back fuller and more beautiful in the spring.

Jane hadn’t believed her, but she’d been willing to wait and see if— Fay.

Don’t think of her. She’s gone. There’s nothing Jane could do about her. Shut the door.

Think about Mike instead and the streets and the creeps who could hurt him. She could help Mike.

But not if she stayed here.

The two-story brick building on Delaney Street was set back and surrounded by patchy lawns and poorly kept gardens. It had been built in the twenties and looked every one of its years.

'May I ask what you’re going to do?' Mark asked politely as he parked the car on a side street.

'It’s almost midnight and I’m sure the place is locked up tight as a drum. Providing you can find her in the first place, I’d be interested to know how you’re going to get inside and then get the The Killing Game – Eve Duncan 02

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kid out without being shot by the security guard. He makes regular rounds.'

She’d be interested to know too, Eve thought. 'Do you have any idea where they’d keep her?'

'Well, they kept the boy in that court case on the upper floor. A room on the south side. First window facing the back.'

'By himself?'

Mark nodded. 'He was a special case.'

Would Jane also be a special case? She’d just have to cross her fingers and pray she’d get lucky.

'I’m going around back and see if there’s any way I can get in from there.' She got out of the car. 'You cover the other side, and if you run into the guard, distract him.'

'Piece of cake,' Mark said sarcastically. 'Why don’t you give me something hard to do? It’s not—'

'Duck.' She dove back into the car and pulled Mark down on the seat. 'Patrol car.'

The Atlanta PD car cruised slowly by the welfare house, shining its lights on the front of the building and grounds as it passed.

Eve held her breath, half expecting the car to stop. Had they been seen? The police car drove on and turned the corner.

“I think it’s safe now.' Mark raised his head. 'I suppose we should have expected welfare to request additional security.'

'We’ve got to hope the guard is still the only one on the grounds.' Eve got out of the car. 'And that the police car doesn’t come back anytime soon. Hurry.' She was already skirting the walk and crossing the grass. Don’t think. Just move fast and pray.

She arrived at the back of the building and looked up at the second floor. First window on the south side.

The room was dark and the window closed. Great.

A rusty drainpipe clung to the side of the building, but it was at least a yard from the window.

What the hell was she going— What was that?

She looked over her shoulder. A sound?

Someone standing in the shadows?

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No, there was nothing. It must have been her imagination.

She turned back to the house. First she had to find a way to get up to the second floor. Then she’d have to get inside the room without scaring Jane. The more she considered the situation, the more helpless she felt. She’d do better figuring out how to get into the ground floor and then—

The window was opening.

Eve tensed.

Jane stuck her head out and looked down at her. Could Jane tell who she was? Yes, the moonlight was bright enough for recognition. But that didn’t guarantee anything. Everyone must seem like a threat to Jane right now.

She stared at Eve for a long while. Then she touched her forefinger to her lips as if to hush her.

The gesture was conspiratorial; the two of them against the world. Eve didn’t know why she’d gotten lucky, but she’d take it. God, yes, she’d take it. Jane tossed a knotted sheet out the window. It ended twelve feet above Eve’s head. Jane started climbing down it like a monkey; how was she supposed to—

'Catch me,' Jane ordered.

'It’s not that easy. If I miss, you’ll break—'

'Don’t miss.' She let go of the sheet and fell into Eve’s arms. The child’s weight knocked them both to the ground.

'Get off me' Jane whispered.

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