the removal of Miss Derrick to her own home; but of this Emmeline would not hear. How could she enjoy an hour of mental quietude when, for all she knew, Mrs. Higgins and the patient might be throwing lamps at each other? And her jealousy was still active, though she did not allow it to betray itself in words. Clarence seemed to her quite needlessly anxious in his inquiries concerning Miss Derrick’s condition. Until that young lady had disappeared from ‘Runnymede’ for ever, Emmeline would keep matronly watch and ward.
Mrs. Higgins declared at least a score of times every day that she could
‘Oh, how pleasant it is,’ she explained bitterly to her husband, ‘to think that everybody in the road is talking about us with contempt! Of course tile servants have spread nice stories. And the Wilkinsons’—these were the people next door—’look upon us as hardly respectable. Even Mrs. Fentiman said yesterday that she really could not conceive how I came to take that girl into the house. I acknowledged that I must have been crazy.’
‘Whilst we’re thoroughly upset,’ replied Mumford, with irritation at this purposeless talk, ‘hadn’t we better leave the house and go to live as far away as possible?’
‘Indeed, I very much wish we could. I don’t think I shall ever be happy again at Sutton.’
And Clarence went off muttering to himself about the absurdity and the selfishness of women.
For a week or ten days Louise lay very ill; then her vigorous constitution began to assert itself. It helped her greatly towards convalescence when she found that the scorches on her face would not leave a permanent blemish. Mrs. Mumford came into the room once a day and sat for a few minutes, neither of them desiring longer communion, but they managed to exchange inquiries and remarks with a show of came from Cobb, Emmeline made no friendliness. When the fifty pounds mention of it. The next day, however, Mrs. Higgins being absent when Emmeline looked in, Louise said with an air of satisfaction,
‘So he has paid the money! I’m very glad of that.’
‘Mr. Cobb insisted on paying,’ Mrs. Mumford answered with reserve. ‘We could not hurt his feelings by refusing.’
‘Well, that’s all right, isn’t it? You won’t think so badly of us now? Of course you wish you’d never set eyes on me, Mrs. Mumford; but that’s only natural: in your place I’m sure I should feel the same. Still, now the money’s paid, you won’t always think unkindly of me, will you?’
The girl lay propped on pillows; her pale face, with its healing scars, bore witness to what she had undergone, and one of her arms was completely swathed in bandages. Emmeline did not soften towards her, but the frank speech, the rather pathetic little smile, in decency demanded a suave response.
‘I shall wish you every happiness, Louise.’
‘Thank you. We shall be married as soon as ever I’m well, but I’m sure I don’t know where. Mother hates his very name, and does her best to set me against him; but I just let her talk. We’re beginning to quarrel a little—did you hear us this morning? I try to keep down my voice, and I shan’t be here much longer, you know. I shall go home at first my stepfather has written a kind letter, and of course he’s glad to know I shall marry Mr. Cobb. But I don’t think the wedding will be there. It wouldn’t be nice to go to church in a rage, as I’m sure I should with mother and Cissy looking on.’
This might, or might not, signify a revival of the wish to be married from ‘Runnymede.’ Emmeline quickly passed to another subject.
Mrs. Higgins was paying a visit to Coburg Lodge, where, during the days of confusion, the master of the house had been left at his servants’ mercy. On her return, late in the evening, she entered flurried and perspiring, and asked the servant who admitted her where Mrs. Mumford was.
‘With master, in the library, ‘m.’
‘Tell her I wish to speak to her at once.’
Emmeline came forth, and a lamp was lighted in the dining-room, for the drawing-room had not yet been restored to a habitable condition. Silent, and wondering in gloomy resignation what new annoyance was prepared for her, Emmeline sat with eyes averted, whilst the stout woman mopped her face and talked disconnectedly of the hardships of travelling in such weather as this; when at length she reached her point, Mrs. Higgins became lucid and emphatic.
‘I’ve heard things as have made me that angry I can hardly bear myself. Would you believe that people are trying to take away my daughter’s character? It’s Cissy ‘Iggins’s doing: I’m sure of it, though I haven’t brought it ‘ome to her yet. I dropped in to see some friends of ours—I shouldn’t wonder if you know the name; it’s Mrs. Jolliffe, a niece of Mr. Baxter—Baxter, Lukin and Co., you know. And she told me in confidence what people are saying—as how Louise was to marry Mr. Bowling, but he broke it off when he found
Emmeline, her eyes flashing, broke in angrily:
‘I think nothing at all about it, Mrs. Higgins, and I had very much rather not hear the talk of such people.’
‘I don’t wonder it aggravates you, Mrs. Mumford. Did anyone ever hear such a scandal! I’m sure nobody that knows you could say a word against your respectability, and, as I told Mrs. Jolliffe, she’s quite at liberty to call here tomorrow or the next day—’
‘Not to see
‘Now just let me tell you what I’ve thought,’ pursued the stout lady, hardly aware of this interruption. ‘This’ll have to be set right, both for Lou’s sake and for yours, and to satisfy us all. They’re making a mystery, d’you see, of Lou leaving ‘ome and going off to live with strangers; and Cissy’s been doing her best to make people think there’s something wrong—the spiteful creature! And there’s only one way of setting it right. As soon as Lou can be dressed and got down, and when the drawing-room’s finished, I want her to ask all our friends here to five o’clock tea, just to let them see with their own eyes—’
‘Mrs. Higgins!’