she was wide awake.
Besides, Bonnie couldnt be here. She had never been in this place.
Logan had talked of death and graves and her mind had done the rest. No one had called her.
It was only an impulse.
She wasnt surprised to see Logan waiting for her when she entered the house an hour later.
Im tired. I dont want to talk, Logan. She walked past him and started up the stairs.
He smiled. I gathered that from your extremely rude gesture.
You shouldnt have been watching me. I dont like being spied on.
A graveyard isnt the most pleasant place for a stroll. Why there?
What does it matter?
Im curious.
Her hand tightened on the banister. Stop trying to read some significance into everything I say or do. I went there because it was night and I knew the way. I didnt want to get lost.
Thats all?
What did you expect? I was up there having a seance?
Dont bite my head off. I was just curious. I was actually hoping the walk had cleared your head and youd come to a decision about the
It didnt. She started up the stairs again. Ill talk to you in the morning.
Ill be working most of the night, if you come to any
Back off, Logan.
Whatever you say. He added, Since you obvi-ously know Im keeping an eye on you, I thought it only fair to keep you informed about my own whereabouts.
Sure you did. She slammed her bedroom door behind her and headed for the bathroom. A hot shower would get rid of this tension. Then maybe shed go back down to the lab and work on Mandy. She knew she wasnt going to sleep well tonight, and she might as well be productive.
It wasnt as if she were afraid of going to sleep and dreaming of Bonnie. Bonnie was never a threat. How could a loving dream be a danger?
And it had been pure impulse, not Bonnie calling her, that had led her to the graveyard that night.
The two bodies were lying in one sleeping bag, their arms draped around each other in a final embrace. They were naked and their eyes were wide open, staring into each others face with terror.
A long tent stake was driven through both their bodies.
Son of a bitch. Killing them was bad enough, but Gil felt there was something obscene about the way the old couple had been posed. It robbed their death of all dignity.
He looked around the campsite. No footprints. No visible evidence. Fiske had taken time to clean up.
Gil flipped open his phone and called Logan. Too late.
Both of them?
Yeah, nasty. More than nasty. Twisted. What do you want me to do?
Come back. I havent been able to contact Maren. Hes in the desert somewhere. But that may be good. If we cant reach him, I doubt Fiske will be able to. We may have a reprieve.
Dont count on it. He glanced at the two bodies. Fiske isnt going to be twiddling his thumbs.
Im not counting on anything, but theres no way I want you heading for Jordan. I may need you.
Gil went still. The skull?
I cant wait any longer. Everythings moving too fast. Come back.
Im on my way.
Very satisfactory.
Everything neat and hed even been able to add a little whimsy.
Fiske was humming softly to himself as he un-locked his car and got in. He quickly dialed Timwick. Cadros done. Im heading for Jordan on the next plane. Anything else?
Forget Maren for the moment. Go join the sur-veillance team at Barrett House.
Fiske frowned. I dont like surveillance.
Youll do this one. If Logan and the Duncan woman sneeze, I want to know about it and I want you on the spot.
I dont like jumping all over the place until I finish the job. I still have Maren to
We followed Gil Price when he left Barrett House yesterday morning. He went directly to Dora Bentzs apartment.
So? I left it clean.