'That's about the way I was figuring it,' mused Dean Drake.
'Misser Dlake,' said the Chinaman, with appealing eyes, 'I velly solly you. They no hurtee me. Me cook.'
'Sam, there is much meat in your words. Condensed beef don't class with you. But reserve your sorrows yet a while. Now what's my policy?' he debated, tapping the stove here and there for appearances; somebody might look in. 'Shall I go back to my office and get my guns?'
'You not goin' run now?' said the Chinaman, anxiously.
'Oh yes, Sam. But I like my gun travelling. Keeps me kind of warm. Now if they should get a sight of me arming—no, she's got to stay here till I come back for her. So long, Sam! See you later. And I'll have time to thank you then.'
Drake went to the corral in a strolling manner. There he roped the strongest of the horses, and also the school-master's. In the midst of his saddling, Bolles came down.
'Can I help you in any way?' said Bolles.
'You've done it. Saved me a bothering touch-and-go play to get you out here and seem innocent. I'm going to drift.'
'There are times to stay and times to leave, Bolles; and this is a case of the latter. Have you a real gun on now?'
Poor Bolles brought out guiltily his.22 Smith & Wesson. 'I don't seem to think of things,' said he.
'Cheer up,' said Drake. 'How could you thought-read me? Hide Baby Bunting, though. Now we're off. Quietly, at the start. As if we were merely jogging to pasture.'
Sam stood at his kitchen door, mutely wishing them well. The horses were walking without noise, but Half-past Full looked out of the window.
'We're by, anyhow,' said Drake. 'Quick now. Burn the earth.' The horse sprang at his spurs. 'Dust, you son of a gun! Rattle your hocks! Brindle! Vamoose!' Each shouted word was a lash with his quirt. 'Duck!' he called to Bolles.
Bolles ducked, and bullets grooved the spraying snow. They rounded a corner and saw the crowd jumping into the corral, and Sam's door empty of that prudent Celestial.
'He's a very wise Chinaman!' shouted Drake, as they rushed.
'What?' screamed Bolles.
'Very wise Chinaman. He'll break that stove now to prove his innocence.'
'Who did you say was innocent?' screamed Bolles.
'Oh, I said you were,' yelled Drake, disgusted; and he gave over this effort at conversation as their horses rushed along.
It was a dim, wide stretch of winter into which Drake and Bolles galloped from the howling pursuit. Twilight already veiled the base of Castle Rock, and as they forged heavily up a ridge through the caking snow, and the yells came after them, Bolles looked seriously at Dean Drake; but that youth wore an expression of rising merriment. Bolles looked back at the dusk from which the yells were sounding, then forward to the spreading skein of night where the trail was taking him and the boy, and in neither direction could he discern cause for gayety.
'May I ask where we are going?' said he.
'Away,' Drake answered. 'Just away, Bolles. It's a healthy resort.'