your dreams.
Just when you thought you were done with all of that talk about action, here it is again. You can’t escape it! It is the main ingredient for success, so you will continue to be nudged toward doing. The wonderful thing about action is it’s not hard. It requires a tiny bit of bravery to put one foot forward and get moving, but that’s it. You don’t have to study to get into action. You just have to do it.
Marion’s doctor told her that her diabetes was becoming worrisome, and she really needed to lose weight and change her eating habits if she wanted to live a happier and healthier life. Marion listened intently to the doctor and was willing to make a change.
She bought a library full of self-help books to help her lose weight. She read them all and studied the pros and cons of each in preparation to make a change in her life. She did so much to prepare for change that she was practically an expert on nutrition and exercise, but Marion was still fifty pounds overweight, and her blood sugar levels were out of control.
Knowledge and willingness do not mean much if they are not followed by action. Do you find yourself in an endless cycle of preparation today? It’s time to break out of it and start doing. You will learn so much more by taking action.
Your assignment is to write down three ways you can take action today, and then actually do those three things. Don’t prepare; don’t wait until you’re willing; just do them.
How do you make people feel? Have you considered that? It is so important to be a positive influence on others. You can create an entire string of success by lifting others up and applauding their accomplishments and acknowledging their talents and good deeds.
Think of how many times you have noticed something good about someone else and neglected to acknowledge it. You know how wonderful it feels when someone pays you a compliment or congratulates you on a job well done. Do the same for others and see what happens.
Find ways to bring out the best in people around you. Concentrate on someone other than yourself for awhile. This is not a contest. Thinking of someone else will not put you behind on the road to success. It does not diminish your own talents. Spend some time concentrating on how the people around you feel. How can you help them feel better? What can you do to bring them success?
Your actions create a ripple effect that influences how others feel. Consider how people feel as a result of the things you do. Do you make people feel happy and safe and loved? Do you make others feel comfortable? Or do you worry people and leave them feeling like they are on pins and needles around you? Do you have a calming influence on others, or are you more like a tornado that tears through their lives?
Your assignment today is to observe how you make others feel.
It’s hard to be perfect. Thank goodness it’s not a requirement for success. In fact, one of the unifying factors of humanity is our faults. We all have flaws, and the person who is aware of that and can laugh about it is much more likable than one who tries to appear perfect.
What are your faults? Do you know? Your assignment today is to make a list of your character defects. Be as honest as possible. You can start with the seven deadly sins as a guideline. They are lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride. Every single one of us probably touches on each of these sins at some level.
You do not need to be exhaustive in your list of faults. The object of this lesson is not to throw you into a deep depression. It is simply an exercise in awareness. It is important to be aware of your blunders so that you can work on them, but it is also important to note that we all have faults. We are all fallible. We are the same in that respect. No one is free of flaws. Everyone has some difficulty to overcome.
You can achieve success by dealing with your shortcomings and having a sense of humor about life when you fail. How boring it would be to be perfect. There would be nothing to work on! Find the humor in your faults, but never stop working to overcome them. We all gain a bit of comfort in knowing that nobody is perfect. You can help others feel better by admitting your faults and dealing with them rather than attempting to give the impression of