The warning lights dimmed, then cut off. 'Almost swallowed both feet, didn't you, darling?' she said with a smile.

He closed his textbook and pulled her onto his lap. 'I did come close.' He kissed her. 'But I'm only a man, remember?'

'I'll keep that in mind. What did Xaviere have to say about the new girl in class?'

'She thought the boys' behavior very funny.'

Nydia unbuttoned his shirt and tugged at the hair on his chest. 'Since Little Sam is with Janet, at her house … why don't we mess around some?'

'Got anything special in mind?'

She whispered in his ear.

'My pleasure,' Sam said.

'Is the child one of ours?' Professor Gilbert asked, looking at Little Sam but speaking to the group of men and women gathered at the Sakall home.

'1 cannot tell,' the daughter of Satan said, straightening up after her examination of the child. She brushed back her long brown hair. 'There appear to be no birthmarks denoting which side of the lineage takes precedent.'

Janet Sakall sat in a chair, a pout on her pretty face. She was rapidly blooming into full womanhood. Now in her fifteenth year, the young witch looked older than her years. She was quite pretty, with auburn hair, a shapely body, and fully developed breasts. Her eyes were pure evil. She licked her full lips, her tongue flicking over teeth that could become fanged at the blink of an eyelid.

Janet met the stare of the daughter of Satan without flinching. 'Why are we waiting?' she asked. 'We could take them any time.'

'The impetuousness of youth,' the Princess said with a smile.

'I'm older than you,' Janet reminded the young woman.

'In the way humans measure time, yes,' the Princess acknowledged. 'But in my veins race a thousand years of service to our Prince.'

'You must not question the Princess,' Bert Sakall admonished his daughter.

The Princess held up one hand, the fingers long and delicate, shaped like a pianist's fingers. 'She has the right, servant. She performed well at Falcon House.' Her pale gray eyes touched the eyes of Janet. 'You have the complete trust of Sam and Nydia?'

'Totally, Princess.'

'I see.' The Princess smiled. 'You have a plan, I am sure.'

'I want Sam Balon,' the young girl said simply.

The Princess laughed, exposing perfectly shaped teeth. 'You are worse than my mother.' She shrugged. 'Or so I have been informed about her. My earth father is a handsome man, no doubt about that. But tell me, do you keep your brains between your legs?'

'Of course not. But I have been chaste now for more than two years, at my Master's orders. I may be only a girl, but I have a woman's needs. Think about it, Princess. What man, young or old, does not desire a young girl? Young girls are the image of innocence, their flesh not yet tainted by the lusts of full womanhood.' She laughed. 'Or so men think. Should I succeed, Sam Balon would be guilt-ridden, and easy to control.'

The Princess of Darkness nodded her head and smiled her approval. 'Continue,' she urged.

'And there is Jon Le Moyne for Nydia,' Janet said. 'Divide and conquer.'

Janet's mother stirred at the mention of Jon Le Moyne. Sylvia Sakall, a woman in her late thirties, and like her husband, a devout follower of the Prince of Darkness, had dreams of the young man named Jon. She had heard of him, as had most women in the small community of Logandale. But the story went that the young high school boy was to follow in the footsteps of his uncle, Father Daniel Le Moyne. But the Dark One was soon to change all that, so the coven had been told. A female had been chosen for the young virgin boy with, so the rumors went, an instrument of love that would be the envy of male porn stars.

The Princess picked up on the thoughts from Janet's mother. 'You are not to interfere, servant,' she told the woman. 'The Master has plans for young Le Moyne. Do you understand all that?'

Sylvia Sakall bowed her head. 'I understand, Princess.'

'Yes,' the Princess said. 'That would be a coup. Nydia and Jon Le Moyne. Yes. And that might be the way to eliminate the priest, as well. And Sam, if you should succeed, would be so guilt-ridden, he could be controlled. Very well, I shall take it up with the Master. Your plan has merit, Janet. Carry it through if the opportunity presents itself, but do not endanger yourself or the coven or me. Is that clear?'

'Yes, Princess.'

The lights in the room flickered, faded into darkness, and when they popped back on, the young woman was gone.

* * *

'Please forgive me,' the young man prayed in the darkness of his bedroom. 'But I am human, with human needs and wants. I try, Lord, I really do. But it's so difficult.'

Jon Le Moyne struggled to fight back the erotic images playing sexual scenes in his young fertile mind. His thoughts, as always, were about the dark-haired wife of Sam Balon, Nydia. His mind replayed the scenes, each time adding new twists and turns … and positions.

Jon's hand crept over his belly and gripped his growing heavy erection. He struggled to keep from masturbating. He tried prayer. It didn't work. It was as if his prayers were going unheard. He did not understand what was

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