There is no way you could get very far into the base. If you made it to the second level, you would be spotted within fifteen feet. More than likely, you would become an inmate and never see the light of the surface world again. If you were “lucky”, you would be reprogrammed and become one of the countless spies for the Ruling Caste.
Q—According to certain reports, the Dulce Base is host to [other] aliens that live in level five. Is that true? Can the humans freely roam or meet one-to-one in the halls or is some type of protocol in effect?
A—There is protocol from the first time you enter the base and it MUST be followed every time you SEE an alien there. From the working caste, to the visiting aliens, to the Ruling Caste, there is a never-ending check list of rules, law, and strict protocol. There is never a chance to roam on the fifth level. The alien housing area is off limits to any human. The Hub is surrounded by security, arsenal, military and CIAFBI sections.
The area past the security is one of the most secured areas because it houses so many classified files. The entire east side of the fifth level is off limits except for security personnel holding ULTRA-7 [security clearance] or higher. The garage on the west side of the fifth level requires ULTRA-4 clearance.
Q—Is there proof available that could confirm the allegations of the underground base, or are we just supposed to believe you?
A—Many people have asked that one. No, I don’t expect people to believe with blind faith, there is tangible proof that has been seen, felt or inspected by quite a few folks. I’m in no position to go on a lecture circuit to explain to every person on a one-to-one basis. I am trying to stay alive.
All I can do is state again, that Dulce is a SECRET FACILITY. They work HARD to make sure nobody can find the place. If everyone could easily find it, it wouldn’t be a SECRET facility. I’ve explained the extreme security methods they use. There is other proof available.
Ebola haemorrhagic fever is caused by the Ebola virus, from the
It is these mysteries concerning Ebola’s host and source that open the door to conspiracy theorists who insist that Ebola is a man-made virus. The most prominent Ebola conspiracist is Dr Leonard Horowitz, author of
Lennie Horowitz is off track in pinning the original sin of Ebola on the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, which, these days, is a Catholic Masonic charity (which admittedly does a bit of intelligence brokering on the side). And Lennie, a former Florida dentist, goes off track quite often; his explanation for the outbreak of World War II is that the Illuminati/Rockefellers established the frequency of 440 cycles per second as the tuning frequency for the A above middle C on the chromatic scale, so causing disharmony. Nevertheless, Ebola does have the capability, as Horowitz has highlighted, of becoming an agent for biological warfare. In 1992, members of Japan’s Aum Shinrikyo sect travelled to Zaire in a seeming attempt to acquire a virus sample with a view to weaponizing it.
As to the origin of Ebola, the answer is: nobody knows for certain, although most scientists believe the disease to be a natural occurrence.
Dr Leonard Horowitz
“Are you familiar with what the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s real power is?” Kurtzweil asks. “FEMA allows the White House to suspend Constitutional government on declaration of a national emergency. Think about that!”
Beside a highway outside Atlanta, Georgia, are stacked approximately 500,000 plastic coffins. The coffins, which are in full view of anyone passing by, are owned by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). FEMA is best known for handing out hot soup and blankets after national disasters. So why does it need half a million coffins? Or six hundred prison camps?
Provision of post-disaster aid is only part of FEMA’s brief. It is also entrusted with the “Continuity of Government” in the event of a national emergency. At its simplest, “Continuity” entails hustling the President, the Cabinet and Executive to an underground base beneath Mount Weather in Virginia, and dispersing alternative constitutional leaders to safe havens around the US. But successive Executive Orders have also given FEMA police state-like powers to round up US citizens and detain them without trial if they are considered a threat to national security.
What some conspiracy theorists speculate is that FEMA (founded in 1979) is actually an arm of the New World Order, and when the NWO’s head honchos give the order for martial law and the imposition of the North American Union, dissenters will be rounded up and incarcerated in those six hundred concentration camps. The coffins are for those who die fighting the imposition of the New World Order. Your fate, according to FEMA researcher B. A. Brooks, will be determined by which colour list your name is on:
We are all on a Red or Blue list somewhere, those on the red list will be woken at 4.00 a.m. and taken to the camps and probably killed.
Red List—These people are the enemies of the NWO. They are the leaders of patriot groups, outspoken ministers, outspoken talk show hosts, community leaders, and even probably NET leaders. These people will be dragged out of their homes at 4:00 a.m. and will be taken to FEMA detention centers and killed. This will take place approximately two weeks before martial law is enforced.
Blue List—These are also enemies of the NWO, but are followers of the Red List folks. These people will be rounded up after martial law is in place, and will be taken to the detention centers and “re-educated”. Various mind-control techniques will be used on them. Most will not survive this…
Yellow List—These are citizens who know nothing about the NWO and don’t want to know. They are