I dont like things easy. She closed the door and flicked on the light. She didnt like things easy and she didnt like being coerced by men who thought they owned the world. Okay, she was overreacting. She didnt usually let anyone disturb her composure, and he hadnt done anything but invade her space.
What the hell, her space was very important to her. Let the bastard stay out there all night.
She threw open the door at eleven thirty-five.
Come in, she said curtly. I dont want you out there when my mother comes home. You might scare her. Ten minutes.
Thank you, he said quietly. I appreciate your consideration.
No sarcasm or irony in his tone, but that didnt mean it wasnt there. Its necessity. I was hoping youd give up before this.
I dont give up if I need something. But Im surprised you didnt call your friends at the police department and have them throw me out.
Youre a powerful man. You probably have con-tacts. I didnt want to put them on the spot.
I never blame the messenger. His gaze traveled around the lab. You have a lot of room here. It looks smaller from outside.
It used to be a carriage house before it was a garage. This part of town is pretty old.
Its not what I expected. He took in the rust and beige striped couch, the green plants on the windowsill, and then the framed photos of her mother and Bonnie on the bookshelf across the room. It lookshellip; warm.
I hate cold, sterile labs. Theres no reason why I cant have comfort as well as efficiency. She sat down at her desk. Talk.
Whats that? He moved toward the corner. Two video cameras?
Its necessary for superimposition.
What is Interesting. His attention had been drawn to Mandys skull. This looks like something from a voodoo movie with all those little spears stuck in it.
Im charting it to indicate the different thick-nesses of skin.
Do you have to do that before you
He came back and sat down beside the desk. Id like to hire you to identify a skull for me.
She shook her head. Im good, but the only sure ways of identification are dental records and DNA.
Both of those require subjects to match. I cant go that route until Im almost certain.
Why not?
It would cause difficulties.
Is this a child?
Its a man.
And you have no idea who he is?
I have an idea.
But youre not going to tell me?
He shook his head.
Are there any photos of him?
Yes, but I wont show them to you. I want you to start fresh and not construct the face you think is there.
Where were the bones found?
Marylandhellip; I think.
You dont know?
Not yet. He smiled. They havent actually been located yet.
Her eyes widened in surprise. Then what are you doing here?
I need you on the spot. I want you with me. Ill have to move fast when the skeleton is located.
And Im supposed to disrupt my work and go to Maryland on the chance that youll locate this skeleton?
Yes, he said calmly.
Five hundred thousand dollars for two weeks work.
As youve pointed out, your time is valuable. I understand you rent this house. You could buy it and still have a lot left over. All you have to do is give me two weeks.
How do you know I rent this house?
There are other people who arent as loyal as your friends at the police department. He studied her face. You dont like having dossiers gathered on you.
Youre damn right I dont.
I dont blame you. I wouldnt either.
But you still did it.
He repeated the word she had used with him. Necessity. I had to know who I was dealing with.
Then youve wasted your efforts. Because youre not dealing with me.
The money doesnt appeal to you?
Do you think Im nuts? Of course it appeals to me. I grew up poor as dirt. But my life doesnt revolve around money. I pick and choose my jobs these days, and I dont want yours.
Why not?
It doesnt interest me.
Because it doesnt concern a child?
There are other victims besides children.
But none as helpless. She paused. Is your man a victim?
He was silent a moment. Probably.
And youre sitting there asking me to go with you to a murder site? Whats to stop me from calling the police and telling them that John Logan is in-volved in a murder?
He smiled faintly. Because Id deny it. Id tell them I was thinking of having you examine the bones of that Nazi war criminal who was found buried in Bolivia. He let a couple of moments pass. And then Id pull every string I have to make your friends at the Atlanta P.D. look foolish or even criminal.
You said you wouldnt blame the messenger.
But that was before I realized how much it would bother you. Evidently the loyalty goes two ways. One uses whatever weapon ones given.
Yes, he would do that, she realized. Even while theyd been talking hed been watching her, weighing her every question and answer.
But Ive no desire to do that, he said. Im trying to be as honest as I can with you. I could have lied.
Omission can also be a lie, and youre telling me practically nothing. She stared directly into his eyes. I dont trust you, Mr. Logan. Do you think this is the first time someone like you has come and asked me to verify a skeleton? Last year a Mr. Damaro paid me a call. He offered me a lot of money to come to Florida and sculpt a face on a skull he just happened to have in his possession. He said a friend had sent it to him from New Guinea. It was supposed to be an anthropo-logical find. I called the Atlanta P.D. and it turned out that Mr. Damaro was really Juan Camez, a drug runner from Miami. His brother had disappeared two years ago and it was suspected hed been killed by a rival organization. The skull was sent to Camez as a warning.
Touching. I suppose drug runners have family feelings too.
I dont think thats funny. Tell that to the kids they hook on heroin.
Im not arguing. But I assure you that Ive no connection with organized crime. He grimaced. Well, Ive used a bookie now and then.
Is that supposed to disarm me?
Disarming you would obviously take a total global agreement. He stood up. My ten minutes are up and I wouldnt want to impose. Ill let you think about the offer and call you later.
Ive already thought about it. The answer is no.
Weve only just opened negotiations. If you wont think about it, I will. There has to be something I can offer you that will make the job worth your while. He stood looking at her with narrowed eyes. Something about me is rubbing you the wrong way. What is it?
Nothing. Other than the fact that you have a dead body you dont want anyone to know about.
Anyone but you. I very much want you to know about it. He shook his head. No, theres something else. Tell me what it is so I can clear it up.
Good night, Mr. Logan.
Well, if you cant call me John, at least drop the Mr. You dont want anyone to think youre properly respectful.
Good night, Logan.
Good night, Eve. He stopped at the pedestal and looked at the skull. You know, hes beginning to grow on me.
Shes a girl.
His smile faded. Sorry. It wasnt funny. I guess we all have our own way of dealing with what we be-come after death.
Yes, we do. But sometimes we have to face it be-fore we should. Mandy wasnt over twelve years old.
Mandy? You know who she was?
She hadnt meant to let that slip. What the hell, it didnt matter. No, but I usually give them names. Arent you glad now that I turned you down? You wouldnt want an eccentric like me working on your skull.
Oh, yes, I appreciate eccentrics. Half the men in my think tanks in San Jose are a little off center. He moved toward the door. By the way, that computer youre using is three years old. We have a newer ver-sion thats twice as fast. Ill send you one.
No, thank you. This one works fine.