When Mark and I turned in detailed information on this drug drop to law enforcement, our lives were endangered to the point that a foreign Intelligence officer intervened and subsequently saved our lives through a timely tip-off.
'Diamond in the Rough' was a term used to describe an MPD/DID slave actively engaged in programming via torture conditioning.
Congressman Ackerman's Caribbean cocaine and Asian heroin operations have not hindered his position on the Congressional Post Office and Civil Service Committees, nor the Asian and Pacific Affairs Committee. It is important to note that, as a matter of Congressional record, Ackerman openly opposed compulsory drug tests for all federal employees.
Senator Byrd proudly claimed Loretta as his mind-controlled slave and told me, 'I literally made Loretta what she is today, and she is maid to order'. Loretta's son and secondary mind-control handler, Ernest Ray, told me, 'I know what the Byrd did to my mother. I can get away with murder… All I gotta do is call him and I'm free as a bird/Byrd.'
Since I had no concept of time under mind control, the 80s seemed like one long day to me, whereby discerning exact dates is extremely difficult. Furthermore, I was programmed to believe that every encounter with certain individuals was 'the first time'. I do know that I had been conditioned and programmed in preparation for Reagan since 1978 ai NASA's Cape Canavaral in Titusville, Florida.
Reagan preferred illicit pornography videos such as bestiality, while his favorite pornographic magazine was Larry Flynt's Hustler.
Although Hollywood's Dante rivaled Larry Flynt for the title of 'Chief Pornographer' producing video versions of Hustler's stills, Flynt was unequivocally the official White House Pornographer. Dante's covert filming of political perversion for blackmail purposes failed to gain him the international notoriety Flynt maintained through his New World Order collogues such as Presidents Reagan, Bush, and Ford; CIA Director Bill Casey; U.N. Amhossador Madeleine Albright; Senators Byrd and Specter; Congressmen Trafficant and VanderJagt; Governors Thornburgh, Blanchard and Alexander; and various World Leaders such as Prime Minister of Canada Mulroney, President of Mexico de la Madrid, and Saudi Arabian King Fahd… to name a few…
Having been out of circulation since my rescue did not preclude my ability to «predict» winners according to political favors: from George Bush, Jr's Texas Rangers to the Toronto Blue Jays' victory during the Canadian political heal of NAFTA.
My jaw is permanently damaged From Cheney. I have chronic TMJ.
Riley, over time, owned several slaves.
Riley, like my father, Wayne Cox, and other, remains apparently immune from prosecution for his crimes against children and humanity, as it is considered a matter of ''National Security' under the 1984 Reagan Amendment to the National Security Act.
I still have the handwritten note from Loretta that prompted out forbidden conversation and I hope that someday Loretta will gain the piece/peace-of-mind that comes with rehabilitation.
In the course of deprogramming, I found retrieval of this information much quicker than it would have been had Houston not accessed it previously, against government policy, and for his own personal gain.