
“How did she do it, Uncle Dick?” he inquired.

“Do what, my Imp?”

“Why, get out of the tree?” I smiled and looked at Lisbeth.

“Did she climb down?”

“No,” said I, shaking my head.

“Did she-jump down?”

“No, she didn’t jump down, my Imp.”

“Well, did she - did she fly down?”

“No, nor fly down - she just came down.”

“Yes, but how did she - “

“Reginald,” said Lisbeth, “run and tell the maids to bring tea out here - for three.”

“Three?” echoed the Imp. “But Dorothy has gone out to tea, you know - is Uncle Dick going to - “

“To be sure, Imp,” I nodded.

“Oh, that is fine - hurrah, Little-John!” he cried, and darted off to ward the house.

“And you, Lisbeth?” I said, imprisoning her hands, “are you glad also?”

Lisbeth did not speak, yet I was satisfied nevertheless.



Fane Court stands bowered in trees, with a wide stretch of the greenest of green lawns sloping down to the river stairs.

They are quaint old stairs, with a marble rail and carved balusters, worn and crumbling, yet whose decay is half hid by the kindly green of lichens and mosses; stairs indeed for an idle fellow to dream over on a hot summer’s afternoon - and they were, moreover, a favourite haunt of Lisbeth. It was here that I had moored my boat, therefore and now lay back, pipe in mouth and with a cushion beneath my head, in that blissful state between Sleeping and waking.

Now, as I lay, from the blue wreaths of my pipe I wove me fair fancies:

And lo! the stairs were no longer deserted; there were fine gentlemen, patched and powdered, in silks and satins, with shoe-buckles that flashed in the sun; there were dainty ladies in quilted petticoats and flowered gowns, with most wonderful coiffures; and there was Lisbeth, fairer and daintier than them all, and there, too, was I. And behold how demurely she courtesied and smiled behind her ivory fan! With what a grace I took a pinch of snuff! With what an air I ogled and bowed with hand on heart! Then, somehow, it seemed we were alone, she on the top stair, I on the lower. And standing thus I raised my arms to her with an appealing gesture. Her eyes looked down into mine, the patch quivered at the corner of her scarlet mouth, and there beside it was the dimple. Beneath her petticoat I saw her foot in a little pink satin shoe come slowly toward me and stop again. I watched scarce breathing, for it seemed my fate hung in the balance. Would she come down to Love and me, or -

“Ship ahoy!” cried a voice, and in that moment my dream vanished. I sighed, and looking round, beheld a head peering eat me over the balustrade; a head bound up in a bandanna handkerchief of large pattern and vivid colouring.

“Why, Imp!” I exclaimed. But my surprise abated when he emerged into full view.

About his waist was a broadbuckled belt, which supported a wooden cutlass, two or three murderous wooden daggers and a brace of toy pistols; while upon his legs were a pair of top-boots many sizes too large for him, so that walking required no little care. Yet on the whole his appearance was decidedly effective. There could be no mistake - he was a bloodthirsty pirate!

The imp is an artist to his grimy finger tips.

“Avast, shipmate!” I cried. “How’s the wind?”

“Oh, he exclaimed, failing over his boots with eagerness, “do take me in your boat, an’ let’s be pirates, will you, Uncle Dick?”

“Well, that depends. Where is your Auntie Lisbeth?”

“Mr. Selwyn is going to row her and Dorothy up the river.”

“The deuce he is!”

“Yes, an’ they won’t take me.”

“Why not, my Imp?”

“‘Cause they’re ‘fraid I should upset the boat. So I thought I’d come ask you to be a pirate, you know. I’ll lend you my best dagger an’ one of my pistols. Will you, Uncle Dick?”

“Come aboard, shipmate, if you are for Hispaniola, the Tortugas, and the Spanish Main,” said I, whereupon he scrambled in, losing a boot overboard in his baste, which necessitated much intricate angling with the boat-hook ere it was recovered.

“They’re Peter’s, you know,” he explained as he emptied out the water.

“I took them out of the harness-room; a pirate must have boots, you know, but I’m afraid Peter’ll swear.”

“Not a doubt of it when he sees them,” I said as we pushed off.

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