Eve’s eyes widened. “And?”

“Nothing. A few were animal and the rest human. Jelak claimed that it was only a hobby, and he’d stolen the human blood from a blood bank downtown.”

“And the police didn’t pursue it?”

“It dropped between the cracks. No proof. And he was going to jail for another robbery within a few weeks anyway. They probably thought they’d have time to investigate the vials later.” He added, “During the last time he was serving time, he told his cellmate that he was the one who had killed Bonnie Duncan.”

“Yet according to his records he wasn’t a serial killer during those years. Why Bonnie?”

“He could have been lying. Bonnie’s death caused a media storm. A man who was as much in love with power as Jelak might have wanted the cachet of a kill that important. Anyway, two months after he got out of prison, he left the city.”

“No connection with Henry Kistle at that time?”

“Maybe. Criminals network and every scumbag in Atlanta probably either knows or knows of most of the others. They left the city at approximately the same time. He could have known where Kistle had gone.” He shook his head. “I don’t know.” He glanced at the clock. “Isn’t it time Jane got home?”

“She said ten. It’s not nine yet.” But talking about Jelak had prompted in her the same anxiety that Joe was feeling. Keep busy.

She got to her feet. “I’ll wash up these dishes. Then I thought I’d start the measuring on Matt.”

He nodded, his gaze on the rain pounding on the windows. “I’ll give her a little while longer. Then I’ll go after her.”

“She has that squad car following her.”

“Which is the only reason I’m not going after her right now.” He stood up. “I’m going out on the porch to call the precinct and check and see if anything new has come in on Jelak.”

“The porch? It’s still pouring outside.”

“It’s not blowing.” He headed for the door. “And the rain doesn’t bother me.”

DAMMIT, IT WASN’T WORKIN GOUT, Jelak thought in frustration.

That bastard in the cop car was trailing Jane MacGuire too close for him to get near her.

Son of a bitch. He had thought that luck was going to be on his side. He had made his plans to edge her off the road on her way home.

But then that cop car had shown up at the restaurant.

Rage was tearing through him. It was Eve Duncan who had done it. He knew it. She had wanted to protect her young charge and called on Quinn’s cop friends to do it. Damn her.

He had wanted the gift to be clean and powerful, and she was keeping him from doing it.

He tried to control himself. It could still be clean and powerful, but he had to make a few adjustments to his plan. He would take MacGuire later rather than immediately. But he could not bear to remain in the background too long. He knew himself and he must have satisfaction and a certain amount of triumph.

Otherwise the burning would be too strong and would lead him to make mistakes.

So plan. Turn this small defeat into a glorious victory.

The haze of anger was gradually ebbing away as he pulled away from the curb.

He could barely see the cop’s taillights through the rain as he slowly drove after him. The bastard was still sticking to her as close as glue.

Guard her. It won’t do you any good. I’ll get her and make everyone who gets in my way pay.

Do you hear me, Eve?

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT HERE, Joe?” Jane ran up the steps, shaking the dampness from her hair. She reached down to pat Toby, who had rolled over on his back in silent invitation. “As if I didn’t know.”

“Any trouble?”

“Not a bit.” She turned and waved at the police officer in the squad car who had just pulled into the driveway and was turning around. “Bye, Charlie.” She watched him drive away. “Except that I got wet running out to Charlie Brand’s patrol car at the restaurant and convincing him to come in and eat dinner while he was waiting for me. He’s a nice guy. We had coffee with him after Patty and I finished dinner.”

“Very cozy.”

“And he’s not married. I think he liked Patty. She doesn’t get out much to meet people these days. I thought this was a golden opportunity to have her get to know someone besides nurses and therapists. Those are the only people her grandfather will let in the house.” She grinned at Joe. “Besides, I like cops.”

“Good. Because you’re going to have one with you or behind you for the foreseeable future.”

Her smile faded. “The goblet of blood. Is it Jelak?”

“More than likely.”

“He’s after Eve?” She nodded slowly. “And you think he may use me to get to her.”

“There’s a slight possibility that I might want to make sure you’re safe as well.”

“That goes without saying. But it’s Eve that we have to worry about.” Jane frowned. “You know I’ll be careful. I’d never risk Eve. She may be your center, but she means more to me than anyone in the world.”

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