newspaper away after a little pretended resistance, and would not allow her brother Harry to go on with his review.

“I’m the only lady this morning, papa, so you know you must make a great deal of me.”

“My darling, I think you have your own way always, whether you’re the only lady or not.”

“Yes, papa, you’re pretty good and obedient, I must say that; but I’m sorry to say Harry is very naughty, and does not do what I tell him; do you, Harry?”

“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean to accuse me of, Amy; I expected praise and not blame; for did not I get you that eau de Portugal from town, that you could not meet with at Hughes’, you little ungrateful puss?”

“Did you? Oh, sweet Harry; you’re as sweet as eau de Portugal yourself; you’re almost as good as papa; but still you know you did go and forget to ask Bigland for that rose, that new rose they say he has got.”

“No, Amy, I did not forget. I asked him, and he has got the Rose, sans reproche: but do you know, little Miss Extravagance, a very small one is half-a-guinea?”

“Oh, I don’t mind. Papa will give it me, won’t you, dear father? He knows his little daughter cannot live without flowers and scents.”

Mr. Carson tried to refuse his darling, but she coaxed him into acquiescence, saying she must have it, it was one of her necessaries. Life was not worth having without flowers.

“Then, Amy,” said her brother, “try and be content with peonies and dandelions.”

“Oh, you wretch! I don’t call them flowers. Besides, you’re every bit as extravagant. Who gave half-a-crown for a bunch of lilies of the valley at Yates’, a month ago, and then would not let his poor little sister have them, though she went on her knees to beg them? Answer me that, Master Hal.”

“Not on compulsion,” replied her brother, smiling with his mouth, while his eyes had an irritated expression, and he went first red, then pale, with vexed embarrassment.

“If you please, sir,” said a servant, entering the room, “here’s one of the mill people wanting to see you; his name is Wilson, he says.”

“I’ll come to him directly; stay, tell him to come in here.”

Amy danced off into the conservatory which opened out of the room, before the gaunt, pale, unwashed, unshaven weaver was ushered in. There he stood at the door sleeking his hair with old country habit, and every now and then stealing a glance round at the splendour of the apartment.

“Well, Wilson, and what do you want to-day, man?”

“Please, sir, Davenport’s ill of the fever, and I’m come to know if you’ve got an Infirmary order for him?”

“Davenport—Davenport; who is the fellow? I don’t know the name.”

“He’s worked in your factory better nor three years, sir.”

“Very likely; I don’t pretend to know the names of the men I employ; that I leave to the overlooker. So he’s ill, eh?”

“Ay, sir, he’s very bad; we want to get him in at the Fever Wards.”

“I doubt if I’ve an in-patient’s order to spare at present; but I’ll give you an out-patient’s and welcome.”

So saying, he rose up, unlocked a drawer, pondered a minute, and then gave Wilson an out-patient’s order.

Meanwhile, the younger Mr. Carson had ended his review, and began to listen to what was going on. He finished his breakfast, got up, and pulled five shillings out of his pocket, which he gave to Wilson as he passed him, for the “poor fellow.” He went past quickly, and calling for his horse, mounted gaily, and rode away. He was anxious to be in time to have a look and a smile from lovely Mary Barton, as she went to Miss Simmonds’. But to-day he was to be disappointed. Wilson left the house, not knowing whether to be pleased or grieved. They had all spoken kindly to him, and who could tell if they might not inquire into Davenport’s case, and do something for him and his family. Besides, the cook, who, when she had had time to think, after breakfast was sent in, had noticed his paleness, had had meat and bread ready to put in his hand when he came out of the parlour; and a full stomach makes every one of us more hopeful. When he reached Berry Street, he had persuaded himself he bore good news, and felt almost elated in his heart. But it fell when he opened the cellar-door, and saw Barton and the wife both bending over the sick man’s couch with awestruck, saddened look.

“Come here,” said Barton. “There’s a change comed over him sin’ yo left, is there not?”

Wilson looked. The flesh was sunk, the features prominent, bony, and rigid. The fearful clay-colour of death was over all. But the eyes were open and sensitive, though the films of the grave were setting upon them.

“He wakened fra’ his sleep, as yo left him in, and began to mutter and moan; but he soon went off again, and we never knew he were awake till he called his wife, but now she’s here he’s gotten nought to say to her.”

Most probably, as they all felt, he could not speak, for his strength was fast ebbing. They stood round him still and silent; even the wife checked her sobs, though her heart was like to break. She held her child to her breast, to try and keep him quiet. Their eyes were all fixed on the yet living one, whose moments of life were passing so rapidly away. At length he brought (with jerking convulsive effort) his two hands into the attitude of prayer. They saw his lips move, and bent to catch the words, which came in gasps, and not in tones.

“O Lord God! I thank thee, that the hard struggle of living is over.”

“O Ben! Ben!” wailed forth his wife, “have you no thought for me? O Ben! Ben! do say one word to help me through life.”

He could not speak again. The trump of the archangel would set his tongue free; but not a word more would it utter till then. Yet he heard, he understood, and though sight failed, he moved his hand gropingly over the covering. They knew what he meant, and guided it to her head, bowed and hidden in her hands, when she had sunk in her woe. It rested there with a feeble pressure of endearment. The face grew beautiful, as the soul neared God. A peace beyond understanding came over it. The hand was a heavy stiff weight on the wife’s head. No more grief or sorrow for him. They reverently laid out the corpse—Wilson fetching his only spare shirt to array it in. The wife still lay hidden in the clothes, in a stupor of agony.

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