Captain commenced tickling her deliciously while confessing that it was.-

“The selfsame, my dearest-the youngest daughter of Lady Waterhouse-scarce sixteen, if that, and with such a delightful pair of bubbies, not to say the most inviting of bottoms. Such as she would make my cock rise every half-hour. We have thought of her already, have we not?”

Lady Bromley's hot gaze answered him. Mary was an adorable little thing. Not a fortnight had passed since she had last visited. On that occasion while her Mama was out of the room, the fond Captain had daringly groped her bottom while Belinda waggled a playful finger at him and kissed the girl's rosy lips while imploring her to say nothing of “the naughty man” to Lady Waterhouse.

Mary had agreed with a coy giggle, her fervent curves having slyly appreciated the manly caress of the Captain's palm. It was all her dear Mama's fault, in any event, Mary had decided, for during her Papa's absence, Lady Waterhouse had acceded to Mary receiving a spanking from her uncle. It was true that it was only a little one, but in the interim her Uncle Roger had fondled her bottom much more intimately than a brief session of corporal punishment normally allowed.

Wriggling upon his lap, Mary had distinctly felt the rising of his cock beneath her tummy where her skirt was drawn up. Affecting many a sob and a tear, she had then been hoisted upon his lap in different fashion so that she found her warmed-up bottom cheeks resting upon the tool which throbbed so ardently.

“One little kiss, my dear, and we shall be good friends again, shall we not?” the crafty man had insisted, whereupon Mary had found her lips quite swooningly fastened beneath his own and his hand unfastening her bodice so rapidly that her firm young orbs soon nestled in his palms.

Beginning to enjoy the experience to which the tingling in her lightly smacked bottom added an exciting ingredient, Mary responded by flinging her arms about her uncle's neck while agitating her hemispheres upon his cock.

Precisely at that moment, however, Lady Waterhouse ventured upon the scene in the study. Being a woman of cool mind but hot inner temperament, she could not help but espy what was afoot. However, in order not to disturb her sweet offspring's innocence, as she thought of it, a dismayed Mary was ordered swiftly to her room while Lavender Waterhouse dealt with her brother-in-law. She had long suspected him of such tricks, though curiously this had been the first opportunity to take measure-as it were-of his manly weapon.

It being thoroughly in evidence, she could not help but do so and in her own state of grass widowhood weakened to the blandness of his excuses to such extent that scarce three minutes passed before she herself was laid on the couch and thoroughly rogered by Roger. Both in fact enjoyed the experience so much that rather indiscreetly they decided to renew it.

Mary, waiting meanwhile in her room in some state of trepidation, could not but hear what was afoot and- venturing out as quiet as any mouse-spied the lusty cock plunging in and out between her Mama's thighs: a vision which caused her jealousy rather than excitement.

However, the scheming pair in the summerhouse knew naught of this and judged her a little angel whose thoughts and curves might be warm enough to engage as soon as possible between them. Warming to their theme, then, they commenced toying with each other more passionately while exchanging the wildest ideas of how they might enjoy the sweet girl.

Now it so happened that their apparently blissful solitude was not such, for Pamela herself had gone in search of Helen-having failed to discover her in the house-and had ventured to the summerhouse in all innocence. Approaching the door she had been about to open it when the murmur of voices had come to her. Being, as we have seen, a girl of some resource, she made her way to the back of the rustic pile where it had been built on to a smaller, original edifice. There, within a little cave of darkness, she was able to peer within through a crack in the timber and so saw and heard all that passed.

Lady Bromley's skirt was cast up to her hips and the good Captain was almost equally uncovered since his trousers had descended to his ankles, permitting his gross penis to lie openly in the fondling palm of his beloved.

Such a view-combined with the stockinged thighs and dark bush of the lady of the house-enervated Pamela considerably. It was a spectacle she thoroughly enjoyed watching, and her eyes were wide open indeed when the lusty Captain mounted his panting prey and slipped the prow of his schooner into her cove. Spreading her legs wider and drawing up her knees, Lady Bromley thus permitted Pamela a perfect view as the stiff, thick penis sank victoriously within and was gripped fondly by her rolled lovelips.

“My pet, make it last. Let us enjoy a delicious bout. Pretty little Mary will be so tight for you, will she not?”

“Tight as a drum, I'll wager, but the precious lubrications of your tongue between her thighs will first ease the passage, my love. Think you that she will struggle?”

“I think not,” panted his partner, “for she has a certain sly twinkle in her eyes, and in any event she will dare tell her Mama naught of what transpires for fear that we might deny it and brand her a troublesome thing who seeks only to make mischief.”

“My pet, my pet, what an agile mind you do have. Uncover your breasts that I may suck your luscious nipples while we fuck! And how shall we get her here again without her Mama?”

“I shall send Pamela on an errand, Henry, with some little gift for Lady Waterhouse. Meanwhile an invitation will be extended by her to bring Mary to tea with Miranda-and then, ah!”

“Exquisite witch, I trow that were you not Miranda's Mama I would have them both together!”

“Oh wicked man, would you have three of us together abed with you?” murmured Belinda who was too excited to be shocked by such an idea and who indeed was scarce shocked by anything.

The idea had already passed through the Captain's mind that both Miranda and Helen were ripe for the taking, but the delicious suction of Belinda's lovelips around his cock was already making his mind too hazy to express himself in anything but whispered obscenities to which she replied by working her tongue faster in his mouth.

And so the merry bout proceeded while Pamela once more stole away. She had heard enough to know that she was to be used-and no doubt then cast out after several months in case her tongue wagged. Should Lady Bromley decide to upbraid and dismiss her, there was nothing that dear Sir Richard would be able to do without declaring his real interest in her.

In truth, Pamela found him a handsome, sympathetic man who, despite his lecherous ways, had a kindly spirit. The humility with which he had listened to her daring little speech about lovemaking still amused her. She did not trust Captain Dancer not to inveigle himself, with Lady Bromley's tacit permission, into the beds of both daughters and-mindful as she was that Helen and Miranda would take to the sport soon enough-she had determined that their good Papa should have the first pleasure of mounting them and first lubricating both their pussies, if not their bottoms also.

Such things appeared right and proper to Pamela, who had her own ideas as to initial pleasures and to what priorities such matters must defer. Once the two girls had received their injections in the most pleasing and passionate way possible, then they would pass on with improved education into other hands, just as she had done.

While pondering firstly, however, how to turn Lady Bromley's scheme to her own advantage, Pamela reentered the house and finally chanced upon Sir Richard, who seemed not to know whether he was coming or going for his face had a haunted look. Not only that, the erection he was displaying beneath his trousers appeared quite irrepressible.

Indeed, he would have drawn her into the study had not Pamela delicately fended off his embrace. Even so, she managed to secure a good feel of his big corker in a manner that he could not fail to comprehend.

“Oh, sir, I am looking for Helen!”

“My dear, yes, but is there so much haste about it? How I have longed to feed upon your sweet lips again, to feel the enchantment of your thighs, your breasts, your bottom,” exclaimed the knight passionately whilst thrusting her hand once more against his cock which thrummed mightily.

“Has but the thought of me brought this about?” Pamela sighed, though being certain within herself that there was yet another cause for it.

“Who else, my pet? Come, let us close the door. I am in a veritable froth to get it into you again!”

“Sir, no, I beg you, for the girls may come upon us. Tonight perhaps?”

“You promise? After dinner? I shall make an excuse to attend to my papers.”

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