
“It hurts so terribly down there… in the f-fold.”

The mistress laughed and clipped two singing cuts even lower, on the thighs. The girl's feet trampled, her face turned to the left. Her writhing fingers fisted. Wh-h-h-h-lkkkk!

Six… seven… eight… a long pause, then nine!

“Uuuuuuh… uach… wen!”

Released and set erect the girl abandoned herself to the frenzy of her pain, arching a-tiptoe and then half crouching as she strove to throw off the burn. The mistress watched her with shining eyes, then sent her on her way-“I think you'll feel the Matron's cuts tonight, Irina.”

In the silent room she realized she was sweating.

She went slowly up to the curtains and with a malicious smile tried to part them. Instead, she missed their opening. And found herself holding a crowbar. At first she thought it was the handle of the martinet the man had used. Then she gasped her appreciation, and approval. She had the Sergeant-Major's prick in her grip. She gave it a squeeze and it bucked to her touch.

“Well, do we hit… hard enough?” she whispered.

He growled some assent.

“Sinks in better than with a drummer-boy, I believe? Gott in Himmel but the Head must have felt something up her with this.”

Jacqueline Bellais was now profoundly excited, the blood beating behind her eyes, her whole flesh aglow.

The next and final girl was a full eighteen-year-old, in her last term, tall and well-but not bigly- built, with mousy hair and a rather petulant expression. When the mistress asked her if she had anything to say, she responded: “If I might, Fraulein. I took ten this noon, to pay off two hours' Detention, and then I got six from Fraulein Katte later. I think even you will agree that my person has been very thoroughly punished. I would ask for remission of this correction until tomorrow.”

“Mmn,” mused the mistress with a smile, stroking the silk of her stick, “let's get your knickers off, Andrea, and have a look at these posterior portions. Bend over with your hands on your knees. Facing this way, please.”

The girl's compact cheeks were furiously wealed. Sixteen strokes had been placed across their center, and the right side was a hot band of purple bruise.

“Dear, oh dear, Andrea, this is going to hurt, isn't it? Stand up, dear, and tuck in your skirt.”

“Please. May I take them tomorrow?”

Jacqueline Bellais shook her head. “Sorry.”

“Please,” the girl persisted. She bit her lip. “I beg you, Fraulein, but hit me other than on the marks, and I will do my best to bear it.”

“Are you appealing, Andrea, is that it?”


“Well then, bend over.”

The French mistress cut deliberately, yet as hard as she simply could. The first two bit into the lower edge of the tumified wales, and then she sank two more into the very tenderest part of the wealing.

The girl bore it with astonishing stoicism. Her slender thighs threshed and writhed with pain, but she made no sound, her face scarlet, jaws clenched.

The fifth cut up into the fat, bouncing the cheeks; it was an excruciating slice and after it the mistress was able to announce, slowly, “Well, well, well, so Seniors do bleed after all, Andrea.” She was standing by her victim's head, “negligently” holding her own skirt up behind for the delectation of the Sergeant-Major, and a small whinny came from the girl's bitten mouth-“Mercy.”

The mistress laughed and moved back. This time she waited a whole minute. The knees were allowed little traction by the rail but even so it was amazing how the scoriated cheeks could grind and stir against each other. Suddenly there was a burst of breath and the girl cried out, “Dear Christ, I can't bear any more of it… please, please, I beg you not to give me any more…”

“Come, Andrea, I thought you were made of sterner stuff than this. I see I shall have to make the last four especially exemplary.”

There was a flurry of sobs. “No! No! Not there. Hit me lower, not on the marks. I implore you, Fraulein.”

“What a contradictory lot you children are,” said the mistress, preparing her next lacerating lash. “First you want them higher, then you want them lower.”


When it was all over, and the girl had gone, Jacqueline Bellais was pouring with sweat and lust. In the silence of the room she locked the door and with a loose smile on her lips went to the parting of the curtains and grasped the turgid staff unleashed by the Sergeant-Major and drew him forward by it into the room.

“Come,” was all she said.

She stood facing him in the center of the room, panting, feet astride.

“Fuck me,” she said, ripping off her leather tunic and baring herself absolutely above the boots. “Jam me up, stick, stuff, ram…”

But though he was moodily nodding his head the soldier was replacing his gleaming penis. And he was loosening the thongs of his fearful flail, moving it through the air with a measuring motion that showed its awful weight.

“Yes, I will,” he murmured, stroking out his mustache, “but first I have to flog you.”

There was perfect silence in the room then.

He went on: “Yes, yes. It was agreed. You see, I nearly missed the number of your room. Colonel sent me to do it. He and your Directress, that is. Seems as since you counseled the pizzle for that poor mistress, it is deemed you shared in the general complicity. Of injustice, that is. Thus you are to have a dozen.”

Jacqueline Bellais felt the marrow drain from her bones. She stood bush-bare, facing him, and she did not let the smile fade an iota from her face. But her skin froze to pimples.

“A butcher's dozen,” he added.

“Which is to say, thirteen,” she came back, with the same rigid smile. She had no strength left in her at all.

He nodded.

“With… that?” she whispered.

“Aye. It's a bloody buttock, I'm afraid, Ma'am, and I have to show you to the Colonel after, and if it's not considered enough, it's another dozen then.”

Sickly she turned her back to him and stared into the fire. She held the mantel for support. “There is no… possibility of avoiding?”


She had known there was not.

“Well, then,” she said turning with a frown, “we had better get on with it, had we not, Sergeant-Major? How do you mean to take me?”

“Lying over the table. With your feet secured in those stocks, you see.”

“I understand,” she answered after a moment. “With my bottom on the edge and my torso hanging down over the side, yes, yes.” She shuddered violently. “Oh you Germans. So that's what you were thinking of behind the curtain all the time.”

“You have cuffs for your hands, behind your back, Ma'am?”

“In that drawer,” she said miserably. She took a brave pace forward to the shining table, suddenly realized the enormity of the position, turned an anguished face: “But that will be excruciatingly painful. With those thongs you're bound to strike between my legs. Even the Head wasn't hit in the cunt. Oh God, oh no.” She went to him, beseeching, her hands on the frogging of his tunic. “You can't mean that,” she began to babble, “my own is set quite low, it pouches back, you'll see, oh please… dear God…”

But he said nothing, running the ruddied thongs through his gnarled fingers.

“At least gag me,” she said. “There's a pear in that drawer also.”

And a minute later pretty Jacqueline Bellais was perfectly placed for the maximum infliction of pain.

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