switched the television set back on. Im afraid I was too busy to watch the news for you. You can catch up on it yourself.

Youre assuming a lot from just looking at those videotapes.

Believe me or not. I couldnt care less.

Oh, I believe that body language and facial ex-pressions can be a dead giveaway. Studying them is one of the key courses in the negotiating seminars I send all my corporate executives to. Its just that we have to be very careful about assuming anything about Lisa Chadbourne.

We have to be careful about everything con-nected with her. She headed for the front door. Im going down to the pier.

May I go with you? Logan asked.

No, I dont remember being invited when you and Gil wanted to talk.

Ouch, Gil said.

She ran down the porch steps. The beach was de-serted except for a few children playing volleyball several hundred yards from the pier. She supposed she should be worried about being recognized. CNN had probably shown a photograph of the crazy pyromaniac who had killed Logan.

Crazy. She flinched from the word. Damn Lisa Chadbourne. Shed had to use the part of Eves life that could still bring pain. She could almost see her going over the possibilities and then striking like a black widow spider at the heart of

Why was she so sure it was Lisa Chadbourne who was responsible for the attack on her? She could be wrong. It could be Timwick.

She wasnt wrong. Lisa Chadbourne would never underestimate another woman. She had too much re-spect for herself.

She sat down on the pier and looked down into the water.

Youre assuming a lot just from looking at those videotapes.

She was assuming a lot. She could be imagining the subtle nuances she thought shed caught while watching Lisa Chadbourne.

The hell she could. She had trained herself to recognize and portray expression.

And her observations were more than clinical. She had felt the same gut instinct she experienced in the last stages of sculpting.

She knew Lisa Chadbourne.


She shivered as she looked down into the water. Lisa Chadbourne and Fraser were nothing alike. So why was she thinking of them as one?

Because the fear was back a second time. It had returned the day her lab had been destroyed so vio-lently and she had thought of Fraser. Lisa Chad-bourne had been the guiding hand then, just as she was now.

Fraser had been tainted with a madness that Eve had not seen in Lisa Chadbourne, but they both pos-sessed the assurance that came with power.

The pleasure derived from power was a strong motivator. Frasers power had come from killing. Lisa Chadbournes motivation was obviously more com-plicatedhellip; and possibly even more deadly. The thirst for power on a global scale could be far more dam-aging than on a smaller personal scale.

To hell with global scale. Nothing could be more damaging than what had happened to Bonnie. The world was made up of personal stories, personal tragedies, and the brutal acts that Fraser had com-mitted were every bit as evil as the killing done by Lisa Chadbourne.

Murder was murder. They had taken a life and life was sacred. She wasnt sure that Detwil was the danger Logan saw him to be. She didnt know about politics or plots or diplomatic implications, but she knew about murder. She had lived and eaten and slept with it.

And, God, how she hated it.

Keep watching the mother, James. Lisas brow knit as she gazed at the Duncan dossier in the computer. Duncan obviously has a soft spot for her. I think we can find a way to use her.

I am watching her, Timwick said. Ive never stopped. We believe Duncan placed a call to her mother this morning. She was on a digital phone, but we had stationed a man with an amplifier outside the house. We got only snippets of the conversation, but Id bet shes trying to remove her mother from the equation.

Smart. Just exactly what Lisa would have done. Erase every weak point. That mustnt happen. Deal with it.


Christ, violence was Timwicks solution for everything. No, we may need her.

Shes being watched by Madden Security, Logans team, as well as the Atlanta P.D. It may be difficult to make a clean move.

Do your best. Send Fiske. He handled the Bar-rett House matter exceptionally well. What about the forensic anthropologist?

Were watching Crawford at Duke University.

What about the people Eve Duncan worked with?

Were working our way through the list. That takes time.

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