anything . . . anything. So what’s it going to be?




“So-called inspiration is no more than an extreme example of a process which constantly goes on in the minds of all of us.”

 — Anthony Storr

Inspiration is a process. It’s not a one-time sledgehammer over-the-head kind of deal. It’s constantly going on, and it gets really intense when you make the conditions just right for it to grow.

Dana started to practice inspiration. She went to museums, wrote in her journal often, and went for jogs in the park by her home. Most importantly, she spent some time alone each day. She had three kids and a host of commitments between work and family activities, but she still spent at least fifteen minutes of quiet time each day, just to give her mind a break. Before Dana practiced inspiration, she was constantly ticking off a to-do list in her head of things she needed to do each day. She was preoccupied with the minutia of her life and never got a look at the big picture. She was often overwhelmed, and there didn’t seem to be enough hours in the day to get things done.

Finally, Dana made a commitment to practice inspiration. She took that fifteen minutes of quiet time each day, and she scheduled a date with herself at least once a week to do something that inspired her. Within weeks she noticed a change. She was no longer preoccupied with the little things. Suddenly, her mind was working overtime in other areas. Out of the blue she would get a great idea for a project at work or think of something she wanted to do to help a friend in need. Inspiration came at her from all angles and when she least expected it. Are you willing to make a similar commitment for a week?




“You are the embodiment of the information you choose to accept and act upon. To change your circumstances you need to change your thinking and subsequent actions.”

 — Adlin Sinclair

You may remember way back on Day 2 you considered the fact that you are not a victim of circumstances. Your choices landed you right where you are at this moment. Personal responsibility is not the easiest road, but it is the most rewarding. Take responsibility for your actions, and your chances for success will multiply exponentially.

You have no control over what people say or do, so you can stop worrying about trying to change others. You have absolute control over what information you choose to accept and act upon. If someone tells you that you are stupid, you can choose to accept that information, or you can choose to throw it away as useless and false. It is not the fault of the person who uttered those ridiculous words. It is your fault if you believe them.

Think about what information you accept and what information you discard today. Dig deep and ask yourself if you have bought into any statements that are blatantly false. Don’t feel bad if you have. You have the opportunity to discard those untrue statements right now and collect information that is more conducive to your success.

On the other hand, sometimes the truth hurts. If someone tells you that you are not qualified for a particular job, do they have a point? Maybe it’s time to take a class and get qualified. Remember that you are the one who gets to decide what is true and what is false. You pick the information you will act upon. What information will you choose to collect and act on today?




“Just don’t give up on trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong.”

 — Ella Fitzgerald

Are you afraid to do what you really want to do? Why? Do you think if you fail you will have nothing left? Consider this: if you don’t do what you really want to do in life, what kind of life are you living?

Ella Fitzgerald provides a wonderful message in the quote for today. The final results really don’t matter. If you do what you really want to do, if you follow your heart’s desire, then there is love and inspiration involved in your actions. When you have those two things, you can’t possibly go wrong. The process is just as important as the end result. Life is short. Do what you really want to do.

Let’s say you really want to be a singer. You’ve been listening to Ella your whole life, and you want more than anything to sing like she does. But you’re afraid. What if you find out you’re no good? That doesn’t matter. Do you love to sing? Then give it a shot. Take voice lessons, join a choir, or go to karaoke night at your local tavern. Experience what it feels like to let your pipes make a joyful noise.

You might be a horrible singer. The people at karaoke night might start throwing pretzels at you and boo you off the stage. Who cares? You did it. You did something you really wanted to do. Check it off the list and sing in the shower from now on. Maybe you’ll discover that you’re pretty good, and months later you find yourself on TV in front of millions of people on American Idol. You won’t know the answer unless you do it.


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