Satan was silent for a time. When he again communicated with the one whom he once served, he had calmed himself. 'Which is precisely the reason 1 hid the Tablet before leaving that area. 1 knew somehow You would find a way to jam Your fucking nose into my business.'

The Almighty directed His never closing and all-seeing eyes downward. 'What are you implying, foul one?'

'That You are a liar!'

'I shall take no umbrage at that. No, Prince of Darkness. It was not I who interfered on Earth. And it was not my warrior, for he is seated beside me.' The Ruler of Light looked at his old friend and companion. The warrior was sitting calmly, a smile on his lips. A rather smug smile, the Almighty thought.

Satan began shrieking once more and the Almighty blocked out the howlings from the northernmost regions on Earth and spoke to the warrior. 'Where is the elder Balon?'

'I haven't the vaguest idea.'

'You tell lies to Me? Here?'

'I have not told a lie in so many centuries I've forgotten how it would feel,' the warrior replied. 'Well— years, anyway. But I am being truthful with You. I do not know where the Elder Balon is.'

'But he is gone from the firmament?'

Without hesitation the warrior said, 'Yes. Would You like for me to search for him on Earth?'

'No, 1 most certainly would not Perhaps Valhalla was not such a bad idea after all. Warriors can be such a nuisance. They're all so scheming. Very well. So the father has once more gone to help his son?'

'No—I don't believe that is entirely the case,' the warrior replied. 'I do think that perhaps he has evened the odds a bit. I think that is all he will do. Leaving the rest up to the small band of believers. I think he will stay on, viewing the battleground.'

'And you would like to leave here to help Balon— ah—reconnoiter the situation?'

'That thought has occurred to me,' the warrior replied blandly.

'Oh, I just imagine it has.' The reply from the Almighty was dryly given.

Both were conscious of Satan's furious howlings from Earth. Satan was shrieking for the Almighty to answer him. How dare He block him out?

'Oh, shut up!' the Almighty roared from the heavens.

Minor earthquakes were felt along several fault lines on earth. Hurricanes formed and then died. Volcanoes puffed smoke and ash.

Then all was calm.

'See what happens when You lose Your temper?' Michael said. 'You really should try to watch things like that.'

The Almighty heaved a mighty sigh. He should be used to the warrior's needling by now. No one else would dare speak to Him in such a manner. 'Find out how Balon keeps slipping out.'

'The same way he always slips out. He's an adventurous sort. Restless.'

'Why would he be restless here?'

'Because he is a warrior. Relax. I don't believe the elder Balon is going to interfere any further.'

'Why is it your words somehow fail to comfort Me?'

The warrior stroked his beard. He wished he was down on Earth, with Balon, kicking ass. 'I haven't the foggiest,' he said.

'Sam?' Nydia asked. 'Why are you so uptight this morning?'

Sam had awakened in silence, and he had not spoken more than ten words in an hour. He glanced at his wife. 'My father is near. 1 can feel his presence. He is very near.'

'He's here to help us?'

'No. 1 don't think so. 1 don't get that feeling at all this time.'

'Who's here to help us?' Joe asked, turning from his post at a front window.

'My father,' Sam said.

'Your father? But—ain't he dead?'

Noah and Father Le Moyne sat quietly. Jeanne La-Meade sat beside the priest. The rest of the small group were at their posts, maintaining a watch from the upper level of the mansion.

'He came back before,' Nydia said. 'He met us at the Montreal airport several years ago.'

'Lordy!' Joe said.

Flight 127 came in and emptied its load of passengers. Sam knew no one on the flight. He and Nydia sat in the now deserted arrival area, looking at each other, unanswered questions in their eyes.

'Son?' the disembodied-sounding voice came from behind the young couple. Sam was conscious of a burning sensation in the center of his chest.

They turned, looking around. No one was in sight. Nydia dug nervous fingers into Sam's forearm. 'Son? Was that what the voice said?'

'Easy now,' Sam attempted to calm her. His own nerves were rattled.

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