doctor was alone in the office when Jelak made his visit. We only have two bodies to deal with.” It was hard to feel lucky after seeing that kid lying on the table and white-haired Dr. Baker crumpled on the floor of his office.

He started for the door that led to the waiting room. “I’ll make some calls to the precinct while I’m waiting for forensics to finish. You don’t have to stick around. I’ll take the kid home.”

Take her home. The phrasing had been unconscious. Eve’s phrase. Perhaps it was because Nicole was so young that he identified her with Eve’s lost children. “And I’ll talk to her parents.”

“Thanks, Joe.” Schindler headed for the door. “I’m not about to refuse. This one is tough.”

And so was Schindler, but there was always a case that hit too close to the heart. He was probably identifying Nicole with his twelve-year-old daughter, Cindy. “Yeah. But you’re not off scot-free. I’ll let you do the paperwork.”

“No problem.” Schindler was already heading for the parking lot.

Joe dropped down in a waiting-room chair and wearily stretched his legs out before him.

No goblet. Nicole hadn’t been found worthy. Son of a bitch.

For some reason that omission was pissing Joe off. He almost wished that Nicole would pop out of that exam room so that he could tell her that she was worthy, and loved, and all the other good things to which a young girl had a right.

How long he’d come in such a short time. Now he was wishing for a ghostly visit? No, but it wouldn’t blow him away if it happened.

Evidently it wasn’t going to happen. Maybe Nicole was happy to move on. Good for you, kid. Maybe you could have a few words with my friend Nancy Jo.

And in return she could tell you that you shouldn’t pay any attention to that murdering bastard.

You’re damn worthy.

NICOLE SPELLING WAS PROVING worthy after all, Jelak thought as he watched the medical examiner’s van drive away from the doctor’s office. Not in the most splendid sense but still very useful.

It was what he had planned, but plans often went awry.

Not this time.

He watched Joe Quinn get in his car and drive out of the parking lot. He’d accompany Nicole to the morgue as if she were someone of importance instead of a mere trifle.

Go on, Quinn. Do your duty. Be her honor guard.

I’ll be right behind you.

NO USE HURRYING, JOE THOUGHT. He’d let the M.E. van get to the morgue and the techs ready Nicole Spelling for the final visit from her parents.

Neither Joe nor Nicole’s parents would be eager for that final confirmation.

He took his foot off the accelerator and braked to slow down.

Nothing happened.

He pressed the brake again.



No brakes?

Joe stomped on the brake again.

Nothing. Completely gone.

Okay. No reason to panic. He wasn’t driving through the hills any longer. It was pitch-dark out here in the country, but he could barely make out dirt on the far side of the road. No deep gullies or ditches. He’d wait until he came to a level stretch, then drive off the road into the dirt that bordered it.

There. Up ahead.

He eased the car off the road and bumped along the rough dirt, gradually slowing. Then he swerved and came to a stop.

He sat there for a moment, getting his breath. The situation might not have been life-threatening, but it hadn’t been pleasant.

And it shouldn’t have happened.

There had been no problem on the drive up here. He kept the cars in great shape, and there should have been no—

“Need a lift?”

He tensed. His gaze shifted to the man walking toward him in the darkness. He could see only a dark silhouette framed against the headlights of the car parked several yards away.

“I’d say you might.” Ed Norris smiled as he got close enough for Joe to identify. “Judging by that vehicular swan dive I saw you pull. It looked like your brakes are shot. You should really have them examined regularly. I could give you the name of my mechanic.”

Joe got out of the car. “Should I ask what you’re doing here, Norris?”

“I told you that I’d be the only one tailing you from now on. When I heard about Nicole Spelling, I naturally

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