He hated Manpower Unlimited with a bone-deep passion. And though, for political reasons, he disagreed with the violent tactics used by the Audubon Ballroom, he'd never once had so much as a qualm about the violence itself. There was not a single responsible figure in that evil galactic corporation-not a single one, for that matter, on the entire planet of Mesa-whom Web Du Havel would not himself have lowered into a vat of boiling oil.
Capering and singing hosannas all the while-if he thought it would accomplish anything.
He took a deep breath, controlling the sudden spike of rage. And reminding himself, for perhaps the millionth time in his life, that if sheer righteous fury could accomplish anything worthwhile, wolverines would have inherited the galaxy long ago.
'Introduce me, would-' He broke off, suddenly realizing the request was moot. Cathy Montaigne was already leading Captain Oversteegen toward him.
It would be a while before they got there, however, given the press of the crowd and the fact that several people were stepping forward to offer their hands to the captain. Hastily, he whispered: 'Just so I don't commit any social gaffes, whyare you-and Cathy-so surprised to see him here? He was invited, was he not?'
He heard Helen make a little snorting sound. As if, once again, the well-mannered girl had suppressed another outburst of derision.
Du Havel's face must have registered his incomprehension. Not at the name itself-he knew enough about Manticoran politics to know that Helen was referring to the current Prime Minister-but at the subtleties which lay beneath.
Helen pursed her lips. 'I thought you were supposed to be the galaxy's expert-okay, one of maybe ten-on political theory? So how come you don't know your ass from- Uh. Sorry, didn't mean to be rude.'
He grinned, enjoying the girl's lapse from social manners. Given Du Havel's slave origins and present exalted status, most people were excessively polite around him. Obviously petrified lest they trigger off some buried resentment, of which they apparently assumed he harbored a multitude.
As it happened, Web Du Havel was thick-skinned by nature-and enjoyed few things so much as a sleeves- rolled-up, hair-hanging-down, intellectual brawl in which quarter was neither asked nor given. Which was the reason he and Catherine Montaigne had become very close, many years earlier. That had happened the first time they met, within an hour of being introduced at a social event put on by the Anti-Slavery League on Terra.
The argument rolling properly, Cathy had informed him, in her usual loud and profane manner, that he was a damned bootlicker with the mindset of a house slave. He, for his part, had explained to the assembled crowd-just as loudly, if not as profanely-that she was a typical upper class dimwit, slumming with the chic downtrodden of the day, who couldn't bake a loaf of bread without romanticizing the distress of the flour and the noble savage qualities of the yeast.
It had gone rapidly downhill from there. By the end of the evening, a lifetime's friendship had been sealed. Like Du Havel himself, Cathy Montaigne was one of those ferocious intellectuals who took their ideas seriously-and never trusted another intellectual until they'd done the equivalent of a barbarian ritual. Matching intellectual wound to wound, sharing ideas-and derision-the way ancient warriors, meeting for the first time, mixed their actual blood from self-inflicted wounds.
'Give me a break, Helen,' he said, chuckling. 'The real problem here is
He paused, giving the slowly approaching captain another glance. Still plenty of time, he decided, to continue the girl's education.
'The Star Kingdom is a polity of five whole settled planets in only three star systems, since Trevor's Star's annexation-and assuming you can call Medusa a 'settled planet' in the first place. Even with San Martin added, your total population does not exceed six billion. There are five times that many people living in the Solar System alone-or Centauri, or Tau Delta, or Mithra, or any one of several dozen of the Solarian League's inner systems. The 'Old League,' as it's popularly known. The Solarian League as a whole has an official membership of 1,784 planets-that's not counting the hundreds more under Solarian rule in the Protectorates-which exist in a volume of galactic space measuring between three and four hundred light-years in diameter. Within that enormous volume, there are literally more stars than you can see here at night with the naked eye. No one has any idea what the total population might be. The Old League alone has a registered population of almost three trillion people, according to the last census-and that census grossly undercounted the population. No serious analyst even tries to claim they know how many more trillions of people live in the so-called 'Shell Worlds' or the Protectorates. I leave aside entirely the untold thousands-millions, rather-of artificial habitats scattered across thousands of solar systems. Each and every one of which star polities has its own history, and its own complex politics and social and economic variations.'
The captain and Cathy were getting close, now. It was time to break off the impromptu lecture, since he still needed to know the reasons for Helen's bemusement at Oversteegen's appearance at the event.
'Let me just leave you with the following thought, Helen: It's only been since the human race spread across thousands of worlds that political science has really deserved the term 'science'-and it's still a rough-and-ready science at that. Sometimes, it reminds me of paleontology back in the wild and woolly days of Cope and Marsh, battling it out over dinosaur bones. If nothing else, the preponderance of the League in human affairs skews all the data. But at least now we have a range of experience that allows us to do serious comparative studies, which was never possible in pre-Diaspora days. But that's really what someone like me does. I look for patterns and repetitions, if you will. The number of individual star systems whose political details I'm familiar with is just a tiny percentage of the whole. The truth is, I know a lot more about ancient Terran history than I do about the history of most of today's inhabited worlds. Because that's still, more often than not, the common history we use as our initial crude yardstick.'
Suitably abashed, the girl nodded.
'And you
'Oh. It's because he doesn't looklike High Ridge by accident. He's part of that whole Conservative Association bunch of lousy-well. The crowd I don't like, let's put it that way. Cathy hates them with a passion. He's related to the Queen-distantly-on his father's side, but his mother is High Ridge's second cousin. As his looks ought to tell anyone who lays eyes on him!'
Du Havel nodded, the picture becoming clearer in his mind. He was more familiar with Manticore's politics than that of most star systems, naturally. Even leaving Catherine Montaigne aside, Manticore played a far more prominent role in the Anti-Slavery League than its sheer weight of population would account for. He understood the nature and logic of the Conservative Association well enough, certainly. It was an old and familiar phenomenon, after all, as ancient as any political formation in human affairs. A clique of people with a very prestigious and luxurious position in a given society, who reacted to anything which might conceivably discommode them with outrage and indignation-as if their own privileges and creature comforts resulted from laws of nature equal in stature to the principles of physics. Very fat pigs in a very plentifully supplied trough, basically, who attempted to dignify their full stomachs by oinking the word 'conservative.'
Given that W.E.B. Du Havel considered himself, by and large, to be a conservative political theorist-using the term 'conservative' loosely-he found the phenomenon not only understandable but detestable.
'Bunch of lousy swine will do nicely, Helen. But you can't confuse the individual with the group. Does Oversteegen
'What's a 'Puritan'?' she asked. 'And why would witches-silly notion, that-hold a soiree on- Never mind.' Cathy and the captain were almost there. Quickly, Helen whispered: 'I don't think he's in the CA. Truth is, I don't know much about his own personal opinions. Not sure many people do. But-'