PAHs (polyaromatic hydrocarbons), 156, 165, 267
PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), 125–26, 156, 159, 267
trash and garbage
Garbage Project (Great Britain), 119
Hopi Indian Reservation, 120
horse latitudes (North Pacific Subtropical Gyre), 121, 122, 123–24
landfills, 119–20
newspapers as, 119–20
tires, 130–31
Bialowieza, 10, 11, 12–13, 13–14, 247
Chinese tallow tree, 140–41, 143–44
deforestation, 42
Harvard Forest, 148–49
nonnative invaders and, 29–30
resurgence of, 27–28
Rothamsted Research, 162–65
Tsavo (Kenya)
Mzima Springs, 77
and the slave trade, 77–78
tsetse flies, 77
Waata bushman and, 77
as a wildlife refuge 78
World War I and, 77–78
Tsavo River, 77
tsetse flies, 77
Tumamoc Hill, 55, 57, 65
archeological discoveries, 106, 107, 108–9
Cappadocia, 106, 108–9, 109–10
construction standards in, 103–5
earthquakes, 102–5
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, 96
U.S. Census Bureau, 197–98
U.S. Department of Energy, 209
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 194, 258
U.S. National Academy of Sciences, 123
fallout from Chernobyl, 216
ultraviolet rays, 203–4
Ulucan, Hikmet, 98, 98–99, 99–100
Union of Concerned Scientists, 161
University of Arizona, 55
University of Virginia, 55
uranium, 201–2
natural decay, 202–3
and X-rays, 202–3
half-life, 205
uranium-238 (U-238)
half-life, 205
storage of, 206–8
surplus, 205–6
Valero, 135
Valero Energy Corporation and, 136
Varosha (Cyprus), 91–92, 92–93
abandoned hotels, 91–92, 93–95, 94
without humans, 96–97
Vaux, Calvert, 22, 30
VHEMT (Voluntary Human Extinction Movement), 241–43
Agent Orange and, 156, 183
deterioration of, 17
Volk, Tyler, 39–40, 41
von Leibig, Justus, 151–52, 153
Von Braun, Wernher, 16
Voyager spacecrafts, 248–51, 252, 254
Golden Record messages on, 249–51, 251
Waata bushman, 77
Agent Orange and Vietnam, 156, 183
Contra War (Nicaragua), 183
and ecosystems, 183
Ward, Peter, 231–32
Washington, George, 181
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) (NM), 206–8, 208–9
West Virginia
mountaintop removal, 221–23, 222
Western, David, 78–82, 82, 271
research vessel, 255–58, 259–61
(Colinvaux), 257
Wilbert Funeral Services, 238
Wildlife Conservation Society, 22