of beech and birch; fresh moss, and new-peeled bark (fodder the animal would have resented with scorn under any other conditions); but hunger has no law concerning food. Scott himself was famished; but his pipe and tobacco were a refuge whose value he knew before, and his charge was tired enough to be quiet this second night; so the man had an undisturbed sleep by his comfortable fire. It was full noon of the next day when he reached his cabin. Jean Poiton had tied his boat to its stake, and gone on without stopping to speak to Sarah; so her surprise was wonderful when she saw Scott emerge from the forest, leading a gray creature, with drooping head and shambling gait, tired and dispirited.

“Heaven’s to Betsey, Scott Peck! What hev you got theer?”

“The devil!” growled Scott.

Sary screamed.

“Do hold your jaw, gal, an’ git me su’thin’ hot to eat ‘n drink. I’m savager’n an Injin. Come, git along.” And, tying his horse to a stump, the hungry man followed Sarah into the house and helped himself out of a keg in the corner to a long, reviving draught.

“Du tell!” said Sarah, when the pork began to frizzle in the pan. “What upon airth did you buy a hoss for?” (She had discovered it was a horse.)

“Buy it! I guess not. I ain’t no such blamed fool as that comes to. That feller you nussed up here a spell back, he up an’ sent it roun’ to Bartlett’s, for a present to me.”

“Well! Did he think you was a-goin’ to set up canawl long o’ Racket?”

“I expect he calc’lated I’d go racin’,” dryly answered Scott.

“But what be ye a-goin’ to feed him with?” said Sary, laying venison steaks into the pan.

“Lord knows! I don’t. Shut up, Sary! I’m tuckered out with the beast. I’d ruther still-hunt three weeks on eend than fetch him in from Sar’nac, now I tell ye. Ain’t them did enough? I could eat a raw bear.”

Sary laughed and asked no more questions till the ravenous man had satisfied himself with the savory food; but, if she had asked them, Scott would have had no answer, for his mind was perplexed to the last degree. He fed the beast for a while on potatoes; but that was taking the bread out of his own mouth, though he supplemented it with now and then a boat-load of coarse, frost-killed grass, but the horse grew more and more gaunt and restive. His eyes glared with hunger and fury. He kicked out one side of the cowshed and snapped at Scott whenever he came near him. Want of use and food had restored him to the original savagery of his race. Hitherto Scott had never acknowledged Mrs McAlister’s gift; but Sary, who had a vague idea of good manners, caught from the picture papers and occasional dime novels the tribe of Adirondack travellers strew even in such a wilderness, kept pecking at him.

“Ta’n’t no more’n civil to say thank ye, to the least,” she said, till Scott’s temper gave way.

“Stop a-pesterin’ of me! I’ve hed too much. I ain’t a speck thankful! I’m mightily t’other thing, whatever ‘tis. Write to her yourself, if you’re a mind tu. You can make a better fist at it, anyways. Comes as nateral to women to lie as sap to run. I’ll be etarnally blessed ef I touch paper for to do it.” And he flung out of the door with a bang.

Of course Sary wrote the letter, which one balmy day electrified Harry and his mother as they sat basking in Southern sunshine:

“MIS MACALLISTUR: This is fur to say wee is reel

obliged to ye fur the HOSS.”

“Good gracious, mother! Did you send them a horse?” ejaculated Harry.

“Why, my dear, I wanted to show my sense of their kindness, and I could not offer these people money. I thought a horse would be so useful!”

“Useful! in the Adirondack woods!” And Harry burst into a fit of laughter that scarcely permitted his mother to go on; but at last she proceeded:

“But Scotty and me ain’t ackwainted So to speak with

Hoss ways; he seems kinder Hum-sick if you may say that

of a Cretur. We air etarnally gratified to You for sech

a Valewble Pressent, but if you was Wiling we shood

Like to swapp it of in spring fur a kow, ourn Being

some in years.

“yours to Command, SARY PECK.”

But long before Mrs. McAlister’s permission to “swap” the horse reached Scott Peck, the creature took his destiny into his own hands. Scott had gone away on a desperate errand, to fetch some sort of food for the poor creature, whose bones stared him in the face, and Sary went out one morning to give him her potato-peelings and some scraps of bread, when, suddenly, he jerked his head fiercely, snapped his halter in two, and wheeled round upon the frightened woman, rearing, snorting, and showing his long, yellow teeth. Sary fled at once and barred the door behind her; but neither she nor Scott ever saw their “gift horse” again. For aught I know he still roams the Adirondack forest, and maybe personates the ghostly and ghastly white deer of song and legend. Who can tell? But he was lifted off Scott Peck’s shoulders, and all Scott said by way of epitaph on the departed, when he came home to find his white steed gone, was, “Hang presents!”

“Samantha Allen” will now have “a brief opportunity for remark.”

Admire her graphic description of the excitement Josiah caused by voting, at a meeting of the “Jonesville Creation Searchers,” for his own spouse as a delegate from Jonesville to the “Sentinel.” She reports thus:

“It was a fearful time, but right where the excitement was raining most fearfully I felt a motion by the side of me, and my companion got up and stood on his feet and says, in pretty firm accents, though some sheepish:

”’I did, and there’s where I stand now; I vote for Samantha!’

“And then he sot down again. Oh, the fearful excitement and confusion that rained down again! The president got up and tried to speak; the editor of the Auger talked wildly; Shakespeare Bobbet talked to himself incoherently, but Solomon Cypher’s voice drowned ‘em all out, as he kep’ a-smitin’ his breast and a

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