'To be sure. But of course there will be many, many more like Logandale.'

'Of course,' the warrior replied, his statement containing more than a touch of sarcasm.

The Giver of Life and Light and Hope chuckled. 'You're just annoyed because you missed a fight, Michael.'

'As the Devil Child said, 'This is not the end, but the beginning.''

'That is quite true. This confrontation will not be of the magnitude of the conflict at Falcon House, I am thinking. This one will pit pure Good against black Evil. Of course, I could be wrong.'

'Pity I don't have a stone and a hammer handy,' the warrior said. 'I'd like to save that last bit forever.'

The look the warrior received caused a monsoon on Earth. It did not bother the warrior.

'Are You saying I might yet be called upon?' the warrior asked.

The sigh blew across the heavens. 'Will you ever learn patience, Michael?'

'How many times have You asked me that?'

'1 could tell you precisely, but it would only serve to depress me.'

The warrior chuckled and took his place beside the Giver of Life. The warrior wished things would pick up in Logandale. He enjoyed a good fight.

When Sam and Nydia arrived at the Draper home, Little Sam was with them, for they could not trust anyone with him. They found a discouraged Father Le Moyne sitting with Noah and Monty and Viv Draper. Mille joined the group. Ginny had gone into mild shock and was in bed.

As briefly as possible, Sam told them what had happened that day, to him. Nydia picked up when Sam quit. She left nothing out, but was as eloquent about the telling as she could be.

Father Le Moyne crossed himself and muttered a small prayer when she told the priest about his brother and sister-in-law.

'You're certain Jon said my brother and his wife were fatally injured?'

'Yes, Father,' Nydia replied. 'And he said you would see them both tonight.'

'But of course I'll see them tonight.'

'I don't think that was the type of visit Jon had in mind,' Nydia said softly.

The priest looked confused for a moment. Then full understanding bloomed in his mind. He rose, his face masked with rage. 'That is unthinkable. Outrageous! I simply will not permit it.' He was gripping the large cross so tightly his knuckles were white from the strain.

'You won't have anything to say about it, Father,' Sam spoke. 'Besides, I would imagine the unthinkable has already occurred. And I doubt they were killed in any car accident. My guess would be they didn't get more than five miles outside of Logandale.'

'But—the state police called Jon,' Father Le Moyne said. 'How—' He trailed it off into silence.

Sam picked up the phone in the den. He punched the number of a friend in New York City. 'I am sorry for the inconvenience,' a woman's voice said. 'But telephone service is temporarily disrupted in the Logandale area. Repair crews are working to restore service as quickly as possible. We apologize for this temporary inconvenience.'

'Guess that 'bout settles it,' Joe said. 'We're cut off tight.'

Mille put her face in her hands and fought back tears. Viv went to her and put her arms around the young woman.

'We've told you what happened to us,' Nydia said. 'What happened here today?'

'Why—everything went just marvellously well!' Noah said, his tone full of undisguised disgust and sarcasm. 'Some creature from the bowels of hell came lurching down that hall,' he said pointing, 'and Daniel proved his courage by confronting the—thing. He was then verbally assaulted by that young fool, Hasseling. I finally ordered Hasseling from the house—and then realized it wasn't my house!' Sam had to smile at that. 'Hasseling and Byron Price then left together— ostensibly to rally support for their mistaken belief that all of us,' he said indicating the entire group, including Sam and Nydia, 'are candidates for the nut house because of our knowledge that Satan is present here in Logandale. We'll probably never see the two young fools again. And I, personally, would consider that a great blessing.'

'That is not very Christian of you Noah,' Father Le Moyne gently admonished his friend. 'They are of different ideological beliefs. They were taught from childhood to believe in Satan, but at the same contradictory time, to scoff and disbelieve in demonic possession and related fields. Their behavior is really not their fault in the main.'

'Very charitable and commendable of you, Daniel.'1 Noah stood his ground. 'But 1 fail to see how any so-called intelligent human could deny the existence of Satan on earth. It is simply beyond my comprehension. Richard Hasseling and Byron Price can, as far as I am concerned, go jump into the river.'

'Where is Father Morton?' Sam asked, wisely changing the subject.

'He went to his home. He, at least,' Noah said, not backing away from his opinion of Hasseling and Price, 'has the good sense to see beyond the end of his nose. He went to get his wife, Barbara, and their children.'

'Dear little Janet,' Father Le Moyne muttered. 'Such a sweet child. So gentle with children. It's—difficult for me to believe it about her. Jon—well, I knew something was troubling him. I tried more than once to talk with him. He would turn his back to me; refuse to speak of it. I should have known. I should have known.'

'Should have known?' Viv said. 'How could you have known? I still can't believe all this is happening. How can you say you should have known?'

Sam and Nydia both caught the look that passed between Father Le Moyne and Noah. The priest smiled. 'I— have been on speaking terms with the Dark One on—shall we say, more than one occasion, Vivian. And Noah knows him just as well—perhaps even more intimately than I.' The priest turned his eyes to Sam. 'But young Mr. Balon and Nydia know Satan far better than any of us. I, for one, am prepared to follow Sam's orders. I might not agree with all of them. But I think if we are to survive this—ordeal, we had best elect a person to give the orders.'

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