about them? The ETs said, “No.” When Emenegger double-checked the authenticity of the Holloman event with USAF Colonel George Weinbrenner, the latter confirmed its truth. Off the record.

Emenegger and Sandler’s documentary was released in 1974 as UFOs: Past, Present and Future, narrated by Rod Serling.

Sceptics declare the Holloman landing(s) a hoax. Or an urban legend. Some sources suggest that new officers at Holloman were shown a training film, What If They Land?, which depicted a close encounter very much like the one described by Shartle.

Further Reading

Robert Emenegger and Alan Sandler, UFOs, Past, Present and Future, 1974


Hurricane Katrina roared across Florida into Louisiana on 29 August 2005 to cause over 1,830 deaths. New Orleans bore the brunt of the fatalities; wind speeds topped 200 kph, and the levee (dyke) system failed, leaving much of the city deep under water. With $81 billion of damage done, Katrina was the biggest natural disaster in US history.

Hold the word “natural”; according to an army of internet alternative theorists, Katrina was anything but. One of the most popular “man-made” theories for the devastation caused by Katrina posits that the Bush Government (in alliance with the New World Order, naturally) bombed the levees in New Orleans to intentionally flood the city. The main evidence for this is that residents claimed to have heard explosions before the levees breached; other sources, suggest that Bush used something rather more sophisticated than a bag of gelignite, namely a HAARP-like device. Whatever, by flooding New Orleans, Bush achieved a triple whammy:

1) He killed blacks. In the words of conspiracist “Liberal Lil” (some mistake in nomenclature surely?), Bush “wants to destroy the blacks so he can bolster his voter base”. Genocide against blacks could also “save big dollars on the Welfare money the Feds pay out”.

2) Katrina allowed Bush to increase his “autocracy”. In this scenario, Bush let chaos rule in New Orleans following the hurricane, because he then had an excuse to roll out FEMA and impose draconian policies on rioters. To quote SwearBear, a member of the Above Top Secret forums, Katrina/New Orleans was a “beta test for the police state”.

3) Yet another benefit to Bush from blowing up the levees was the resultant disruption to Louisiana’s oil business, which in turn raised the price of crude. The Bush clan, of course, have close links to oil business.

It’s a mad, mad world, my masters. Because there are just as many Katrina conspiracies that cite Bush’s main enemy, Islamic terrorists of the Osama bin Laden stripe, as Bush himself as the responsible party. Why would al-Qaeda types blow up the New Orleans dykes? Payback for the USA’s War on Terror against Afghanistan and Iraq.

Idaho TV weatherman Scott Stevens cites much older enemies of Uncle Sam as being the brains and brawn behind Katrina. Stevens maintains that Japan’s Yakuza crime mob employed a Russian-made electromagnetic generator to cause Hurricane Katrina to avenge the Hiroshima atom bomb attack.

Other sources, however, propose that Katrina was not a human conspiracy, but an act of God. Every Islamic fanatic under the sun sees the hand of Allah pushing Katrina into the Big Easy, yet fundamentalist US evangelicals have been no less quick to suggest that Katrina was divine retribution on New Orleans, Louisiana’s very own Sodom and Gomorrah. Well, it ain’t called the Big Easy for nothing. Reverend Bill Shanks of the New Covenant Fellowship of New Orleans declared that post-Katrina: “New Orleans is abortion free… Mardi Gras free… free of the witchcraft and false religion. God purged all of that and now we start over again.” Hallelujah.

Then again, there is a peculiarly Jewish take on Katrina. Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Lewin, executive director of the Rabbinic Congress for Peace, told WND, that Katrina was thrust upon the US for its support of the evacuation of Jews from the Gaza Strip: “The US should have discouraged Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon from implementing the Gaza evacuation rather than pushing for it and pressuring Israel into concessions.”

There is no credible evidence that any human agency caused Katrina or intentionally exploded the levees around N.O. The will of God is harder to divine. As for the tardiness of the US authorities in dealing with the post- Katrina mayhem in New Orleans, the stupidity and slowness of bureaucracy should never be underestimated.

Further Reading



On Boxing Day 2004, a tsunami struck the Indian Ocean coastline of South-east Asia, killing almost 230,000 people. Like Global Warming and Hurricane Katrina, the disaster was widely attributed by conspiracists to a human agency.

A popular theory in the Muslim world is that the tsunami was unleashed by an Indian nuclear experiment. The test, conducted with Israeli/American help, took place in the earthquake-susceptible “Five Belt” area in the hope and expectation that the resultant giant wave—and it was giant, at 100 feet high—would impact on the heavily populated Muslim regions of south-east Asia, where the bulk of casualties did indeed take place. Journalist Mahmoud Bakri wrote in an Egyptian nationalist weekly that the Indian tsunami “appeared to be genuine American and Israeli preparations to act together with India to test a way to liquidate humanity. In the[ir] most recent test, they began destroying entire cities over extensive areas. Although the nuclear explosions were carried out in desert lands, tens of thousands of kilometers away from populated areas, they had a direct effect on these areas.”

But “the Great Satan” never knowingly passes up an opportunity to getting his grasping Caucasian hands on oil, thus the nuclear experiment simultaneously allowed the USA to take control of the oil reserves in Aceh province, Indonesia. The first rescue reports from Aceh purportedly detailed the arrival of 2,000 marines and the contamination of local water supplies by radiation. The papers went inconveniently missing. Of course, no contemporary conspiracy featuring the USA is any good if it is HAARP-less, and sure enough it is frequently mooted in internet chat rooms that the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program is to blame for the Boxing Day tsunami. Fuelling the belief that the tsunami was a US plot was the strange case of Diego Garcia. How did this US base manage to avoid casualties while other islands in the Indian Ocean suffered huge losses?

The US Navy’s answer: the island wasn’t damaged by the tsunami because it is surrounded by deep water and the grade of its shores prevents tsunamis building. Thus, the surge hitting the island was estimated at six-feet deep.

Conspiracy theories fingering the US/India/Israel as detonators of a nuclear bomb in the Indian Ocean tsunami flounder on this: there are hundreds of independent seismographers with state-of-the art kit the globe over, and none of them detected the signature of an atomic explosion. As for HAARP, it may be malicious in intent, it might even be effective—but powerful enough to trigger a tsunami? Unlikely. One scientist compared its power to putting the coil from a domestic immersion heater into the Yukon.

The Indian Ocean tsunami raised serious questions—chiefly about the efficacy of the area’s warning systems—but whether the US and its acolytes dunnit isn’t one of them.

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