Company-Captain Golvar Silkash, Portal Authority Armed Forces-[HG, HHNF] senior surgeon, Fort Ghartoun.

Crown Prince Danith Fyysel-[HG] heir to the throne of Shurkhal.

Darshu, Lord of Horse Jukan, Uromathian Imperial Cavalry-[HG, HHNF] Sunlord Markan, senior officer of the Uromathian cavalry detachment sent to reinforce Fort Salby.

Dastiri, Uthik-[HG, HHNF] a member of the Union Arbitration Commission; Rithmar Skirvon's subordinate.

Desmar, Commander of One Hundred Sahlis, Union of Arcana Air Force-[HHNF] CO, 2029th Strike; pilot of black battle dragon Thunderclap.

Dulan, Brithum-[HG] Ternathian Internal Affairs Councilor.

Elivath, Darl-[HG] the Sharonian Universal News Network's senior Voice correspondent at the Sharonian Portal Authority's headquarters.

Erkol, Divis-[HG] Ghartoun chan Hagrahyl's Ricathian clerk, assigned to the Chalgyn Consortium crew which first contacts the Arcanans.

Erthek Vardan-[HHNF] a civilian Voice assigned to the Portal Authority Voicenet chain in the universe of Thermyn.

Eswayr, Commander of Five Hundred Pahkrys, Union of Arcana Army-[HHNF] senior battalion commander assigned to Thousand Carthos' detached command.

Fahrlo, Commander of Fifty Delthyr, Union of Arcana Air Force-[HHNF] a pilot attached to the First Provisional Talon; pilot of black battle dragon Deathclaw.

Fai Yujin, His Majesty Junni-[HG] the King of Eniath (see also King Junni).

Fai Goutin, Prince Howan-[HG, HHNF] Crown Prince of Eniath (see also Prince Howan).

Farl, Lance Yirman, Union of Arcana Army-[HHNF] a soldier assigned to Fifty Halesak's First Platoon, Able Company, Second Andaran Temporal Scouts.

Finena-[HG, HHNF] Princess Andrin's peregrine falcon.

Firefang-[HHNF] a red battle dragon; pilot, Commander of One Hundred Faryx Helika.

Fornath, Lord Mancy-[HG] fifty-first Baron Fornath and forty-fifth Earl of Ilforth, the Speaker of the Ternathian House of Lords.

Futhai, Braiheri-[HG] a Ternathian noble and naturalist assigned to the Chalgyn Consortium crew which first contacts the Arcanans.

Garlath, Commander of Fifty Shevan, Union of Arcana Army-[HG] CO, First Platoon, Charlie Company, First Battalion, First Regiment, Second Andaran Temporal Scouts.

Garsal, Second Lord of Horse Tarnal, Uromathian Imperial Cavalry-[HG, HHNF] Windlord Garsal, Sunlord Markan's senior subordinate officer and XO.

Geraith, Misanya-[HHNF] Division-Captain chan Geraith's wife.

Geyrsof, Commander of One Hundred Horban, Union of Arcana Air Force-[HHNF] CO, 3012th Strike; pilot of yellow battle dragon Graycloud.

Gitel, Elevu-[HG] a geologist assigned to the Chalgyn Consortium crew which first contacts the Arcanans.

Grantyl, Commander of Five Hundred Waysal, Union of Arcana Army-[HG] CO, Fort Wyvern, universe of Mahritha.

Graycloud-[HHNF] a yellow battle dragon; pilot, Commander of One Hundred Horban Geyrsof.

Grigthir, Trooper Mikal, Portal Authority Armed Forces-[HG] a Scout assigned to Hulmok Arthag's cavalry platoon.

Haimas, Chathee-[HG] Orem Limana's assistant.

Halesak, Commander of Fifty Iftar, Union of Arcana Army-[HHNF] CO, First Platoon, Able Company, Second Andaran Temporal Scouts. Commander of Fifty Ulthar's brother-in-law.

Halifu, Company-Captain Grafin, Portal Authority Armed Forces-[HG, HHNF] CO of the newly established portal fort in the universe of New Uromath.

Hansara, Rayjhari-[HG] an ancient Ransaran magistron who devised the technique of genetic manipulation which produced Arcana's dragons and other magically enhanced creatures.

Hardoran, Petty-Armsman Joral, Portal Authority Armed Forces-[HHNF] a Farnalian noncom assigned to Fort Shaylar.

Harklan, Shield Gaythar, Union of Arcana Army-[HG] squad shield, Second Squad, First Platoon, Charlie Company, First Battalion, First Regiment, Second Andaran Temporal Scouts.

Harnak, Sword Evarl, Union of Arcana Army-[HHNF, HHNF] senior noncom, First Platoon, Charlie Company, Second Andaran Temporal Scouts.

Harshu, Commander two thousand Mayrkos, Union of Arcana Army-[HG, HHNF] CO, Arcanan Expeditionary Force.

Harwal, Falgayn-[HG] an extremely powerful and Talented Sharonian Projective Voice.

Helika, Commander of One Hundred Faryx, Union of Arcana Air Force-[HHNF] CO, 5001st Strike; pilot of red battle dragon Firefang Hilovar, Junior-Armsman Soral, Portal Authority Armed Forces-[HG] a Talented Ricathian Tracer temporarily attached to Hulmok Arthag's cavalry platoon.

Hordan, Chenrys-[HG] the Talented Voice assigned to Hurkaym as the link between Fort Tharkoma and Fort Losaltha.

Ilthyr, Lamir-[HHNF] a civilian Voice assigned to the Portal Authority Voicenet in the universe of Traisum.

Isia, Senior-Armsman Orek, Portal Authority Armed Forces-[HHNF] Regiment-Captain chan Skrithik's Flicker at Fort Salby.

Isrian, Commander of Five Hundred Chalbos, Union of Arcana Army-[HHNF] one of Two Thousand Harshu's senior infantry battalion commanders.

Jaboth, Lance Inkar, Union of Arcana Army-[HG] cook, Charlie Company, First Battalion, First Regiment, Second Andaran Temporal Scouts.

Jalkanthi, Master Engineer Hardar-[HG] a senior engineer of the Trans-Temporal Express.

Jalkanthi-Ishar, Jesmanar-[HG] Hardar Jalkanthi's Shurkhali wife.

Jastyr, Ulantha-[HHNF] Alazon Yanamar's assistant Voice and protegee.

Kalcyr, Senior Sword Barcan, Union of Arcana Army-[HHNF] senior noncom, Company Bravo,

901st Light Cavalry.

Karone, His Imperial Majesty Ronnel XVI-[HG, HHNF] Emperor of Farnalia.

Karuk, Master-Armsman Hordal, Portal Authority Armed Forces-[HHNF] the senior noncom assigned to Fort Ghartoun.

Karym, Lady Jagtha-[HG] a director of the Sharonian Portal Authority Board representing the Kingdom of Limathia.

Kasell, Barris-[HG] an Arpathian ex-soldier assigned to the Chalgyn Consortium crew which first contacts the Arcanans.

Kavilkan, Jali-[HG] executive manager, Sharonian Universal News Network.

Kelbryan, Magister Gadrial-[HG, HHNF] former student of Magister Halathyn vos Dulainah; Department Chairwoman, Theoretical Magic, Garth Showma Institute of Magic.

Kiliron, Commander of One Hundred Orkal, Union of Arcana Army-[HHNF] CO, Charlie Company, Seventh Zydor Heavy Dragoons.

Kindare, Relatha-[HG] a serving girl from Hawkwing Palace and Ternathia who replaces Sathee Balithar as Princess Andrin's personal maid after Balithar's injury.

King Junni-[HG, HHNF] Junni Fai Yujin, King of Eniath (see also Fai Yujin, His Majesty Junni)

King Fyysel-[HG] the monarch of Shurkhal.

Kinlafia, Darcel-[HG, HHNF] the second Talented Voice assigned to the Chalgyn Consortium crew which first contacts the Arcanans.

Kinshe, Halidar-[HG] a director of the Sharonian Portal Authority and a Parliamentary Representative in the Kingdom of Shurkhal.

Kinshe-Falis, Lady Alimar-[HG] Halidar Kinshe's wife; a Talented Healer.

Klian, Commander of Five Hundred Sarr, Union of Arcana Army-[HG] CO, Fort Rycharn, universe of Mahritha.

Kolmayr, Thaminar-[HG] the father of Shaylar Nargra-Kolmayr and husband of Shalassar Kolmayr-

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