Fist of Bolakin-the Sharonian analog of the Rock of Gibraltar.
Flicker-a Talented Sharonian capable of teleporting, or 'Flicking,' relatively small objects over long distances with considerable precision.
Flight-an Arcanan Air Force formation consisting of four combat dragons, organized into two pairs of wingmen.
Fort Brithik-Sharonian portal fort in the universe of Thermyn, covering the outbound portal to New Uromath. Located roughly on the trans-temporal site of Lincoln, Nebraska.
Fort Ghartoun-formerly Fort Raylthar, Sharonian portal fort in the universe of Thermyn, covering the inbound portal from Failcham. Located roughly on the trans-temporal site of Carson City, Nevada.
Fort Losaltha-the Sharonian portal fortress protecting the entry portal of the Salym Universe. Located approximately at the trans-temporal site of Barcelona, Spain.
Fort Mosanik-Sharnonian portal fort in the universe of Karys, covering the outbound portal to Failcham. Located roughly on the trans-temporal site of Astana, Kazakhstan.
Fort Rycharn-the Arcanan coastal enclave in the universe of Gharys, serving the swamp portal to Hell's Gate. Located roughly on the trans-temporal site of Belem. Brazil.
Fort Salby-Sharonian portal fort in the universe of Traisum, covering the outbound portal to Karys.
Located roughly on the trans-temporal site of the Sharonian city of Narshalla, or our own Medina, Saudi Arabia.
Fort Shaylar-Company Captain Halifu's portal fort in New Uromath.
Fort Talon-Arcanan fortress in Erthos located roughly on the transtemporal site of Ust Ilimsk, Siberia.
Fort Tharkoma-Sharonian portal fort in the universe of Salym covering be outbound portal to Traisum. Located roughly on the trans-temporal side of Sofia, Bulgaria.
Fort Wyvern-the Arcanan fortress and base in the universe of Gharys at the entry portal from the universe of Erthos. Located roughly on the trans-temporal site of Manzanilla, Cuba.
Gariyan VI-the Ternathian Emperor who began the phased withdrawal from the easternmost provinces of the Ternathian Empire.
Gariyan VII-the son of Gariyan VI; the last Ternathian Emperor to rule from Tajvana.
Garmoy, Sunhold of-a Sharonian dukedom in southeastern Uromathia. Roughly equivalent to the country of Laos.
Garouoma-a Sharonian city located on the Narhathan Peninsula; roughly equivalent to Cordoba, Spain.
Garsulthan-a Manisthuan word which translates roughly as 'real politics.' Its practitioners believe that all international relations ultimately rest upon the balance of military power and that morality and ethics must take second place to that reality when formulating foreign policy.
Gartasa Mountains-the Sharonian analogue of the Iberian Mountains in Spain, separating Teramandor from Delkrathia.
Garth Showma Institute-the Academy established by Magister Halathyn vos Dulainah at the site of Showma Falls in New Arcana. It is the second-largest magical academy anywhere and its prestige is rapidly overtaking that of the Mythal Falls Academy.
Garth Showma-a large and powerful duchy and city in the universe of New Arcana. Located at the Arcanan equivalent of Niagara Falls and the headquarters site of the Arcanan Army.
Garthan-the non-magic users of the Mythlan culture. They make up at least eighty percent of the Mythlan population but possess only extremely circumscribed legal rights.
Gerynth-a city in the southern portion of the Andaran Kingdom of Yanko roughly analogous to Durango, Mexico.
Gorhadyn Protocol-a Mythalan assassination technique.
Grand Ternathian Canal-the Sharonian equivalent of the Suez Canal.
Grocyra-the Sharonian equivalent of Siberia.
Grocyran Plain-the Sharonian equivalent of the West Siberian Plain.
Gulf of Shurkhal-the Sharonian equivalent of the Gulf of Aden.
Hammerfell Lake-the Arcanan equivalent of Lake Huron.
Harkala-the Sharonian equivalent of India. The ancient Harkalian Empire extended from India through Afghanistan and into Iran.
Hell's Gate-the Sharonian name assigned to the universe where their survey personnel first encountered the Arcanans. Later adopted by Arcana, as well.
High Commandery-the high command of the Union of Arcanan's Army. Essentially, the equivalent of the Pentagon and the Chiefs of Staff, rolled into one. Traditionally, the High Commandery is heavily dominated by a senior Andaran officers.
Hilmar-the Arcanan equivalent of South America.
Hinorean Empire-the smaller of the two empires which dominate Uromath. The Hinorean Empire includes the Sharonian equivalent of western India and Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, the Philippines, and Malaysia.
Hook of Ricathia-the Sharonian equivalent of the southern side of the Strait of Gibraltar; the transtemporal equivalent of Morocco and Ceuta, Spain.
Horn of Ricathia-the Sharonian analogue of the Horn of Africa between the Gulf of Adenand the Indian Ocean.
Hummer-a magically enhanced bird developed from normal hummingbirds by Arcanan sorcerers as high- speed, highly aggressive 'carrier pigeons.'
Hurkaym-a small town/communications post located at the trans-temporal site of Palermo, Sicily, in the Salym Universe expressly as a Voice link between Fort Tharkoma and Fort Losaltha.
Hurlbane-a Ricathian deity associated with the Queens of Bolakin. She is a warrior goddess who protects the Bolakini (see Bolakin, Queens of), and her clergy have always been very influential in the Bolakini city-states. Hurlbane's High Priestess, for example, advised the Queens of Bolakin to ally withTernathia thousands of years ago.
Ibral Strait-the Sharonian equivalent of the Dardanelles Ibral's Blade-the Sharonian equivalent of the Gallipoli Peninsula.
Indelbu: Ternathian port city; the trans-temporal analogue of Belfast Inkara-the Arcanan equivalent of the island of Great Britain.
Isseth-a kingdom situated between Harkala and Arpathia in the Sharonian equivalent of #Kashmir, Tajikistan, and northeastern Pakistan.
Isseth-Liada-a portal exploration company owned/sponsored by the Kingdom of Isseth.
Ithal Mountains-the Sharonian analog of the Hejaz Mountains.
Janu River-the Sharonian analog of the Rhine River.
Jerekhas-the Sharonian analog of the island of Sicily.
Journeyman-a formal rank for Arcanan practitioners of sorcery who have completed their formal education but have not contributed a new application of sorcery. The majority of sorcerers do not progress beyond this rank. (See also 'novice,' 'magister,' and 'magistron.'
Judaih-a city in Sharona located on the site of Ghat, Libya.
Juhali-a volcanic island on Sharona; the Sharonian analog of Krakatoa.
Kanaiya-a duchy in central Lokan, consisting of much of the central portion of the equivalent of Manitoba. Its capital, also called Kanaiya is located on the eastern shore of Lake Kanaiya.
Karmalia-the Sharonian analog of Hungary.
Kerllian Accords-the Andaran military accords drafted centuries ago by the Andaran Commander of Armies Housip Kerellia and adopted by the Union of Arcana as the official standard for treatment of POWs and as the code of conduct to be followed by Arcanan personnel who become POWs.
Kershai-the ancient Mythalan word for 'lightning;' the release code for a black dragon's breath weapon.
Kingdom of Shartha-a Ricathian kingdom in Sharona; it occupies roughly the area of Somalia, eastern Ethiopia, and most of Kenya. (See also 'Lubnasi.')
Kosal River-the Arcanan analogue of Spain's Ebro River.
Kythia-a region of Arcana roughly equivalent to Gujarat, India.
Lake Arau-the Sharonian equivalent of Lake Baikal.