second, and then with mighty convulsions poured out its tribute, wave on wave of hot, pungent ambrosia. Gasping, choking with the deluge which threatened to strangle me, I writhed in the ecstasies of orgasm which came upon me in the same moment.

The reaction to this furious excess was a spell of enervating lassitude. As I came out of it and my chaotic thoughts took on a semblance of order, I was filled with amazement at the demoniacal frenzy which had taken possession of me. Next came the thought of what had become of the spurting jets that indomitable geyser had poured out. The odd, pungent taste was still in my mouth, but I recalled that I had almost choked with the quantity that had flooded it. When he had assaulted me the night before I had spit most of it out, though I had been forced to swallow some. I glanced at the bed to see if, unconsciously, I had ejected it. The bed was dry and clean. Seemingly, it had all gone down my throat.

I remembered the absurd story he had told me about the French girl.

“Well,” I observed, “if it's true a girl can get a baby by swallowing that stuff, I guess I'm going to have one.”

“Kid, that was great!” he exclaimed. “The first time in my life that I can recall that I really enjoyed being waked up.”

“I don't know whatever possessed me,” I murmured in some embarrassment. “It came on me all of a sudden. I woke up and saw your thing sticking up. I knew you were dreaming something nice, or it wouldn't be that way. I thought I'd tease you by frigging it while you were asleep, and then, all of a sudden I just got a regular fit to do that and I couldn't stop myself!”

“It was wonderful, kid, wonderful! I always get a hard-on when I sleep late in the morning and there was something, oh, more than ordinarily thrilling in being waked up that way. I've had lots of women, but it never occurred to any of them to do that, I mean, while I was still asleep. It's something new to put in the book!”

“What book?” I asked.

“Oh, I was speaking figuratively. Something new to remember.”

“Did you really enjoy it so much?”

“Well, rather! If the old pego could talk it would say: 'thank you, a thousand times, Miss!'”

“What were you dreaming about that was making it hard like that?”

“Well now, that's difficult to answer. Whatever it was it couldn't have been half as good as what really happened. I have funny dreams, but I can't seem to remember them clearly after I wake up. About all I ever recall is that there, was a girl in them. I must have been dreaming about you this time. Do you have dreams… I mean, naughty ones?”

“I had some fierce ones last night,” I confessed. “I guess they were mostly the cause of me doing that!”

“What were they about, baby?” he asked curiously.

“Oh, mostly about you,” I lied, not wanting to say that I had dreamed of other men while sleeping at his side.

“Were they pleasant dreams?” he insinuated.

“Well, you saw what they made me do! I'll bet you think now for sure that I'm accustomed to doing that!”

“No, honestly, I don't, kid. I didn't give it a thought at first, but later I saw you weren't up to it. I felt kind of ashamed afterwards for having made, you do it.”

“Oh, I was mad it first, but I don't care now. It gave me a thrill, too. It's the truth, though, I'd never done it before. But I'll wager you've done it that way to plenty of other girls.”

“You'd know I was lying if I denied it. And you wouldn't like me any better, even if I hadn't ever done it before, would you?”

“No,” I answered slowly, “I don't blame a man for having all the fun he can. If I were a man, I'd do everything there is that's naughty. I'd do that to girls, and the other way, too.”

“What other way?”

“The way you did first last night… with your tongue.”

“Oh, you like it that way, do you?”

“It just sets me crazy.”

“Kid, I like your style. I made a deal with the old lady to have you once a week, but to tell you the truth I wasn't sure that I'd care about coming back even a second time. You couldn't shake me now if you tried. I like a girl who hasn't the silly idea of trying to fool a man with mock modesty.”

“You're married… aren't you?” I inquired tentatively, though I knew he was.

“Yes, I am, unfortunately.”

“Why unfortunately? Isn't she nice?”

“That's it, exactly. Too damned nice. She's the answer to why men like your kind of girl. She's an iceberg, a frigid monument to chastity in its most exaggerated conception. Everything related to sex is immoral. The only justification for a man getting into his wife's bed is when its for the purpose of creating offspring, and even then it's a nasty, degrading business.”

In my mind's eye there formed a picture of a pious, dour-faced female, embittered perhaps through the lack of physical attractions, whose life was dedicated to the suppression of all those natural instincts and longings of the flesh which contribute, to make living worthwhile. I had heard of such.

“Good heavens!” I gasped. “Why did you marry a woman like that?”

“Reasons of family,” he replied gloomily.

Of a naturally credulous and ingenuous disposition, my heart immediately swelled with sympathy for my companion's misfortune. I had yet to learn that there are always two sides to every story, and that one must know both to properly judge their respective merits.

“I'm sorry to know of that,” I said sincerely. “When you come here I'll try to make you forget your unhappiness. I'm not cold-blooded,' but I guess you know that already!”

“You're a fine kid, and I won't forget you. Wish I could stay longer but I have an appointment at two o'clock and it's an important one. I'd better dress and toddle along before I weaken.”

With further desultory conversation we dressed and Monty prepared to leave. He held me for a moment in his arms at the door, lingering just long enough to lift my dress, slide his hand inside my panties and give my bottom a few lascivious squeezes.

“I'll see you next Wednesday night without fail.” And he was gone.


I stood for a moment thinking pensively of all that had transpired and then turned my eyes toward the dressing table upon which he had unobtrusively laid a bank note. It was for five pounds. I folded it up and tucked it in my stocking.

That afternoon I sat on Hester's bed, telling her about my new patron. She listened attentively, asked a few questions, and in a burst of confidence, I told her all that had happened.

“Oh, Jessie!” she exclaimed in genuine distress. “You shouldn't have done that! I had a presentiment against that man the first time I saw him talking to you. I just had a feeling that he'd get the best of you someway! Lafronde shouldn't have given him any appointments with you!”

“What's the harm?” I answered lightly. “He gave me five pounds!”

“What's the harm? There's plenty of harm! When a girl starts that, she's finished!”

“What do you mean… finished?” I rejoined skeptically.

“Why… why… it grows on you! You shouldn't have let him do that! You should have screamed!”

“Wouldn't that have made a hit with Lafronde, me screaming at four o'clock in the morning that a man was trying to do it to me in the mouth!”

“I don't care whether it would have made a hit with her or not! You shouldn't have let him get away with it! And then you did it again in the morning, of your own accord? Oh, Jessie!”

“Yes, I did! It wasn't bad… I like him. Anyway, what are you talking about? You've done the same thing with Mr. Hayden. I've seen you!”

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