expected, and Emmeline shared his doubts. The handwriting seemed just passable; there was no orthographic error; but—refinement? This young person wrote, too, with such singular nonchalance. And she said absolutely nothing about her domestic circumstances. Coburg Lodge, Tulse Hill. A decent enough locality, doubtless; but—
‘There’s no harm in seeing her,’ said Emmeline at length. ‘Send a telegram, Clarence. Do you know, I think she
‘To be sure. And this girl seems to belong to a business family. I only wish she wrote in a more ladylike way.’
Emmeline set her house in order, filled the drawing-room with flowers, made the spare bedroom as inviting as possible, and, after luncheon, spent a good deal of time in adorning her person. She was a slight, pretty woman of something less than thirty; with a good, but pale, complexion, hair tending to auburn, sincere eyes. Her little vanities had no roots of ill-nature; she could admire without envy, and loved an orderly domestic life. Her husband’s desire to increase his income had rather unsettled her; she exaggerated the importance of to-day’s interview, and resolved with nervous energy to bring it to a successful issue, if Miss Derrick should prove a possible companion.
About four o’clock sounded the visitor’s ring. From her bedroom window Emmeline had seen Miss Derrick’s approach. As the distance from the station was only five minutes’ walk, the stranger naturally came on foot. A dark girl, and of tolerably good features; rather dressy; with a carriage corresponding to the tone of her letter—an easy swing; head well up and shoulders squared. ‘Oh, how I
It surprised her, on entering the room, to find that Miss Derrick looked no less nervous than she was herself. The girl’s cheeks were flushed, and she half choked over her ‘How do you do?’
‘I hope you had no difficulty in finding the house. I would have met you at the station if you had mentioned the train. Oh, but—how silly!—I shouldn’t have known you.’
Miss Derrick laughed, and seemed of a sudden much more at ease.
‘Oh, I like you for that!’ she exclaimed mirthfully. ‘It’s just the kind of thing I say myself sometimes. And I’m so glad to see that you are—you mustn’t be offended—I mean you’re not the kind of person to be afraid of.’
They laughed together. Emmeline could not subdue her delight when she found that the girl really might be accepted as a lady. There were faults of costume undeniably; money had been misspent in several directions; but no glaring vulgarity hurt the eye. And her speech, though not strictly speaking refined, was free from the faults that betray low origin. Then, she seemed good-natured though there was something about her mouth not altogether charming.
‘Do you know Sutton at all?’ Emmeline inquired.
‘Never was here before. But I like the look of it. I like this house, too. I suppose you know a lot of people here, Mrs. Mumford?’
‘Well—no. There’s only one family we know at all well. Our friends live in London. Of course they often come out here. I don’t know whether you are acquainted with any of them. The Kirby Simpsons, of West Kensington; and Mrs. Hollings, of Highgate—’
Miss Derrick cast down her eyes and seemed to reflect. Then she spoke abruptly.
‘I don’t know any people to speak of. I ought to tell you that my mother has come down with me. She’s waiting at the station till I go back; then she’ll come and see you. You’re surprised? Well, I had better tell you that I’m leaving home because I can’t get on with my people. Mother and I have always quarrelled, but it has been worse than ever lately. I must explain that she has married a second time, and Mr. Higgins—I’m glad to say that isn’t
‘Do you wish to see
She left the alternative vague. Miss Derrick again reflected for a moment before abruptly declaring herself.
‘I feel sure that your friends are the kind I want to know. At all events, I should like to try. The great thing is to get away from home and see how things look.’
They laughed together. Emmeline, after a little more talk, offered to take her visitor over the house, and Miss Derrick had loud praise for everything she saw.
‘What I like about you,’ she exclaimed of a sudden, as they stood looking from a bedroom window on to the garden, ‘is that you don’t put on any—you know what I mean. People seem to me to be generally either low and ignorant, or so high and mighty there’s no getting on with them at all. You’re just what I wanted to find. Now I must go and send mother to see you.’
Emmeline protested against this awkward proceeding. Why should not both come together and have a cup of tea? If it were desired, Miss Derrick could step into the garden whilst her mother said whatever she wished to say. The girl assented, and in excellent spirits betook herself to the railway station. Emmeline waited something less than a quarter of an hour; then a hansom drove up, and Mrs. Higgins, after a deliberate surveyal of the house front, followed her daughter up the pathway.
The first sight of the portly lady made the situation clearer to Mrs. Mumford. Louise Derrick represented a certain stage of civilisation, a degree of conscious striving for better things; Mrs. Higgins was prosperous and self- satisfied vulgarity. Of a complexion much lighter than the girl’s, she still possessed a coarse comeliness, which pointed back to the dairymaid type of damsel. Her features revealed at the same time a kindly nature and an irascible tendency. Monstrously overdressed, and weighted with costly gewgaws, she came forward panting and perspiring, and, before paying any heed to her hostess, closely surveyed the room.