masturbating him to orgasm.

Sure getting licked by his warm tongue felt terrific, but I especially liked his precum. His precum tasted good, I looked for any opportunity to give him oral sex just so I could taste it. A full mating session with him was a major undertaking. Getting “tied” with him during sex was always a possibility. In case you don't know, male dogs have a round bulb at the base of their cock. When engaged in sex, this bulb swells and “ties” with the vagina. This ensures the female cannot get away until the male is finished mating with her. So I could only mate with him when I was absolutely sure we'd be alone for quite a while.

No human man could match his hard and deep style of fucking. I simply looked upon the dog as a live sex toy. One that was always willing and eager. The only time I could really have full sex with him was during the few times a year my husband was away on business. I always took that opportunity to mate with him. I knew his owners never checked on him during the day, so we had plenty of time for sex. The dog was always interested in sex, and constantly initiating it. I would walk around the house naked except for my robe, waiting for him to initiate sex. Usually he'd start nosing around between my legs while fully erect. I knew this meant he was ready to mate. I'd bring him into the guest room where we had small, platform style bed. We always had sex here, and the dog knew it. Sometimes I'd find him in the room fully erect waiting for me to come in. I still managed to do be with him even when my husband wasn't away.

Again, this usually involved oral. I really enjoyed getting him off. I knew he enjoyed having orgasms just like a human. So it gave me pleasure knowing I was giving him a sexual release. Sometimes I'd sit down naked on the couch and smear whipped cream on my tits, neck, stomach, inner thighs and pussy. The just let him lick me clean. The only problem with being eaten out by the dog was his tendency to roam too much with his tongue. It felt great when he was licking my clit, but he never concentrated on it enough to get me off. I usually had to masturbate, stopping right at the point of orgasm, and then letting his tongue bring me off?

Only one time in those two years did I ever come close to being caught having sex with him. Every Saturday, my husband played softball with friends. He'd leave at 9:00am and would usually be back around 3:00pm. It had been about two months since I last mated with the dog. So when I saw him outside after my husband had left, I decided to have sex. I had finished sucking him, enjoying his precum. I was just about to let him mount me, when I heard a car door closing in the driveway. Taken totally by surprise, I quickly got up and saw my husband's car in the drive way. I quickly threw on my robe and closed the door. Leaving the dog inside, still fully erect. My mind was racing as I quickly ran down the stairs. I was so scared the dog would start barking being left alone like that. How would I explain the neighbor's dog in our guest room with a fully erect penis? Luckily, he was still putting away his gear in the garage. When I came out, he told be the other team didn't show. I told my husband I really needed milk and eggs and a few other items. He got back in the car and drove off the store. I ran back upstairs and I literally had to push the dog out the back door. After this, I decided I'd better stop having full intercourse with the dog while my husband was around. The fear and consequences of getting caught was just too much. However, my when husband went away about 3 weeks later, I did mate with him again.



In the Paw

Helene Smith

I was 22 and dating a guy named Greg. He was nice enough and all, the family liked him. I was in love with him for sure. Our relationship was going well I thought but not everything was perfect. He would get into moods from time to time that made me question his commitment to me. As Christmas neared that year I was wondering why, during the month of December, he just didn't seem to call very often.

I got a call from Greg one day. He was wondering if I could meet him downtown. Sure I said where and when, no problem. We met at the appointed spot and time and went to dinner. It was a nice place, but that is all I recall now, as very shortly afterward the meal arrived at the table, Greg dropped the bomb. He really didn't have feelings for me as I did for him, and he made that very clear. I cried, he got a bit weepy but was not all choked up. The final blow was about to be thrown up, that he was seeing someone else and she gave him anal sex when I would not.

I wanted to die.

Then came the next guy in my life, His name was Butler, yes “Butler,” and he was the family dog and he seemed to know the moment I came home that day, there was something up, he wagged his tail at me when I arrived home but I was not paying attention. It was only later that I put the sequence of events with Butler together so that they could be recounted to you.

My relationship with Butler, who was three at the time, was not good. He seemed to ignore me and I him.

The week between Christmas and New years was tough on me as people were in and out of the house, family and friends and business associated of my parents and a few neighbors and some complete strangers. It seemed like an endless parade of the two-legged type. Since I was not interested in retelling the story, the kitchen and gatherings of girls I avoided like the Titanic.

Butler seemed to be around me more and more, I noticed as I did some things about the house. I had calmed down somewhat, and 1988 was going to be here in a day. I finally, really noticed Butler. I was in the basement “the games room.” He was there that day watching me and most of you know the look a dog can give you. With those eyes, which tells you, pat me or come here and say hi or I love you take me outside or who knows what all goes on in a dogs mind.

Early into the New Year Butler slowly, over a week or so, started to come to my room and visit whenever I was home. He would stare at me looking for the pat on the head and a bit of chit-chat. This guy was starting to really understand what it was a girl needed. I talked to him ear more and more.

One evening he started to come to my room and slept on the floor beside my bed. He was, as a rule, not allowed into the house. He was older now and no one seemed to care. He didn't mess all over the place, except when it was muddy outside and his feet needed to be wiped off A few weeks went by with me noticing that Butler was not missing any night now without sleeping in my room. No problem I thought, as long as he doesn't mess things up, all would be fine with me.

One night, about two in the morning, I heard him rustling about. He had put his head on the bed and was looking at me. I gave him the friendly pat on the head. “What do you want boy, I asked.” He just looked sad and a bit more whimper came out of his mouth. Maybe he was finding the floor to hard and wanted up on the bed. I helped him up onto the bed. He was quiet after that, and we both fell fast to sleep.

Getting on the bed seemed to become the norm. One night I had finished having my shower and dashed down the hall to my room with only my pink housecoat. I was trying to get to the room before someone saw me. While running down the hall, I gave Butler a very quick pat on the head and said hi boy. He followed me to the bedroom. I shut the door behind us both and lay down on the bed. Butler was at the side wanting up again, which was now the routine.

I helped him up and he lay down beside me. We both dosed off for a bit but I woke up suddenly because he shook the bed while repositioning himself. I gave him a friendly pat again on his rump, the first thing my hand touched was his cock in the mostly dark room. I was not under the covers and he had his head now down on my belly. I could here him sniffing something. It was my hot pussy he was sniffing at.

It was right then, that some thoughts crossed my mind that had never even been considered before, until that exact moment. Was he sniffing me because he was thinking I was a female dog or because it was just different. My mind was racing so fast I just could not get hold of it. What was wrong with me, I thought. This is not good thinking material. I shushed him to the floor. What was I going to do now? I am going nuts, I can not be thinking this sort of thing. I was a virgin and here I was thinking about having a dog as my first sex partner.

Вы читаете Taboo Acts: Loving The Dog
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