Nydia's thoughts toward Sam darkened, clouds of anger and revenge colored her mind. 'I believe you, Janet,' she said, putting her arms around the girl, holding her.

'I didn't know what to do when he pulled me in the chair with him, Nydia. It scared mc. Then we lay like that for several minutes, watching those naked people have sex—and other stuff. It was really grossing me out.'

Nydia's eyes were dark pools of smoldering anger. 'Go on, Janet. I want to hear it all.'

'I told him that you'd wake up and there would be trouble, and I'd get the blame for it. He said don't worry, 'cause he had put something in your juice to make you sleep, and you could sleep through a hurricane, anyway, and so could Little Sam—he got that from you.'

'Yes, that's true. Sam is fond of saying that. Noise hardly ever disturbs my sleep. And I did sleep unnaturally hard for a time last night. It must have been the drug that knocked me out so and caused those dreams.'

'Sam said he'd been wanting to—this is embarrassing. Nydia. Wanting to make it with me for a long time. He said if I said anything about it, he'd call me a liar and you'd believe him over me.'

'Go on, Janet. But I probably can guess the rest.'

'I don't know if you noticed last night, when you came in the den, but my shirt was unbuttoned some. I mean, I had real quick like buttoned it up.'

Once again, the dark force entered Nydia's thoughts. She visualized and replayed the events of earlier that morning. It was as the girl said. She could see her buttoning her shirt. Could see her going to the TV and turning off the set. And Sam had been … what? Confused. Yes. That and red-faced, as well. And his clothing was rumpled.

Goddamn him!

'Go on, Janet,' Nydia bit at the words.

'Well, he—this is really embarrassing for me. Sam unbuttoned my blouse and unzipped my jeans. He-began feeling me. Nydia, I swear I didn't know what to do. I wanted to yell, but I didn't. I just couldn't. He had said he put something in your juice. What was the point of yelling? I just—I just let him have his way. He undressed me and slipped off his pants. He was real big and hard. He took my hand and put it on his—you know. Told me to jack him off; said I'd like it, he was sure.

'Nydia, I was so scared I didn't know what to do. He—got me wet. I couldn't help it! He was breathing real funny and saying really weird things. Scared me. Then he just picked me up—he's real strong, you know—and sat me down on him. He hurt me when he—well, how can I say it? Put it in. That's a gross way of saying it, isn't it? I don't know what would have happened if the phone hadn't rung. Then you came into the room and I was never so glad to see anyone in all my life. When the phone rang, Sam practically threw me off him and started jerking on his clothes.

'Nydia, I think Sam was drunk; that's what made him go kinda wild. It won't happen again. I can promise you that.'

'It certainly won't!' Nydia said. She put a hand on Janet's shoulder. 'Janet, I don't blame you. Don't think that for a minute.'

'Thank you, Nydia. I can't tell you how much that means to me.'

'Let's talk about this incident, Janet. Sam might have made you pregnant.'

'Oh, no, ma'am. No—he jerked away before it ever came to that. He got mad about that, too.'

'Serves him right,' Nydia said tightly. 'Are you sure, Janet? Be very sure, now.'

'Yes, ma'am. I'm sure.'

'Well, Monday I'll call my doctor in Blaine. I'll personally take you to see him. Just to be on the safe side.'

'All right,' Janet said sweetly. Monday, you bitch, she thought, none of you will be allowed to leave. You will all remain here—forever.

'Nydia—this has nothing to do with Sam, but I've been trying to think of a way to tell you for a few weeks.'

Nydia forced a smile. 'Now what, Janet?'

'Do you know Jon Le Moyne?'

'No. Is he any relation to Father Le Moyne?'

'Nephew. Anyway, the talk around school is that you and Jon have been seeing each other. Having an affair. Jon is supposed to be—well—real big—down there, if you know what I mean.'

That bit of gossip put the icing on the cake, shoved in the candles, lit them, and blew them out. Nydia turned and savagely slammed a pot into the sink. The handle broke off.

'Son-of-a-bitch!' she said. 'I've never even heard of Jon Le Moyne.'

Janet had to turn her head to prevent Nydia from seeing her smile of satisfaction. Everything was working out well. The name of Jon Le Moyne had been planted in Nydia's brain, and planted there by anger. She would not forget it.

It had been arranged that Sam would remember very little about the lovemaking; but just enough to fill him with guilt. All he could do was beg his wife's forgiveness.

And it would soon be arranged—only a matter of a few hours—for Nydia to meet Jon Le Moyne. While Sam would be conveniently away … with another woman. It would work. The Master was proud of Janet's plan.

Yes, Janet thought, today would be the day. Nydia would be harboring ill feelings toward Sam—and the Master would see they became blacker as the minutes ticked past. And it was being arranged for Sam to meet another woman. Everything looked good. The oldest rule of warfare: Divide and conquer.

Janet now looked at Nydia through different eyes. She took in the woman's lushness. For a moment, the girl allowed herself the luxury of erotic thoughts: images of her making love to Nydia. But she quickly brushed those aside, for the Master would not approve of that at this time. Perhaps when matters were all taken care of. But not

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