the saddle for some hard ridin'.'

Sam stood for a moment, shaking his head. 'Well, that tells me something then. I could swear Barbara was coming on to me in there.'

'That don't surprise me none, Sam. She's one we're gonna have to keep an eye on. I just spoke with Father Le Moyne,' he explained. 'He told me what you told him 'bout the Devil and all.'

'Joe, has the—have you heard any strange voices in your head?'

Joe smiled. 'No. I think Old Lucifer knows to leave me alone. I think he knows none of his whisperin' would do a damn bit of good far as I'm concerned. I ain't the most Christian feller in the world; I've sinned—mostly with women. And I have asked for His forgiveness. Don't get me wrong, Sam. I never messed around none on any of my wives. All my sinnin' was done before marriage or in between wives. But I never lied nor stole or anything like that. I just don't hold with that sort of doin's. I wasn't raised that-a-way.'

And Sam knew then that Joe might be killed by a bullet or knife; he was mortal. But Satan would never sway him by temptation.

'You're a good man, Joe.'

'I'm just a man. No better or no worse than most others. Reason I called for you was to tell you 'bout that preacher's wife. But you done put all that together. She's a real looker, Sam. That there is what you'd have to call prime. We'll both watch her close. I think she's a good person in her heart. But to put it bluntly: she just likes to fuck, and that sums it up.'

Sam laughed at the man's frankness of speech and continued his inspection of the huge mansion. The field of fire the house afforded was excellent. There was no doubt in Sam's mind they could be overrun by the sheer numbers—if Satan chose to go that route; but Sam did not believe the coven members would be allowed to do that. Too much danger of Nydia, Little Sam, and himself being killed. And he knew Satan had plans for the three of them. So it would be a war of nerves for a couple of days, maybe longer. Satan would attempt to lure the Christians into his camp with mental manipulations. Then, when that failed—and Sam hoped it would fail—only then would a lot of deadly force be used.

He hoped his assessment was correct.

'Sam?' Joe called from the downstairs.

Sam stepped to the balcony's edge and looked down. 'Right here, Joe.'

'That there Flaubert woman wants to talk to you.' Joe pronounced it Flourburt. 'She's waitin' by the gate at the stone fence, on the Giddon side of the line. You be careful, now. 1 don't trust that bitch.'

My daughter, Sam thought. 'All right. Coming down.' My daughter. And the daughter of the Devil. And 1 know 1 will have to kill her someday. If 1 can, that is.

Sam carefully checked his weapons. Nydia met him at the side door of the mansion, in the kitchen. 'You be careful, Sam,' she said, kissing him. 'It's a sure bet that while Xaviere is your child, she'll try to lure you into her bed to produce another demon child.'

'Tell you what,' Sam said with a grin. 'Any genealogist who ever tries to trace this family tree will be a sure bet for the funny farm when he's through.'

She matched his grin, kissed him again, and gently pushed him toward the door.

'My dear Sam,' Xaviere said. She was standing by the gate that was the only opening between the two estates. The gate was locked and chained. She spoke through the heavy steel bars. 'Or would you prefer I called you Daddy?'

'You'll be calling me a lot of things before this ordeal is over, Xaviere.'

Her laughter was loud and evil, mocking Sam. '1 suppose so, Sam. We all watched you and Desiree. You're very well endowed, Sam. I am looking forward to your making love to me at some later date. Poor Desiree. I had no idea she was a virgin.'

Sam said nothing. He continued to stare at the young woman through the steel bars.

'And young Jon Le Moyne had quite a time with Nydia, did he not? The boy is almost a freak in the sex department. But your wife certainly seemed to enjoy it.'

'It won't work, Xaviere,' Sam said. 'Give it up.'

'No, Sam. You give it up. It would be the wisest move for you to make. I'll make a pact with you, Daddy. Plant your seed in me and I'll let all of you leave. I give you my word that you all will be allowed to leave in safety.'

'No deal,' Sam said flatly. 'I won't make deals with you or Satan.'

She smiled at him. Licked her lips. 'Am I that unattractive, Sam?'

'You know you're not, Xaviere. But I wouldn't fuck you with Satan's dick.'

She flushed with anger, then caught her emotions and held them in check. She forced a smile. 'How crude, Sam. But I won't accept your answer. Not until you have had the time to think it over. For the consequences will be—ah—well, unpleasant, to say the least.'

'I can imagine.'

'No,' Xaviere said softly. 'No, Sam. I don't believe you can. 1 know you went through much at Falcon House. But this time is entirely different. You're on your own. No outside help. Let me give you an example. I will order the Catholic priest to be slowly crucified; the priest of the Episcopal church will be raped, by men, in full view of you all. I shall have the prissy little writer skinned alive. That should prove quite amusing, oui, Sam?'

'Go on, Xaviere, act out your fantasies. Have a ball running your mouth.'

'Oh, they are not fantasies, dear Sam. I assure you of that. Now let me see—where was I? Ah! I shall have the Baptist minister become a Beast; the Methodist to be beaten into submission and forced to become my slave. Mille

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