Falcon was not so certain, but he hid his doubts. He changed the subject. 'There was an … intruder in the house last evening. I am very much surprised you did not sense the presence.'

'An intruder, Falcon?'

The warlock's only reply was to lift his eyes upward.

'You are certain?'

'As certain as I know Nydia's cunt was tight.'

The mother took no umbrage to his statement. 'Male or female?'

'Male. A warrior.'

The witch and the warlock looked at each other, gazes all knowing, holding. 'So he has slipped out again.' It was not a question from Roma.

'It's been many years since that one took any direct action on earth,' Falcon said. 'Jeanne d'Arc.'

'That we know of,' Roma corrected him. 'I don't like this; that one has bested our Master on more than one occasion.'

'Don't let him hear you say that. You know how our Prince hates the warrior.'

'There can be no mistakes this time, Falcon. I must get Nydia and leave this place. The demons must be birthed. We can't take a chance on staying.'

Falcon's face showed his concern … and something else. Roma read the silent worry lines.

'What, Falcon?'

'My dear … I don't believe we can leave—any of us—until it is concluded. The Master might make an exception for you, taking into consideration your condition. But the rest of us …' He left it at that.

'What are you babbling about?'

He shook his handsome head. 'Not babble, Roma. I spoke with the Dark One's emissary early this morning, just before dawn. She told me that Whitfield is cut off; no escape. All is lost except for the taking of Balon's whore. That is why our Master returned here.'

'Then … he is here?'

'Nearby. Angry. Brooding.'

'But I spoke with him last night!'

'He is not angry with us. He knows the warrior is here—or at least suspects it—and is furious that his enemy would allow such a breach of the rules.'

Roma laughed. 'Those so-called 'rules' are unimportant; for the most part a myth.'

'But our Master believes his enemy should abide by those rules—since He professes to be so holy.'

Roma quietly picked up on the reversal of roles between herself and Falcon. 'You have suddenly become quite knowledgeable, darling.'

'Your time is short, Roma, and growing shorter with each tick of the clock. He has elevated me to a more lofty position here on earth.'

'Congratulations, Falcon. It was only a matter of time.'

He nodded his acceptance and appreciation of her citation. 'He is mulling over a suggestion of mine.'


'That we breach all rules of the game; kill the young warrior now, just after we call out the forces present invisibly at all black masses.'

'How did he receive that suggestion?'

'Well, I think.'

'It's dangerous, Falcon, and could easily get out of control. Have you ever seen the calling out of the forces?'

'Truthfully … no. But Black Wilder told me once, oh, back in Germany, three centuries ago, back when I was a young buck, racing willy-nilly about, that he witnessed it once. Said it was quite spectacular, in a bell, book, and candle way. He was quite young .when he saw it … about two hundred, I believe he said. In this life, that is. Said it came very close to frightening him.'

'It is frightening, Falcon. And in my condition, I could not witness it; too dangerous.' She was thoughtful for a moment. 'While it is dangerous, calling out the spirits, you must have done some research on the subject.'

Falcon smiled.

'I thought as much,' she returned the devilish smile. 'If God's warrior is here, that would infuriate the ancient warrior, and he would have to fight, for it is his nature to do that. Our forces might win—and I stress might—but if they lost, it would seriously deplete our od forces on this planet.'

'I took that into consideration. We would call out only those within a certain, prescribed distance of this locale, and only every other one, thereby insuring us a reserve.'

'Wise. When did our Master say he would reach his decision?'

'An hour before dawn, tomorrow. If our Master's reply is yes, a special mass will be called for tomorrow night —midnight.'

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