“I have finished spanking you, Lucille,” he said with a last blow that drew a tearful cry from me, and then began to feel my bottom with the hand that had so cruelly stung my poor behind, while keeping me pinned down with his other hand. “That is, the first part of your punishment, which was to be with the hand, is over. Now you may have a choice for the first time, my dear, as a test of your docility: either you may accept the second half of your punishment immediately or wait for an hour. But in that case it will be with a switch instead of with the hairbrush I planned to use on your naughty bottom right now. Which is it to be?”

“Oh, Master, Master, you're not going to spank me anymore tonight, surely? Oh, but you've spanked me so awfully hard already, I couldn't stand anymore. Oh, please, Master, I promise faithfully not to make you angry again by talking to the servants or being sorry for them if you spank them. Only let me off this once. Oh, please, Master? You spanked me so hard, I know I couldn't stand anymore tonight.” I was crying now and restlessly rubbing one calf and ankle over the other because my poor bottom was burning me terribly, and the idea of being whipped some more with either the hairbrush or the switch seemed dreadful to me. I turned my tear-stained face back up to look at him and appeal to him.

His eyes were glowing and his face flushed as he stared back at me deliberately and replied, “I will let you off on one condition only. Do you want to know what it is, Lucille?”

“Oh yes, yes, Master. Please tell me. Oh do let me off without any more spanking,” I sobbed.

“I am going to Selena's room to talk to her and quiet her down after her whipping, Lucille. When I come back in about an hour, if you will come to my bedroom in your nightdress and nothing else, bring me the hairbrush on your knees, and ask me to pardon you by giving you just a dozen hard spanks with it on the bare backside, and after that to poke you, and ask me humbly and sweetly, I will remit the rest of the punishment I had intended to give you. Do you agree?”

I was nearly dying of humiliation, lying with my stinging, burning, reddened, naked bottom upturned and squirming over his lap while he held me down with one arm and stroked and felt my behind with the other hand, hearing him discuss the shockingly intimate terms on which he would relent in whipping me in such casual fashion. But the idea of submitting to a prolonged spanking for as many blows-I had no doubt now it would be that-with either the hairbrush or the switch, either right away to get it over with or to have to wait a terrible hour of suspense for him to come back and finish me off, put me in such a state of terror that I was ready to agree to anything else that would spare my poor bottom more suffering. So, with a sobbing groan, I stammered faintly, “Y-yes M-Master… I–I agree.”

“That's fine, my dear. I told you I had hoped some day you would be perfect. Now get up and take a shower and then lie down and wait for an hour by the clock. Then you will come to my bedroom in your nightdress and with the hairbrush and kneel down and tell me what I've just told you to say. You understand?”

“Y-yes M-Master. I–I will. P-please,” I sobbed, as I got up painfully, wincing at the furious waves of heat that seared my poor bottom and stood before him in my shameful nakedness of shoes and stockings and nothing more, my face swollen with tears. He looked me over greedily, then got up and nodded curtly.

“An hour, no more, no less, my dear. Otherwise, I shall be obliged to withdraw my generous alternative, and you'll go back over my knees for the full dose your naughty backside really deserves.” And with that he left me.

I burst into hysterical tears as a result of the nervous reaction and the pain and shame, and at last composed myself enough to take a warm shower and brush my teeth and get ready for bed. I put on my black nightdress and turned red to my throat to remember how I had worn it that other terrible night when he had strapped and whipped me… and… and… done the disgusting, cruel act that still made me shudder and feel nausea and repugnance for him and for myself too for being party to it. Then I got into bed, setting the alarm clock beside it, and tried to compose my distracted nerves. I began to wonder why he had gone to see Selena, and then I guessed with a sensation of utter horror and disgust that he had probably forced the poor girl to make love to him and that was why he had been so excited while just spanking me with his hand and wanting me to put my own sentence off for an hour.

And he would come to me from her and want me… to… to… give myself to him… after that… Oh, if my parents had only known what sort of a creature he was, perhaps they'd never have sold me into this shameful, humiliating, cruel bondage…



Though I was frightened and overtaxed from the emotions and sufferings of watching poor Selena being thrashed and then myself being spanked, and the shameful interrogation he had conducted with me across his lap, I didn't dare to doze off, as I might have overslept. I could only lie in bed shivering and thinking, as the clock's minute hand drew nearer and nearer the fateful hour, just what humiliating and degrading ordeal I was going to submit to voluntarily in my cowardice-for that was what it was-the cowardice of my inflamed smarting flesh. I put a pillow under my bottom to ease the smart of that spanking, and I tried not to cry as, with sinking heart, I noticed the minute hand creep closer and closer to the fatal hour. About ten minutes before the time was up, I heard a noise in the room adjoining mine, and I knew then that he had come back from Selena, and would be waiting for me. I tried to reason with myself, that, after all, just a dozen more smacks of the hairbrush and my spanking would be over. No, that wasn't so terrible. But the thought of having to beg him to… to do the other things to me… when I feared him so and was so mortified in his presence to be naked and his slave girl… that was what agonized me terribly. But I couldn't run away… I was in bondage, and there was no escape. If I could only win his affection so he would treat me like an equal… I was attractive. He found me so and told me, and a kind man would have won my love. For I was so alone now and helpless that had Mr. Raleigh treated me gently, I could easily have come to be fond of him. He was handsome certainly and not physically repugnant to me other than… the things he made me do and did to me. It was a minute to the hour specified when I walked to the door separating our rooms, my hairbrush in my hand, biting my lips and trying to keep the tears out of my eyes, opened the door and walked into his bedroom after closing the door behind me. He was sitting on a large footstool, clad in a dressing gown and sandals, smoking a cigarette and glancing at his wrist-watch. I saw that he wasn't wearing anything under the dressing gown, and I blushed furiously and bowed my head as I started to him. When I got to where he was, I went down on my knees and, not looking at him for I was much too ashamed, stammered tremulously, “M-Master, please for-forgive me for being naughty I–I have brought the hairbrush so you can g-give my b-bare backside a-a dozen h-hard spanks with it… and… and then… and… and then I–I b-beg you… to… to… p-p-p-poke m-me… and… and… end my punishment…”

I fought against the tears that rushed to my eyes as I had to say that humiliating formula, but he seemed pleased, for he smiled and said, “Very well, my dear Lucille, I'm glad to see that your behavior is just as I ordered. Hand me the hairbrush.”

“Y-yes Master,” I stammered and obeyed, thinking he would take me over his lap and turn up my nightdress as before.

But instead, to my amazement and horrified modesty, he opened his robe to bare his body and said, “Again I intend to test your statement that you are willing to do anything to prove your submission, Lucille, my dear. So you will take a slightly different position for the end of your spanking. Come here on your knees, put your head between my legs, and then you will first pull your nightdress well up over your bare backside and then kiss my cock humbly while I finish off the spanking you asked for.”

I shrank back, my eyes wide with shamed astonishment at this, but he said coldly, “Perhaps I was wrong in being generous and lessening your punishment, Lucille. I think what you really want to ask for is a good sound taste of the switch on that impudent, obstinate behind of yours. Isn't that it, my dear?”

That decided me to accept the degrading position he demanded of me. I exclaimed feverishly, “Oh, no, no Master, no. Please use the hairbrush instead. I'm going to obey you, just as you asked. I swear I am.”

“Then let me see you do so at once, without further discussion, my dear,” he remarked sternly, and opened his legs wide to expose his private parts.

He was sitting forward on the edge of the footstool so that I could do… what he wanted. With a sob, my face purple with shame, I crawled forward, bowed down my head, and put my hands around his legs to hold onto the sides of the footstool. But in my haste to obey him, I of course forgot the preparation he wanted me to make, and

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