critical moment had led their partners in front of Madame and myself as we sat on the sofa. I saw suddenly, and at the same moment, Evelyn and Nora fall forwards and collapse in the arms of the two girls: their knees seemed to bend forward, their loins were arched in, their thighs gripped as though in a vice the thigh of their partner, and the convulsive jerks of their bottoms, plainly visible under their thin dresses, left no doubt that the sluices were opened and that the tide of love was flowing freely. They would certainly have fallen if Rose and Marie had not supported them and half carried them to a seat, where they remained for a few moments as though dead.

They soon recovered, however, and seemed a little ashamed of their weakness. I went and took them by the hand and led them to the sofa where I had been sitting.

'What has happened?' I asked smiling.

They were equally unable to find an answer, so I came to their assistance.

'Don't try to put me off with some fairy-tale,' I said gaily; 'I will explain to you what has happened.'

Rose and Marie were talking together at the end of the room and Madame had gone up to the pianist to congratulate her on the success of her playing.

'Dancing undertaken in a certain manner,' I said, 'is naturally conducive to pleasure in the sense that it excites those parts of the body which are the seat of the novel sensations which you have just experienced. You know the parts that I mean?'


'You know,' I continued, 'that these are the central parts of the body: the loins, the lower part of the belly, the thighs, the bottom, all nervous sensations are centred here. But when the dance is conducted as it was just now, when the bodies touch-still more when it is a man and a girl who are dancing together-when the belly of one is pressed against the belly of the other and when the thigh of one is inserted and rubs against the thighs of the other and the lower part of the belly, thus exciting the treasures which are hidden there. . '

'Uncle Jack!' sighed Nora, “you are driving me mad!'

'Don't interrupt, Nora,' said Evelyn with a quick and tender glance; 'go on Uncle Jack, all this is most interesting!'

'Then there takes place what has just occurred to both of you: a prolonged and infinitely delicious spasm, one which-with certain variations-is always produced when one “spends', as it is called, that is to say when one enjoys the sensation which you have just experienced. Evelyn, dear, tell me openly exactly what you felt.'

'For my part,' said Evelyn softly, 'what had the great effect on me was the rubbing. . Oh! how shall I explain it?'

'Of the thigh?'

'No. . of the belly. It seemed to me that my very being was attracted by Rose's belly: I seemed to feel it naked under my dress!. . '

There's nothing peculiar about that, darling. I have often felt that remarkable attraction myself.'

'But how can you feel, you a man, what we girls have just felt, as you are not made as we are?'

'Pleasure is all one. Men and women feel it equally and just in the same way. You have, however, one great advantage over us! Your pleasure, otherwise called your “spending', is much more prolonged than ours and does not take it out of you nearly so much.'

'Really?' I could see that this piece of information interested the two dears immensely. Evelyn continued: 'You will think me very inquisitive, Uncle Jack, but I should like to know how it was that you experienced what you were saying about. . the belly.'

'I have often experienced, it,' I said, 'and for the first time when I was only about twelve years old. My governess at that time was a strict disciplinarian and she used often to whip me. Now, she had a way of turning the punishment of a whipping into a delightful pleasure for me. When she whipped me she used to take down my trousers and turn up my shirt and then used to place me across her knees from which she had removed her skirt and petticoat. Thus my bare belly seemed to be pressed against hers and caused me such pleasure as quite to outweigh the smarting of the birch; and I enjoyed this all the more because a whipping in itself has peculiarly erotic effects.'

'Erotic?' said Nora.

“Yes, darling, erotic means having relation to sensual love.'

'Really? And so a whipping raises a sensation of love! Oh, how funny! I should never have believed such a thing if you hadn't told us!'

'But it's true all the same, you dears, and you will be able to test it for yourselves before long.

and I can assure you that you will be surprised at the results.'

Meanwhile Evelyn was making a curious little grimace which I noticed.

'What is it, Evelyn?' I asked softly.

She blushed deeply and murmured: 'I should. . I should like. . '

'And so should I,' said Nora naively.

I was amused at their embarrassment and insisted, “You would like what? Come, out with it!'

'I should like to go for a moment to. . to a bedroom.'

'Oh!' said I, 'I know what's the matter!'

'Uncle Jack! Please!'

'There's nothing to blush about in that. I'll bet that, as they say in French, you've donepipi. . “ The two little darlings hid their blushes in their hands.

'Of course that's it,' I continued. 'Well, my dears, don't be alarmed. You require certain ablutions, no doubt, but you have not done pipi. What has happened to you is what always happens when one enjoys the supreme pleasure: there has been what is called an emission of love-juice. In the man, this juice, shot out by the devil into the hell of a woman, is the liquid of life, the liquid in which reside the elements of a baby. Now, go with Rose and Marie and they will conduct you to a place where you will find everything which you require.'

At a sign from Madame, to whom I had hinted the requirements of my little friends, Rose and Marie came up and led them from the room.

Blanche had already retired and I was left alone with the good lady of the house. I took advantage of this to thank her for the complete success of the first part of the programme.

The second part will be much more pleasant for you,' she assured me. 'Everything is ready and Rose has received all necessary instructions.'

CHAPTER FIVE: The Whipping-Room

When my two charming 'nieces' and Rose returned, Madame conducted us to the whipping-room. It was a large room hung with dark yellow velvet Ladders of varnished wood, the bars of which were here and there provided with straps, a wooden horse covered with soft leather, a cupboard containing every kind of instrument of flagellation, a long wide sofa and a narrow oak bench, both of them furnished with straps, and finally the whipping- chair formed the furniture of this comfortable apartment from which no cries or appeals could escape.

Not that it was a room of torture, far from that, but, as I explained to the girls later, there are certain refined voluptuaries who never feel the supreme pleasure so keenly as when they have been severely scourged by a female hand.

We must of course admit that there are tastes of all kinds.

As soon as we had entered the room, Madame left us to the tender care of Rose who alone had accompanied us.

My little friend invited us to be seated and then said, 'I must tell you, young ladies and monsieur, that it is a rule of the house that no visitor may enter the whipping-room without receiving a whipping. It is a tribute which must be paid! With which of you shall I begin?'

Evelyn and Nora, crimson with confusion, declared that they would be much too much ashamed to be whipped before me.

At this Rose laughed heartily.

'Really?' said she. 'Perhaps you are afraid that your uncle would be shocked at the sight of your charms?. . If that is so, you may banish all fear. Monsieur is no novice, I can assure you. He has seen many a whipped bottom.

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