If you want to lower your stress level and move forward in life, you must stop worrying about the actions of others. Take personal responsibility and take action. What can you do to create change? What actions can you take to reach success?

Your assignment today is to leave other people alone. You cannot control them, and they probably don’t care about your opinion. Concentrate on what you can do to change your life, and focus on how you can be helpful to others rather than how you can boss them around.




“As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.”

 — English Saying

Jimmy was not happy with his situation. He was deep in debt, and he resented the daily calls he received from creditors. He never picked up the phone, because he was afraid of who might be hounding him for a payment. On top of that, he hated his job. It didn’t allow him to make enough money to pay all his bills. His response was to put forth a halfhearted effort and call in sick often. Jimmy was under so much stress, he had no idea how to change his life. Success didn’t even cross his mind. He was worried about survival.

How did Jimmy end up in this situation? Was it just bad luck? The truth is, Jimmy overspent, and then he hid from his responsibilities rather than facing them. If he wants to change, he has to take personal responsibility for his situation. He has to admit fault and make a change. Jimmy made his bed, and he is going to have to lie on it. His situation is the direct result of his own actions.

This is not a tragic story. Jimmy has the power to change. He can face his creditors and work out a payment solution. He can show up at work and put in an honest effort that might lead to a promotion, or he can apply for a better job with a higher salary. But if Jimmy chooses to hide and not take responsibility, his crummy situation will just get worse.

Your assignment today is to look at the bed you made. What is your present situation? What actions did you take to get where you are today? What can you change in order to improve your life?




“Refuse to be average. Let your heart soar as high as it will.”

 — A.W. Tozer

You are not average. There is no one on this earth exactly like you. You are unique, and you have special gifts to share. Are you letting your gifts out of the bag, or do you hide them from everyone—including yourself?

It is comfortable to fit in, to not stand out in a crowd, but that is not what you were made for. You were made to soar as high as you dare. You are uniquely qualified to bring your special talents out and follow your heart, but it feels risky to step away from the group. It’s frightening to fly without a safety net. You must have the courage to refuse to be average. You are throwing away your innate gifts if you fit in with everyone else.

Let your heart soar. Open up and follow your instincts for success. It is a thrilling experience to reach for new heights and test your abilities and strengths. Do you have a desire to experience that adventure?

Today try stepping away from the crowd. Journey out on your own and attempt something you have never done before. Do you have a special skill or aptitude that you have never really explored? Right now you must refuse to ignore it. Try it out! Take a class, join a club that focuses on the skill, or find a mentor who is willing to guide you. Aren’t you curious to see if it will bring you joy and success? You will never know if you don’t swallow your fear and try it.

Refuse to be average, and give your heart the opportunity to fly.




“Nobody can do it for you.”

 — Ralph Cordiner

For the last several days, we have been concentrating again on personal responsibility. We will continually come back to it, because it requires constant attention. It also carries more power than you realize. If you want to achieve success, you have the opportunity to do it right now, but you have to take charge of your destiny.

Go back to your journal today and write about success. Compose your own personal definition of the word. Then write down some specific ways that you imagine you will be able attain your goal. Review the ideas you write down today and any previous material you find in your journal about attaining success. Take a look at what ingredients will be needed to follow through. Make a list of those ingredients.

Now, review that list. Cross off anything that you have delegated to someone else. Nobody can do this for you.

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