with shame and tears glistened in my eyes.

Finally, when I had modeled all the lovely things he had picked out for me-and I must say he had rare taste for a man, except that, as I have said, the panties and brassieres and dresses were much too revealing for my modesty's sake-he said to me, “Lucille dear, I think you ought to be very grateful for my bringing you home such lovely and expensive presents, especially when you've been naughty and have had to be spanked twice in my absence.”

“I–I am-am v-very grateful, Master,” I stammered, ill at ease because I was still wearing the brief white jersey panties, black hose and pumps, and nothing else.

“And I hope, then, you are ready to prove your gratitude, my dear. Especially if I let you off a spanking now, which I had originally meant to give you just so you won't forget how my punishment methods differ from the servants', eh?” he continued.

I blushed vividly, lowering my eyes, and stammered nervously, “Y-you know I–I always am obedient to you, M-Master.”

“Well, yes, though still sometimes you have your own interpretation of obedience. However, we'll let that pass, as I'm in a very good mood. Suppose, as a starter, my dear, you come here on your knees, open my fly, take out my cock, and give it a very sweet loving little kiss, just to show how you've missed me. After that, we'll see how grateful you really are.”

With a gasp of outraged modesty, I hastened to obey, my cheeks a burning red-but knowing the other set would be even more painful if I did not do exactly what he wanted at all times. It was shocking for me to have to do this to a man. Before, when he had made me kiss his… thing and put it into me… I felt I was being forced. But this act was as if I did it of my own free will to thank him for the clothes, and I was frightfully embarrassed by this. Nevertheless I conquered my feelings and tried hard not to show them as I did exactly what he told me. He made me kiss it a good many times, and then lick it all the way down to what he called his “balls” and then take the tip in my mouth and suck it noisily and “work at it gently with that pert little pink tongue of yours, Lucille.”

When he stopped me his… organ was fearfully hard and throbbing hot, as I knew from contact with it. And then he said to me, “Now get me a scissors from the drawer of my secretary and bring it to me, my dear.” Wonderingly, I did so, and then he drew out the stuff of the sheer tight brief panties in front and to my amazement and mortification cut out a wide hole… exposing… my… spot.

“These,” he said jokingly, “will be your 'poking and punishment' panties, Lucille. From now on, you will wear these any day I tell you in advance that you are to be punished. I may or may not poke that lovely tight little pussy of yours when I finish with your naughty backside. But still, if I decide to do so, you will be ready. You have no idea how deliciously tempting you are to a man wearing just that and black stockings and pumps with heels that raise you up and bring out all the play of your sweet muscles, my dear. Now then, since you've made my cock hard for your furry little nest, get down across my lap at once and fit it into your pussy, for I mean to give you a little loving spanking while I poke you, and I think you will find it different from an ordinary punishment.”

Horribly confused and embarrassed at his singular orders which had the effect of shaming me beyond anything I had known-except perhaps when he did me from behind that awful night- I took the pose required, and awkwardly managed to fit his… organ… into my… spot… till I felt it slip well up inside me. Putting his left hand on one of my naked breasts which lay in the air just beyond his knees, he began to feel my naked bosom and to spank my bottom smartly with his right hand, while telling me in a low, excited voice how naughty I was and how I needed constant discipline, instructing me to squirm and wriggle my bottom but to take care his “cock doesn't slip out of that hot little nest it likes so, Lucille…”

The spanking, though moderate enough at first, grew sterner as his excitement mounted, and soon I had no need to be told to move my hips about, as the burning sensations in my hindquarters forced me to uncontrollable maneuvers. Also, my tears and sobs stirred him furiously and suddenly, for the first time in my life, I felt that searing ejaculation of his seed deep in my vitals.

He drew me off his lap in a moment, wan and trembling with his satisfaction, then bade me go to his bathroom at once, where I would find a douchebag, and gave me shamefully embarrassing, minute details on how to use it to keep from having a baby, as my lovely bottom in the “poking and punishment” panties, as he told me, had been so exciting that he wanted for the first time, “to bury my naked cock right to the balls in that sweet pink pussy of yours, Lucille.”

Then, when I had finished, he made me dress, still in the same panties which exposed my… spot so wantonly: a white satin brassiere, black lace-trimmed slip, green silk dress, and took me driving in the car. For he was going to paint. This time I had to take off everything but my shoes and stockings and rosettes and model for him, and once more he peeled a switch and directed me with stinging cracks on my still reddened behind. I had to model for two hours, and it was bitter chilly. So I was shivering when he finished. Jokingly he said that what I needed was a bare-bottom warming which would stop my getting cold anywhere else, and so I had to hold my ankles and put my head between his legs while he touched up “your pretty plump red bottom” with about twenty smarting cracks of the thin pliant switch. Finally he allowed me to dress and we drove back for dinner.


To my great relief, he exacted nothing further of me that night, or the next, but after supper on Sunday, he ordered me to get Rosa and Selena and bring them with myself to his library.

Once inside and the door closed, he told us, to my distressed embarrassment, “I have neglected you, Rosa and Selena, while I've been away, and since only Miss Lucille was properly supervised, it's only just that you both should have a good spanking now. Though she tells me you both conducted yourselves well, still you know that I firmly hold that regular punishments keep young girls from misbehaving. And as for you, Lucille, you are going to be spanked too, just as an advance to ensure your remaining docile and obedient. So all of you will take off your dresses and slips, kneel down beside one another on that couch, holding hands to keep in position. I'll lower your panties myself… Come, be quick about obeying my orders, or you'll get more than I am going to give you.”

“Oh, M-Master,” I groaned, shamed beyond anything he had yet done to me, feeling the ignominy of my status acutely in having to accept a mortifying chastisement in the company of these two lovely servants, “Please, won't you give me mine alone? I–I promise to be very good and you can give me extra, but please don't whip me now with them.”

He stared at me coldly a moment, then retorted, “I shall give you extra all right, no fear of that, my dear. And I advise you to start undressing the way Rosa and Selena are doing now unless you wish this punishment and then another privately from me right after it, which will be rather taxing on that sensitive backside of yours.”

Cowed once again by his threat, I sobbingly began to undress. Selena and Rosa by now had removed dresses and slips and knelt down side by side on the couch, Rosa holding Selena's left hand with her right, and burying their faces on the top of the couch's back. He rose and watched me as I hastily took off my dress and slip and moved to the couch, then ordered, “Lucille will kneel between you two girls. Make room for her this instant!”

Shuddering with supreme embarrassment and dread, I knelt down between the two girls, Selena gripping my left hand with her right and Rosa taking hold of my right hand with her left hand.

“A very pretty picture of three naughty culprits waiting punishment,” said Mr. Raleigh mockingly as he approached and stood contemplating us. “An ideal subject for a painter… only I fear I am going to paint with something more painful than a brush and on a far different sort of canvas. Now keep in position, all of you, or you'll be sorry you didn't.”

With that, he came to the couch and, bending to Selena at my left, quickly and deftly lowered her panties to her knees, then went over to Rosa and did the same to her. He stepped back, with the eyes of a connoisseur to inspect us, and again praised the effect of this shameful tableau. I was wearing a pair of very thin pink silk panties with white lace at the hems and front, and he commented that he would permit me to retain them through the part of my punishment, as first of all by arguing with him I had earned a supplement, and so he would not see the condition of my naked bottom till after he had “prepared” it with a sound spanking. I hid my face from the other two victims, my hands nervously fidgeting in theirs, and I was trembling violently as I waited in desperate suspense for him to begin this shamefully immodest chastisement.

I heard him open the drawer and then return to us. Then he said, “While in town, I purchased a few

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