'We—' Monty hesitated. 'We didn't find a thing.'

'I just wondered. I just seen Will Gibson getting out of his car at the hardware and he looked kind of grim. Clothes all muddy. Walked kind of funny, too. O.K., Chief, ten-fifty and out.'

Joe sighed and Monty was speechless.

The cops pulled into the drive at the Balon house, parking behind Father Le Moyne's car.

'Uh-huh,' Joe said.

'What does that mean, Joe?'

'Means the shit is about to hit the fan. Look over there.' He pointed to the old orchard.

Sam, Nydia, and Father Le Moyne were standing in the center of the old orchard, the three of them looking at the cop car. Nydia held Little Sam in her arms.

The men got out and Monty called, 'Hold up, folks.' The cops walked briskly across the now rocky field.

Monty spoke to all and Sam said, 'What's up, Chief?'

For the first time, Monty noticed the big .41 mag belted at Sam's waist. 'You got a permit for that hand cannon, Sam?'

'It's registered,' Sam told him.

'That's not what I asked, but I'll let it slide for now. But I am curious why you think you have reason for wearing a gun.'

Monty felt Nydia's dark gypsy eyes searching his face. He felt she was picking his mind and was uncomfortable under her silent scrutiny. He could not hide his shock when she said, 'He knows, Sam. Or suspects. And something awful other than Marie has happened. That's why they are here.'

Joe grunted and visibly paled. The pull of the superstitious mountains was still strong within him, not fading with the passage of time.

'I was not aware you could read minds, Mrs. Balon,' Monty said, with a touch of irritation.

'It's something I picked up from my mother's side of the family,' she told him.

'Your mother must have been a very interesting woman,' Monty spoke dryly.

Nydia smiled. 'She was a witch. She was the daughter of Satan.'

'Bitch,'itch' Little Sam said.

Father Le Moyne crossed himself. Joe muttered a softly spoken prayer. Monty experienced a giddy feeling sweep over him, muddling his thoughts.

'It's all true,' Father Le Moyne said. 'Chief, Joe, there are many of them in this community, and very few of us. I suggest we go to the house and talk.'

'Them?' Monty questioned.

'Satan worshippers,' Le Moyne told him.

'I told my daddy we ought not to leave Kentucky,' Joe said, a mournful expression on his face.

Monty experienced cold fear as Sam suddenly jerked the .41 from leather, pointed the muzzle in Monty's direction, and jacked back the hammer.

'No!' Monty screamed.


Jon did not remember loosening the belt from Patsy's wrists, but the leather was gone, tossed to one side. She sat with her jacket around her bare shoulders. The young man seemed impervious to the cool late fall air. He sat naked on his jeans.

Patsy had become somewhat lucid, and could not believe the things she had done and had allowed to be done to her. 'When are you going to let me go home?' she asked.

'As soon as we fuck again.'

'I'm sore. You hurt me.' She was careful not to mention anything about going to the police, but she was thinking it.

'You'll enjoy it more the second time. And put all thoughts of the police out of your mind.'

'How did you know I was thinking of the police?'

His grin was pure black evil. 'I know many things I didn't used to know. I'll teach them to you. For I know you want to learn.'

'How do you know that?' A faint odor came to her, a rather pleasant odor. She inhaled it and it seemed to calm her mind.

'You cummed when I ate you.'

Her blush covered her from nose to toes. But she laughed, that odor affecting her perspective. 'I guess you're right. But what makes you think I won't go to the police?'

'Because it's too late for that. I just know. It's all been arranged by forces much more powerful than mere mortals.' He did not know how he knew that; he just did. 'I have accepted another—plan,' he struggled for the word. 'And so will you. I think the police are on our side.'

'Our side?'

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