they trotted between the girls legs and began licking and nuzzling their sweet little vulvas. The boys crawled over the girls and began having oral-intercourse with them. In my opinion, all those girls must have had very sore mouths.

After the boys had their orgasms, they got off the girls, and the girls got on their knees and elbows. Each boy spread the ass-cheeks of his girl, letting the dogs lick their red-eyes. All the while the gals giggled and squirmed.

The audience wiggled too. I gathered from observing the anxious faces around me that the women were about ready to explode, as sexually excited as they could possibly get-including my wife, whom I satisfied with hard and vigorous intercourse after we returned to the hotel.

What did I think of the Sex Circus. Well, it certainly was unusual. And watching it did give me and Tania ideas for new combinations. I don't mean with animals, of course. That's just plain nasty. But to each his own, I always say. If a man wants to fuck a sow or a woman get sucked by a dog that's their business, as long as the animals don't mind.”

Analysis and Conclusions:

A point that the average sexologist misses is that the Circus of Sex serves as a subtle medium of conditioned response in those who have watched human beings cavort in seance-a-trois-with or without animals. As we have seen, there must be a subtle depravity that inroads itself insidiously into the Id of those who, in the first place, would put themselves into such a position. Moral fiber cannot help but be weakened in even normal persons of normally-directed sexual motivation even those who, out of sheer curiosity, go but once to a circus. That once is often enough to cause a slow, festering cancer in the subconscious, giving the ruthless Id the chance it seeks to overpower the Super-ego.

We must ask: can any individual be sexually normal who attends such a perverted circus-regardless of whether the show involves human/animal relationships? An analysis of the sex drives of those in attendance would no doubt be as interesting as an intensive probe of the amorality of those who actually participate.

We do know that a number of on-lookers are active and latent scoptophiliacs, or, in the vulgar “Peep Freaks” and/or active or latent homosexuals. But how many are latent bestialists? There is really no way of knowing, the given number of any given group resting, out of sheer necessity, on sheer speculation; and it is not wise to speculate, even mildly, in the realm of sex.

The number might be larger than what one might think, if we could use as a yardstick of measurement the behavior of the observers who watch a circus; unfortunately such “evidence” is non sequitur and not admissible in the sexual court of inquiry we are currently conducting. People might be depraved-and the word is open to debate as used here but we must remember there are different forms of degeneracy. One addicted to oral intercourse does not have to be caught in the net of bestiality. Nor does a homosexual active or latent. Nor a woman who prefers fellatio or anal-erotic activity. “To each his own” truly applies here. Where do we draw that so-thin line? We draw it by saying that while the spectator of a sex circus might be suffering from a sexual neurosis, he does not have to have the illness of even latent bestiality.

We have mentioned the Stag Party in order that no confusion exist between this relatively innocent amusement form and the totally different Circus; while the former is a spring shower, the latter is a raging hurricane. The student of these complex matters might wonder why respectable men-a doctor, a schoolteacher, a businessman, etc. might attend such a Stag. We suggest, from our own observations and conclusions, that it is all a throwback to the primitive… the gathering of the males while woman stays home and takes care of kitchen and children. At least in theory, that is what a woman is supposed to do.

The male going to the Stag is actually looking for a kind of moral companionship. Favoring the sexy and the bawdy, his is a furtive, lonely kind of titillation. He goes to sublimate his guilt feelings. And any product of Christian moral philosophy, noble in its aim but unrealistic in practice, methods and end results, perhaps because Christianity insists on making men something they are not and never can be. A noble state that can be reached only by those fanatics content to replace facts and reality with hysterical faith.

In general, normally-oriented people go to exhibitions of sex for the same reason: to sublimate their subconscious feelings of guilt, and any product of Western moral philosophy must have a feeling of guilt. This is evidenced in their coarse behavior at such gatherings, in their remarks, which are not vulgar in the sense that the people who voice such remarks are deliberately trying to be obscene. They are merely removing the conditioned masks of their moral personas, revealing to each other their real selves, the sexual savage slumbering in all of us.

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