was complete. They only made him more serious. His temper was, and always had been, what is called even.
And yet, on this particular evening when Sarah had been instructed to put a hot-water bottle in his bed, Henry’s tone, in greeting his aunt, had been curt, fretful, peevish, nearly cantankerous. ‘Don’t worry me!’ he had irascibly protested, well knowing that his good aunt was guiltless of the slightest intention to worry him. Here was a problem, an apparent contradiction, in Henry’s personality.
His aunt, in the passage, and his mother, who had overheard in the dining-room, instantly and correctly solved the problem by saying to themselves that Henry’s tone was a Symptom. They had both been collecting symptoms for four days. His mother had first discovered that he had a cold; Aunt Annie went further and found that it was a feverish cold. Aunt Annie saw that his eyes were running; his mother wormed out of him that his throat tickled and his mouth was sore. When Aunt Annie asked him if his eyes ached as well as ran, he could not deny it. On the third day, at breakfast, he shivered, and the two ladies perceived simultaneously the existence of a peculiar rash behind Henry’s ears. On the morning of the fourth day Aunt Annie, up early, scored one over her sister by noticing the same rash at the roots of his still curly hair. It was the second rash, together with Henry’s emphatic and positive statement that he was perfectly well, which had finally urged his relatives to a desperate step—alist { height:34; width:100%; padding-left:2 } #channel-dropdown { width:80%; margin-top:3px; margin-bottom:5 } form { margin:0 } #videoTitle { overflow: hidden;} #videoTitle a { font-weight:bold; white-space:nowrap} #loadingMsg { position:absolute; background:#fff1a8; width:100px; padding:4px; text-align:center; display:none; font- weight:bold} #yt-thumbnail-plus-play { background-color:black; text-align:center } #videobar-tbl {height:36px } object,embed { height:100%; width:100% } #ytg-share {font-size:12px } #activity { padding-top:4px } .activityEntry { padding-top:5px; clear:left } .activityThumb { width:50px; float:left; padding: 0 6 } a#more- comments { display:block; padding: 8 0 } #yt-activities-list { height:270px; overflow:auto } #yt-activities-list > div { margin: 12px 5px } .yt-shared-video-title { font-size: 13px; font-weight:bold; color:#44c; margin: 5px 0; display:block } .yt-shared-video-thumbnail { width:60px; float:left } .yt-shared-data { margin-left:70px } .yt- shared-action * { font-size:11px } .yt-shared-comment { font-weight: bold } .new { color:red; font-size:9px; position:relative; top:-5px } #ytg-submit-comment { padding:0 }
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