society. The basic difference between us and the working classes is that we have the time and the wit to see that very little appears to be what it is. It is the very essence of style.
' 'What in particular is more than usually deceptive about this 181
wretched business? It certainly appears plain enough!' She turned to Charlotte as she said this. 'Speak, girl! I am aware that young Arthur was found in the most sordid of circumstances, and that some servant or other has been tried for the crime and, as far as I know, found to be guilty. What else is there to know?'
Emily shot Charlotte a warning glance, then abandoned hope and sat back in the Louis Quinze chair to await the worst.
Charlotte cleared her throat. 'The evidence upon which the tutor was convicted was entirely the testimony of other people, nothing material at all.'
'Indeed,' Aunt Vespasia said with a little nod. 'What could there be? Drowning someone will hardly leave tangible marks upon a bath. And presumably there was no struggle of any worth. What was this testimony, and from whom?'
'The two other boys who say Jerome tried to interfere with them also-that is Godfrey, Arthur's young brother, and Titus Swynford.'
'Oh.' Aunt Vespasia gave a little grunt. 'Knew Callantha Vanderley's mother. She was married to Benita Wayboume's uncle-Benita Vanderley, as she was then, of course. Callantha married Mortimer Swynford. Could never understand why she did that. Still, I suppose she found him agreeable enough. Never cared much for him myself-made too much of a noise about his good sense. A trifle vulgar. Good sense should never be discussed-it's like good digestion, better assumed than spoken of.' She sighed. 'Still, I suppose young men are bound to be pleased with themselves for some reason or other, and good sense is a better one in the long run than a straight nose, or a long pedigree.'
Emily smiled. 'Well, if you know Mrs. Swynford,' she said hopefully, 'perhaps we can call on her? We may learn something.'
'That would be a distinct advantage!' Aunt Vespasia answered sharply. 'I have learned precious little so far! For goodness' sake, continue, Charlotte! And come to some point or other!''
Charlotte forbore from mentioning that it was Vespasia who had interrupted her.
'Apart from the two boys,' she resumed, 'no one else in either family had anything ill to say about Jerome, except that they did not like him much-which nobody else does either.' She took a breath and hurried on before Aunt Ves-pasia could break in again. 'The other main evidence came from a woman'-she hesitated for an acceptable term that was not open to complete misunderstanding-'of loose behavior.'
'A what?' Aunt Vespasia's eyebrows shot up again.
'A-a woman of loose behavior,' Charlotte repeated rather awkwardly. She had no idea how much a lady of Aunt Vespasia's generation might know about such things.
'Do you mean a street woman?' Aunt Vespasia inquired. 'Because if you do, then for goodness' sake girl, say so! 'Loose behavior' could mean anything! I know duchesses whose conduct could well be described by such a term. What about this woman? What has she to do with it? Surely this wretched tutor did not kill the boy in jealousy over some whore?'
'Really!' Emily said under her breath, more in amazement than any moral comment.
Aunt Vespasia gave her a chilly glance.
'It is quite repellent, I agree,' she said bluntly. 'But then so is the idea of murder at all. It does not become nice merely because the motive is something like money!' She turned back to Charlotte. 'Please explain yourself a little more clearly. What has this woman to do with it? Has she a name? I am beginning to forget whom I am speaking about.'
'Abigail Winters.' There was no point whatever in trying to be delicate anymore. 'Arthur Way bourne was found by the police surgeon to have a disease. Since the tutor did not have it, he must have contracted it elsewhere.'