very susceptible to mortal injury while you are with Demon child.'

'True,' Roma said, looking up at him. 'But where will I go? And how?'

'Use the tunnels. It will be difficult for you, but it is the only way. Now the other thing I must do. I have a plan, but it will mean the death of Black.'

She shrugged. 'He is worthless. He has plotted against me; plotted against you. Only a few hours ago he gathered some of the ones from school to scheme against you. As Nydia is no longer my daughter, Black is no

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