repugnant for me to be made to kiss the man who had just made me strip before him, then had tied me up helpless and severely whipped my bare bottom. But, fearing to anger him, I surrendered my lips to his. My lips were warm and moist from sobbing, and he must have found the added heat interesting, for he prolonged the kiss, and, while cupping my chin in one hand, passed the other over my hair. It is dark brown and I wear it in a Dutch bob, and he played with the row of bangs on each side. My eyes are brown with very long lashes and thick brows and my nose is small-Grecian, my mother told me-with a full mouth and round chin and heart-shaped face. She used, in her few moments of real affection for me, which were rare, to say that I had a lovely white skin and was a real beauty who wouldn't have any trouble finding a husband who could help around the farm-all my parents ever really cared for- with my firm round breasts and legs. But of all the charms of my body, I was, alas, most conscious of my bottom now, and I certainly wished I had not had such a fully developed seat. For that awful strap had bitten into every inch of it and, even while he was kissing me, I couldn't help squirming uncontrollably with the burning the whipping had raised there.

When he at last finished the kiss, he put his hands on my naked breasts, and when I started with a terrified gasp of intense shame, he eyed me intently and said in a stern, hoarse voice: “I fear, my dear, we shall have to demand further evidence of your gratitude. Are you ready to do exactly as you are told, or must I whip you a bit more?” And I felt his fingers tighten painfully on the panting curves of my naked breasts.

“Please don't whip me,” I begged in tears, “I'll be obedient-I'll do whatever you tell me, I swear I will, Mr. Raleigh. Only untie me and don't use that awful strap on my bottom anymore.”

“Hm,” he smiled as he straightened, hands on hips, watching me with a smile of cruelty, of enjoyment, “You really seem to be in earnest, Lucille my dear. Or are you trying to beg off more of the strap?”

“Oh, no, no, oh, please, no, Mr. Raleigh,” I sobbed desperately, “I do mean it, truly, I do. I'll obey you in anything, I swear I will, but don't whip me anymore now. Oh, I couldn't stand that strap anymore, I just couldn't. I haven't disobeyed you. You said yourself I haven't, and I won't. Oh, truly, Mr. Raleigh, just let me go now, oh, please.”

“You plead your case very charmingly, my dear. Very well, I am going to test your obedience. First”-he took the strap from my back, and I uttered a cry of terror-“you'll kiss the strap and thank me for the sound whipping I just gave you, because it's taught you how to be obedient.”

And, trembling as if I had a fever, my tears running down my cheeks to be so humiliated and so afraid, I did just what he asked, stammering out my thanks for his having whipped me so well to make me an obedient girl.

“That's fine,” he approved with a chuckle. “You see, my dear, there's nothing like a whipping even for a grown woman to turn her into a charming, obedient, and dutiful lady. Now I'll untie you… and then, as I said before, I'm going to see just how grateful you are for my having taught you this little lesson.”

With this, he at last untied my arms and legs, and, after helping me down from the chair, picked me up in his arms and carried me over to the bed, laying me down on it. I winced because it hurt my bottom so, even to lie on it. But I watched him with terror, wondering what he was going to do to me and what he meant by how grateful I was…

I did not have long to wait. Oh, my God, he had begun to take off his clothes. Then… then I knew… what he meant by being obedient to him in all things… He… he… was going to h-have me.

I shrank back, and tried to cover myself with my hands as I cried out: “Oh, my God, Mr. Raleigh, what are you going to do to me? Oh, please let me off now, please, it hurts me so from the awful whipping you gave me. Won't you be kind and let me off? I'll be good, I swear I will, but please don't hurt me any more.”

“I intend to be kind to you, my dear,” he said as he continued to undress till he was down to his shorts and socks. And I saw the enormous bulge against the fly of his shorts and I knew now only too well just what he intended to do to me. I was horrified and I had never been so ashamed, but if I struggled and resisted, he was stronger than I and it would only mean a terrible whipping… even if I ran away, I had no money, I couldn't go to my parents. I began to cry.

“If you want some more of the strap, Lucille, just keep that up,” he warned me as he came toward the bed, looking greedily at me.

I had my hand over my spot in front and the other arm clutched over my bare breasts, because all of a sudden I was so horribly embarrassed to be naked before him, much more even than when he had whipped me… “But, oh, for God's sake, please don't do that… t-to me, Mr. Raleigh,” I sobbed pleadingly, “I'm a good girl, I never did a wicked thing like that before… You… you haven't any right to… to… try to f-force me…”

He caught one of my wrists and held it cruelly as he said, “Listen to me, you silly child. I have every right over you, because you're not of age and your parents turned you over to me. Now, if you're sensible and obey me, you won't need to worry about your future. If you run away, you haven't any training to earn your living, and you'd wind up as a girl in a house for every man to have you. But I don't intend to discuss it with you any further. A moment ago, you swore you'd obey me-if this is your idea of obedience, I am going to call the servants and have them tie you up while I use, not a strap but a whip on your naked bottom. Do you prefer that, Lucille? And you'll be whipped every day till you're ready to obey me. As for your parents, even if you had the chance to tell them, which you won't, I can always tell them I intend to marry you, which makes it perfectly proper. Now are you going to obey me, you impertinent little girl, or shall I ring for the servants?” And he twisted my wrists till I writhed in pain, his eyes flashing and cruelly glowing. I was in terror of him.

“Oh, Mr. Raleigh, don't hurt me-oh, I'm afraid-please. Y-yes if… if… I… h-have to… I… I'll do it… only don't whip or hurt me, that's all I ask,” I sobbed in tears.

“That's better-though you still have a good deal to learn about the way a good obedient girl does what she's told. Now take your hands away and make room for me,” he said.

“Oh, won't you turn off the lights?” I gasped, turning red with shame as I saw him move to a little table beside the bed and take out a small packet, extracting a thing like a rubber thumb, while he looked at me shrinking on the bed.

“No,” he said, “You have a magnificent body, Lucille, and I'm an artist who admires the beautiful in woman. There's no reason to be ashamed of your body. It was meant to please a man, just as your bottom was made to be well whipped.”

I covered my face with my hands and burst into tears in despair and shame. Then I felt the bed sink with his weight as he got into it and lay down beside me, and I clenched my bare legs together and sobbed, “Oh, don't hurt me, please, I'm very afraid… and… and… y-you'll g-give me… a… b-baby.”

“So you are a virgin as I thought, eh, my dear? Of course you are. There'll be no baby, though, don't worry about that. I've taken precautions. Now turn over to me, put your arms around me and kiss me hard, or I'll give you a worse whipping than you just had,” he said.

His voice was hoarse and angry and excited, and I was trembling so much and my eyes were so full of tears I didn't have any strength to disobey or resist him… So… I obeyed.

My mouth was crushed down by his as I passively put my arms about him, he turning me on my side to him as he lay on his side, and at once he began to feel my naked flesh, caressing my back and shoulders, my sides, and then my breasts, which he squeezed and molded a good deal while he kissed me. He ordered me to lie closer to him so my bare legs could press his… and when I did, I felt… his… hard… thing… prodding me against my belly and legs. I uttered a little cry of shame and tried to move away, but he slipped his left arm round my shoulders and his right hand forced against my inflamed burning bottom to keep me in position while he said angrily, “Try that again, and you go back on the whipping chair, Lucille. Now open your lips when you kiss me, you lovely obstinate little piece. I'll tame you, never fear. I'll make you admit I'm your master…” Agonized with fear that was even more than the shame I felt at this indecent lying naked next to him, I obeyed, and I felt his tongue dart between my trembling moist warm lips and move around, while the hand he had on my bottom roamed about, pinching lightly, patting, and stroking. I tried to arch myself away from… the thing… that kept prodding me, but whenever he felt that, he just pressed hard against my bottom and made me move closer to him. He kept kissing and using his tongue now all the time, and he put his left arm round my neck to lock me to him so I couldn't escape, while I had to keep my left arm thrown round his shoulder and my other hand squeezed against his chest. He began to rub himself slowly against me… I felt his… hard… thing… glide over my belly and my bare thighs and then it touched… my spot… and I gasped in shame and clenched my legs together as much as I could. “Don't resist me if you know what's good for you, Lucille,” he growled, pinching my sore bottom so hard I almost screamed, and kissed me harder than ever, while he brought his right hand up to play with my bare breasts this time.

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