Give or take a consonant, Nostradamus has Hitler to a T.
Actually, Nostradamus prophesied that three anti-Christs would beguile the world. Post- 9/11 speculation that the French seer had predicted the destruction of the World Trade Center and identified Osama bin Laden as Lucifer number
And in Century 6, Quatrain 97:
The “Normans” are a bit inconvenient, but references to fire and terror from the sky fit with the aerial attack, argue Nostradamus’s followers, and New York city is around 40° 5’ N latitude (relatively close to “forty-five degrees”).
As with the earlier prophecies, Nostradamus purportedly hid the name of the last antichrist in an anagram. This was “Mabus”, which can be arranged as “Usamb”, a single letter off Usama. Which is quite like Osama. To put the fear of the devil into everyone, students of Nostradamus point out that the “Mabus” prophecy rounds off with global destruction courtesy of a comet crashing into Earth. Funnily enough comet Elenin
The sceptics’ argument against Nostradamus is that his writings are so voluminous—there are about a thousand four-line quatrains, many of which contain more than one prophecy—and so ambiguous that some actual events are bound to appear to align with the predictions simply through chance. Misinterpretations and mistranslations are also frequent; “Hister” might resemble “Hitler” but was actually a place near the Danube; “great new city” is a massacring of Villeneuve, outside Paris.
Henry C. Roberts,
Some people, you get the feeling, do not want Barack Obama as President of the USA.
Whispers that Obama was not a US citizen first began to circulate during his run-off with Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination. If Obama was not born on American soil he would be ineligible to be President under Article Two of the Constitution. When Obama beat Hillary for the Democratic ticket, the “birthers”—as those who doubt Obama’s credentials are called—started to roar. As many level-headed commentators noted, the closer Obama—a black—got to the White House the louder the din about his citizenship ineligibility became.
In an attempt to end the birthers’ speculations, Obama preelection released his short-form birth certificate, which clearly showed that he was born in Hawaii on 4 August 1961. Hawaii is a state of the union, and the short form is accepted by the US Department as conclusive proof of citizenship. Obama’s aides also pointed out that the child’s birth had been announced in Hawaiian newspapers the
Unpersuaded, some birthers even tried to file (unsuccessfully) lawsuits seeking to disqualify Obama from running for the presidency, and when he won anyway they tried to re-file the suits to stop him being sworn in. To no avail. Although the most stubborn birthers belonged to the baying dog wing of the American right, they had a mass, sympathetic audience; one poll taken after Obama became the forty-fourth President of the United States found that 47 per cent of Republican voters believed that Mr Obama was not born in the US. Another 22 per cent said they were unsure.
If anything, Obama’s release of his short-form certificate in 2008 led to more questions than answers. Leading birther Jerome Corsi—he of the book
I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawai’i State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai’i State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai’i and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008, over eight months ago.
Undaunted, the birthers covered hoardings around America with a poster asking: “WHERE’S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?”
Property tycoon Donald Trump upped the ante by announcing to a TV interviewer that he had doubts over Mr Obama’s account of his birth, adding that Obama’s paternal grandmother had said she witnessed his birth in Kenya (no she hadn’t) and that false birth notices could have been placed by Obama’s grandparents to secure his citizenship (no they couldn’t: the notices were sent to the newspapers by the Hawaiian health department).
In April 2011 President Obama bowed to the inevitable, and released the full-length version of his birth certificate. This confirmed the details of the short certificate released in 2008 that Barack Hussein Obama was indeed born in Hawaii.
The reaction of the birthers
Shoosh. They don’t know the half of it. According to Obama ain’t only from abroad, he’s from another universe, being a Reptilian Humanoid from a planet far, far away. Mind you, Obama once did a very good job of catching a fly in a TV studio.
When the president calls his press conference to protest that he is not actually a lizard in human form, he may wish to take the opportunity to knock on the head all the other paranoid anti-Obama conspiracies. In no particular order of unimportance, these include the theory that Obama is the love child of Malcolm X, that Obama killed his gay lover, is a covert Muslim intent on turning the Land of the Free into a theocratic dictatorship (check out the pres’s speeches backwards), is an Illuminati, is the anti-Christ, is the puppet of the New World Order…